


翻譯資訊 翻譯模板 詞典查詢 翻譯語種 行業(yè)翻譯 成功案例 翻譯語種-歐洲語言 翻譯語種-亞洲語言 譯境特色翻譯 翻譯語種-稀有語種 網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化日志 展會動態(tài) 同傳交傳口譯風采


發(fā)表時間:2019/12/17 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3527  
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Articles of Association

目錄 Contents

第一章 總 則Chapter 1: General Principle

第二章 公司的成立Chapter 2: The Establishment of the Company

第三章 公司經(jīng)營范圍Chapter 3: Business Scope of the Company

第四章 公司注冊資本及股東的姓名(名稱)、出資方式、出資額、出資時間

Chapter 4: The Registered Capital of the Company, Names of the Shareholders, the Type, Amount and Schedule of Capital Contribution

第五章 公司的機構及其產(chǎn)生辦法、職權、議事規(guī)則

Chapter 5: The Company's Organizational Structure, its Establishment and Power,

and Procedures

第六章 公司的法定代表人Chapter 6: The Legal Representative of the Company

第七章 股權轉讓Chapter 7: Share Transfer

第八章 經(jīng)營場地Chapter 8: Operation Site

第九章 勞動管理Chapter 9: Labour Management

第十章 財務與會計Chapter 10: Financial Affairs and Accounting

第十一章 稅收和保險Chapter 11: Tax and Insurance

第十二章 知識產(chǎn)權Chapter 12: Intellectual Property

第十三章 營業(yè)期限Chapter 13: The Term of the Company

第十四章 終止、解散和清算Chapter 14: Termination, Dissolution and Liquidation

第十五章 附 則Chapter 15: Supplemental Provisions

第一章 總 則Chapter 1: General Principle

第一條 依據(jù)《中華人民共和國公司法》(以下簡稱《公司法》)及有關法律、法規(guī)的規(guī)定,由_____方共同出資,設立______公司(以下簡稱“公司”),特制定本章程。

Article 1. In accordance with the PRC Company Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Law") and other relevant laws and regulations, ____ and ____in total three (3) parties, jointly make capital contributions to establish ____ (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), and these articles of association are hereby formulated.

第二條 本章程中的各項條款與任何適用于公司的中國現(xiàn)行的法律、法規(guī)、規(guī)章、通知以及其他立法、行政或司法解釋或公告(“相關法律”)不符的,以相關法律為準。

Article 2. In the event that the terms and conditions of these articles of association conflict with any law, regulation or rule and other legislative, executive or judicial interpretation or pronouncement of the PRC currently in force and applicable to the Company (the "Applicable Laws"), the Applicable Laws shall prevail.

第二章 公司的成立Chapter 2: The Establishment of the Company

第三條 公司名稱:_______ Article 3. The name of the Company is:

第四條 住所:Article 4. The address of the Company is:

第五條 公司的組織形式為有限責任公司。公司股東的責任僅限于股東出資或許諾出資的公司注冊資本。除非經(jīng)股東明確書面同意,公司的債權人僅對公司的資產(chǎn)享有追索權,無權要求投資者就公司的債務、責任以及義務進行償還。

Article 5. The form of organization of the Company shall be a limited liability company. The liability of a shareholder of the Company shall be limited to the registered capital contributed by or committed to be contributed by such shareholder to the Company. Unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing by the shareholders, creditors of the Company shall only have recourse to the assets of the Company, and shall not seek repayment from the shareholders of any debt, liability or obligation of the Company.

第六條 按照《公司法》的規(guī)定,公司應為獨立法人。公司受所有相關法律的管轄和保護。公司的活動應該遵守相關法律。

Article 6. The Company shall be an independent legal person under the Company Law. The Company shall be subject to the jurisdiction of, and shall be protected by the Applicable Laws. The activities of the Company shall comply with the Applicable Laws.

第三章 公司經(jīng)營范圍Chapter 3: Business Scope of the Company

第七條 公司經(jīng)營范圍(以執(zhí)照核準為準):


Article 7. The business scope of the Company is (subject to approval in business license): conference planning; conference services; economic information consultation and translation service.

第八條 公司作為獨立的經(jīng)濟實體開展業(yè)務,自主經(jīng)營。

Article 8. The Company shall conduct its business as an independent economic entity and will operate autonomously.

第九條 公司擁有的權利包括但不限于:

(一) 為獲得公司的辦公地點或其他辦公場所、技術或設備簽訂租賃、土地使用權轉讓和/或土地使用權出讓協(xié)議;

(二) 為使公司有效運營,與根據(jù)相關法律或其他任何國家或地區(qū)的法律和法規(guī)設立的任何個人、實體或組織簽署任何其他合同,包括有關提供公用事業(yè)、人員、家具、電器、設備、機器和任何其他用品的合同;

Article 9. The Company shall have the power, including without limitation, to:

(1) enter into lease, land use transfer and/or grant agreements to obtain office premises or any other business premises and technology or equipment for the Company;

(2) enter into any other contracts with any person, entity or organization, whether existing under relevant laws in the PRC’s jurisdiction, or the laws of any other country or region required for the efficient operation of the Company, including contracts for the provision of utilities, labour, furniture, appliances, equipment, machinery and any other supplies;

(三) 根據(jù)公司的需要借款或提供擔保,并且按照相關法律不時提取、開具、接受、背書、簽署和簽發(fā)數(shù)額不受限制的匯票和其他可轉讓或不可轉讓的票據(jù)和債務憑證;

(3) borrow money or give guarantees for any of the purposes of the Company and, from time to time without limitation as to amount, to draw, make, accept, endorse, execute and issue bills of exchange and other negotiable or non-negotiable instruments and evidences of indebtedness in accordance with the Applicable Laws;

(四) 按照相關法律,通過對所有或部分公司財產(chǎn)進行抵押、質(zhì)押或提供其他擔保權益,為支付前述任何款項和其孳生的任何利息提供擔保;

(4) to secure the payment of any of the foregoing and of any interest thereon by granting a mortgage, pledge, or other security interest over any whole or part of the property of the Company in accordance with the Applicable Laws;

(五) 從事與前述有關的業(yè)務,并從事上述規(guī)定的任何或所有事項;

(六) 依照相關法律,取得并維持公司及其資產(chǎn)必需的所有保險;

(七) 從事其它任何在批準的公司經(jīng)營范圍內(nèi),或相關法律不時允許從事的合法行為或活動。

(5) carry on business in connection with the foregoing, and do any or all of the things set forth above;

(6) take out and maintain all necessary insurances for the Company and its assets in accordance with the Applicable Laws; and

(7) engage in any other lawful act or activity within the approved business scope of the Company or which it is, from time to time, otherwise permitted to engage in under the Applicable Laws.

第四章 公司注冊資本及股東的姓名(名稱)、出資方式、出資額、出資時間

Chapter 4: The Registered Capital of the Company, Names of the Shareholders, the Type, Amount and Schedule of Capital Contribution

第十條 公司注冊資本:Article 10. The registered capital of the Company shall be:.

第十一條 股東的姓名(名稱)、認繳及實繳的出資額、出資時間、出資方式如下:

Article 11. The personal (or corporate) names of the shareholders, subscribed and actually paid capital contribution amount, schedule for making the contribution, and the types of such contribution are as follows:

第十二條 公司成立后,應當向股東簽發(fā)出資證明書。出資證明書應當載明下列事項:

(一) 公司名稱;

(二) 公司成立日期;

(三) 公司注冊資本;

(四) 股東的姓名或者名稱、繳納的出資額和出資日期;

(五) 出資證明書的編號和核發(fā)日期。


Article 12. When the Company is formed, the investment certification should be issued to each shareholder. The investment certificate shall specify the following particulars:

(1) the name of the Company;

(2) the date of establishment of the Company;

(3) the registered capital of the Company;

(4) the name of the shareholder, the amount of his capital contribution made and the date of capital contribution; and

(5) the serial number and date of issuance of the capital contribution certificate.

The capital contribution certificate shall be affixed with the seal of the Company.

第五章 公司的機構及其產(chǎn)生辦法、職權、議事規(guī)則

Chapter 5: The Company's Organizational Structure, its Establishment and Power, and Procedures

第十三條 股東會由全體股東組成,是公司的權力機構,行使下列職權:



Article 13. The shareholders’ meeting of the Company shall be composed of all the shareholders. The shareholders' meeting shall be the organ of authority of the Company and shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) to decide on the business policies and investment plans of the Company;

(2) to elect and replace the executive director and the supervisor, and to decide on matters concerning the remuneration of the executive director and the supervisor;





(3) to review and approve reports of the executive director;

(4) to review and approve reports of the supervisor;

(5) to review and approve the Company's proposed annual financial budgets and final accounts;

(6) to review and approve the Company's profit distribution plans and plans for making up losses;





(7) to pass resolutions on the increase or reduction of the Company's registered capital;

(8) to pass resolutions on the issuance of corporate bonds;

(9) to pass resolutions on matters such as the merger, division, dissolution, liquidation or change of the corporate form of the Company; and

(10) to amend the articles of association of the Company.

第十四條 股東會的首次會議由:(1)出資最多的股東;或(2)如果各股東的出資相同,由 召集和主持。

第十五條 股東會會議由股東按照出資比例行使表決權。

Article 14. The first shareholders' meeting shall be convened by, and presided over by, (1) the shareholder who made the largest capital contribution; or (2) if all shareholders have made an equal capital contribution, then by .

Article 15. Shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at shareholders' meetings in proportion to their respective shares of capital contributions.

第十六條 股東會會議分為定期會議和臨時會議。

Article 16. Shareholders' meetings may either be regular meetings or extraordinary meetings.




If a shareholders’ meeting of any form is to be convened, all shareholders shall be notified in writing 15 calendar days before the meeting is held. Such notice shall be delivered by facsimile, telex, telegram or registered airmail to their last known addresses or contact numbers (or such other address or contact number as the shareholder may specify). The notice shall indicate the time and place and shall contain the agenda of the shareholders' meeting. Notice of any shareholders' meeting may be reduced or waived by unanimous consent of all the shareholders. Notice of a shareholders' meeting shall be deemed duly given to any shareholder who attends the meeting without protesting, before or at its commencement, of the lack of notice to that shareholder.

Regular meetings shall be convened as determined by the executive director. An extraordinary meeting shall be convened if it is proposed by shareholders representing one-tenth or more of the voting rights, or by the executive director or the supervisor.

第十七條 股東會會議由執(zhí)行董事召集和主持。

Article 17. Shareholders' meetings shall be convened and presided over by the executive director.


Where the executive director is unable to perform, or fails to perform his or her duties to convene a shareholders' meeting, the shareholders' meeting shall be convened and presided over by the supervisor. Where the supervisor fails to convene and preside over such shareholders' meeting, shareholders representing one-tenth or more of the voting rights are entitled to independently convene and preside over a shareholders' meeting. Shareholders' meetings may be attended by shareholders in person, by proxy or by telecommunications. If a shareholder is unable to participate in a shareholders' meeting in person or by telecommunications, he may issue a written proxy and entrust a representative (including another shareholder) to participate in the meeting on his behalf. The representative so entrusted shall have the same rights and powers as the shareholder, unless otherwise expressly stated in the appointment document. Such representative shall present such written proxy to the person presiding over the shareholders' meeting, in accordance with these Articles of Association, prior to the start of any such shareholders' meeting, and such proxy shall be attached to the minutes of the shareholders' meeting.

第十八條 股東會會議作出修改公司章程、增加或者減少注冊資本的決議,公司合并、分立、解散或者變更公司形式的決議,以及選舉或更換執(zhí)行董事的決議必須經(jīng)代表三分之二以上表決權的股東通過。

Article 18. Any resolution of any type of shareholders' meeting relating to the amendment of the articles of association, an increase or reduction of the registered capital of the Company, or any merger, division, dissolution or change of corporate form in relation to the Company as well as the appointment or change of the executive director requires the affirmative votes by shareholders representing two-thirds of the voting rights.

第十九條 公司將不設董事會,而設執(zhí)行董事一名,由股東會選舉產(chǎn)生。執(zhí)行董事任期三年,任期屆滿,可連選連任。

Article 19. The Company shall not have a board of directors, but shall have an executive director to be appointed by the shareholders' meeting. The term of the executive director shall be no more than 3 years. An executive director may serve consecutive terms upon expiration of his term if re-appointed.

第二十條 如果因為執(zhí)行董事退休、辭職、生病、喪失行為能力或死亡,或者股東會將其撤換而導致該職位空缺,股東會應任命一位繼任執(zhí)行董事。

Article 20. If the office of executive director is vacated by the retirement, resignation, illness, disability or death of the executive director, or by the removal of such executive director by the shareholders' meeting, then the shareholders' meeting shall appoint a successor.

第二十一條 執(zhí)行董事可以同時是公司的高級職員或雇員。執(zhí)行董事的決議應以書面形式作出,并由執(zhí)行董事簽字。

Article 21. The executive director may serve concurrently as an officer or employee of the Company. The resolutions of the executive director should be issued in writing and signed by the executive director.

第二十二條 執(zhí)行董事行使下列職權:






Article 22. The executive director shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) be responsible for convening shareholders' meetings and presenting reports to the shareholders' meeting;

(2) implement resolutions issued by the shareholders' meeting;

(3) Consider and determine the Company's business plans and investment plans;

(4) prepare annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans in relation to the Company;

(5) prepare profit distribution plans for the Company and plans for making up any losses suffered by the Company;






(6) prepare plans for increasing or reducing the Company's registered capital and for issuance of corporate bonds;

(7) formulate plans for mergers, divisions, changes of corporate form or dissolution in relation to the Company;

(8) determine the Company's internal management structure;

(9) determine the appointment or removal of the Company's general manager as well as the remuneration of the general manager, and upon the general manager's recommendation, determine the appointment or removal of deputy general manager(s), the officer in charge of finance of the Company and their remuneration;

(10) review and approve Company policies and procedures regarding management of financial accounts, execution of legal documents and other important matters;






(11) determine to enter into any joint venture with, or investment in, another legal entity or the acquisition of the equity interests in, or the assets of, another legal entity;

(12) establish the Company bank accounts and appoint the Company’s independent auditor;

(13) determine the execution of loan credit facilities or any other type of lending by the Company.

(14) conduct legal or dispute settlement proceedings to which the Company is a party; and

(15) other important matters relating to the operation and management of the Company.

第二十三條 執(zhí)行董事可以通過決議或者委托書將前述任何權力在其認為合適的范圍和期限內(nèi)委托給公司的總經(jīng)理或執(zhí)行董事認為合適的其他雇員行使。

Article 23. The executive director may, by resolution or power of attorney, delegate any of the aforementioned powers and any other powers granted to the executive director by virtue of these articles of association to the general manager or such other employee of the Company within such a scope, and for such period of time, as he sees fit.

第二十四條 公司設總經(jīng)理,由執(zhí)行董事聘任或解聘,任期三年??偨?jīng)理對執(zhí)行董事負責??偨?jīng)理行使下列職權:

Article 24. The Company shall have a general manager with a term of three years, who shall be appointed or removed by the executive director. The general manager shall be responsible to the executive director. The general manager shall exercise the following functions and powers:






(1) be in charge of the management of the Company's operational activities, and organize the implementation of the executive director's resolutions;

(2) organize the implementation of annual business plans and investment plans in relation to the Company;

(3) prepare the plan for the Company's internal management structure;

(4) prepare the basic management system for the Company;

(5) formulate specific internal rules and regulations for the Company;




(6) propose the appointment or removal of the deputy general manager(s) and the officer in charge of finance of the Company;

(7) determine the appointment and removal of Company's management personnel other than those whose appointment or removal shall be determined by the executive director; and

(8) other powers delegated by the executive director.

第二十五條 總經(jīng)理負責公司日常經(jīng)營管理,并實施執(zhí)行董事不時授權其辦理的其他所有事宜。

Article 25. The general manager shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the Company, and shall carry out all other matters pursuant to such authority as may be granted to him by the executive director from time to time.

第二十六條 如果公司的經(jīng)營活動需要,公司可指派一名財務總監(jiān)。執(zhí)行董事不得同時擔任財務總監(jiān)的職務。如果執(zhí)行董事決定指派一名財務總監(jiān),該人選應根據(jù)財務總監(jiān)與公司單獨簽訂的勞動合同中的規(guī)定受雇于公司,該勞動合同應獲得執(zhí)行董事的批準。在遵守該勞動合同的規(guī)定的前提下,執(zhí)行董事應通過執(zhí)行董事決議依據(jù)總經(jīng)理的建議對財務總監(jiān)進行獎懲和任免。在公司日常的財務管理中,財務總監(jiān)應在總經(jīng)理的監(jiān)督和領導下開展工作。

Article 26. If required by the Company's business activities, the Company may appoint a chief financial officer. The executive director shall not concurrently hold office as the chief financial officer. If the executive director decides to appoint a chief financial officer, such person shall be employed by the Company in accordance with the terms of an individual employment contract entered into between the chief financial officer and the Company and approved by the executive director. Subject to the terms thereof, the chief financial officer may be rewarded, disciplined or removed by decision of the executive director in light of the recommendations of the general manager. In managing the day-to-day financial operations of the Company, the chief financial officer shall work under the supervision and direction of the general manager.

第二十七條 如果公司業(yè)務發(fā)展需要,執(zhí)行董事可以增設其他部門或管理職位,如副總經(jīng)理,并可委派相關管理人員對這些部門負責或擔任管理人員的職位。此類部門或職位的管理人員應由執(zhí)行董事任命,或者,如果得到執(zhí)行董事的授權,由總經(jīng)理任命。

Article 27. If required by the development of the Company's business activities, the executive director may establish additional departments or management staff positions, such as the deputy general manager, and may designate the relevant officers responsible for such departments or holding such positions as management personnel. Management personnel for such departments or positions shall be appointed by the executive director, or, if so empowered by the executive director, by the general manager.

第二十八條 在沒有任命財務總監(jiān)的情況下,總經(jīng)理應負責準備公司的年度預算。在任命了財務總監(jiān)的情況下,財務總監(jiān)應當在總經(jīng)理的監(jiān)督下負責準備公司的年度預算。每個財政年度的預算應在該財政年度開始之前呈遞股東會審閱,其中應包括,但不限于:

Article 28. Where no chief financial officer is appointed, the general manager shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget of the Company. Where a chief financial officer is appointed, the chief financial officer shall prepare the annual budget under the supervision of the general manager. The budget for each fiscal year shall be submitted to the shareholders' meeting for examination prior to the preceding fiscal year and shall include information on matters including, but not limited to:







(1) the procurement of equipment and other capital expenditures of the Company;

(2) the sources and the use of funds of the Company;

(3) plans with respect to the Company's business premises;

(4) the repair, operation and maintenance of the assets and equipment of the Company; and

(5) the estimated income and expenditures of the Company for the fiscal year covered by the business plan and budget.

The shareholders’ meeting shall complete its examination and, if adopted, approval of the plan and budget by the end of the fiscal year in which they are submitted to the shareholders' meeting.

第二十九條 公司設一名監(jiān)事,由股東會選舉產(chǎn)生,監(jiān)事的任期每屆為三年,任期屆滿,可連選連任。執(zhí)行董事或高級管理人員不得兼任監(jiān)事。如果因監(jiān)事退休、辭職、生病或喪失行為能力,股東會應委派一位繼任監(jiān)事。

Article 29. The Company shall have one supervisor. The term of office of the supervisor shall be three years. The supervisor may serve consecutive terms upon expiration of his term if re-elected. The position of supervisor can not be held concurrently by the executive director or other senior management personnel of the Company. If the supervisor retires, resigns, falls ill or loses legal capacity, the successor of the supervisor shall be appointed by the shareholders' meeting.

第三十條 監(jiān)事行使下列職權:

Article 30. The supervisor of the Company shall exercise the following functions and powers:






(1) examine the Company's financial affairs;

(2) monitor the acts of the executive director and senior management personnel when carrying out their duties in relation to the Company, and make proposals to remove from their positions the executive director or senior management personnel who violate laws, administrative regulations, the articles of association of the Company or resolutions of the shareholders' meeting;

(3) require the executive director or senior management personnel to rectify their conduct when any of their actions damage the interests of the Company;

(4) propose the extraordinary shareholders' meetings, convening and presiding over shareholders' meetings when the executive director fails to perform his duty to convene and preside over shareholders' meetings as prescribed in this articles of association; and

(5) put forward proposals to shareholders' meetings.

第六章 公司的法定代表人Chapter 6: The Legal Representative of the Company

第三十一條 執(zhí)行董事為公司的法定代表人,由股東會選舉產(chǎn)生,任期三年。任期屆滿,可連選連任。

Article 31. The executive director shall serve as the legal representative of the Company elected by the shareholders for a term of three (3) years. And if re-appointed upon expiration of his term of office, an executive director may serve consecutive terms as legal representative.

第七章 股權轉讓Chapter 7: Share Transfer

第三十二條 股東可以自由地轉讓其部分或全部出資。

Article 32. The shareholders of the Company may freely transfer all or part of their equity interests.

第三十三條 股東轉讓股權,應就該股權的轉讓書面通知其他股東。

Article 33. Where a shareholder transfers its equity interests, it shall notify the other shareholders in writing of the transfer of such equity interests.

第三十四條 如果有股東死亡,其執(zhí)行人、管理人、法定代表在獲得資格的九十(90)天內(nèi)將死者全部股權轉讓其他股東認可的第三人。



Article 34. Upon the death of the shareholder, the executors, administrators, or legal representatives of the deceased shall, within 90 days after qualification as such, sell to the third party approved by other shareholders, all the shares of the equity interests in the Company, owned by the deceased at the time of his or her death.

The valuation of the shares shall be according to market value appraised by an independent appraiser if not agreed. The purchase price shall be paid as follows: 100% in cash within 30 days after the qualification of the legal representatives of the deceased shareholder.

It is the wish of the parties to these Articles that within the period specified above after the death of the shareholder; his or her family shall terminate all interest in the Company.

第八章 經(jīng)營場地Chapter 8: Operation Site

第三十五條 公司應在其注冊地址和經(jīng)執(zhí)行董事批準的其他地點開展業(yè)務,但須根據(jù)相關法律從有關政府部門獲得批準或經(jīng)有關政府部門登記。本章程任何規(guī)定不應被解釋為對公司從事任何項目的地理范圍的限制。

Article 35. The Company will conduct its business operations at its registered address and at such other locations as may be approved by the executive director, subject to obtaining the approval from, or registration with the relevant government departments in accordance with the Applicable Laws, providing that nothing in these articles of association shall be construed as limiting the geographical scope of any projects undertaken by the Company.

第三十六條 公司訂立的所有房地產(chǎn)租賃合同應與其它所需文件一起提交至相關房地產(chǎn)管理部門,按照相關法律要求進行登記。

Article 36. All contracts for the leasing of real property entered into by the Company shall be submitted with other required documents to the relevant real estate administration departments for registration, as required under the Applicable Laws.

第九章 勞動管理Chapter 9: Labour Management

第三十七條 公司員工的招聘、聘用、辭退、辭職、工資、福利和其他相關事宜,應依照相關法律以及執(zhí)行董事不時通過的內(nèi)部規(guī)章、規(guī)定和政策,由公司自主決定,不受外部的干涉。

Article 37. Matters relating to the recruitment, employment, dismissal, resignation, wages, welfare and other matters concerning the personnel of the Company shall be determined autonomously by the Company without outside interference, in accordance with the Applicable Laws and the internal rules, regulations and policies adopted by the Company and approved in writing by the executive director from time to time.

第三十八條 公司應遵守有關勞動保護和社會福利的相關法律,確保安全文明的工作環(huán)境。職員的勞動保險和社會福利繳納事宜按照相關法律執(zhí)行。

Article 38. The Company shall comply with the Applicable Laws concerning labour protection and social welfare and ensure safe and civilized operation. Labour insurance and social welfare contributions for the personnel shall be made in accordance with the Applicable Laws.

第三十九條 總經(jīng)理應根據(jù)公司業(yè)務需要確定職員的職業(yè)資格和其他資質(zhì)要求以及職員的人數(shù)。

Article 39. The general manager shall determine the professional and other qualifications and number of personnel in accordance with the operating needs of the Company.

第四十條 總經(jīng)理應就公司職員的招聘、解聘、工資、勞動保險、福利、獎勵和懲罰制定詳細的規(guī)定,并將其遞交執(zhí)行董事批準。

Article 40. The general manager shall formulate specific policies regarding the recruitment, dismissal, wages, labour insurance, welfare, rewards and penalties of personnel, and shall submit such policies to the executive director for approval.

第四十一條 公司可以依照相關法律招聘當?shù)睾屯饧殕T。有關雇傭中國職員的必要手續(xù)應根據(jù)相關法律在當?shù)赜嘘P勞動和人事部門辦理。

Article 41. The Company may recruit local and expatriate personnel in accordance with the Applicable Laws. The necessary formalities for the recruitment of PRC citizen personnel shall be handled with the labour and personnel departments in the relevant localities in accordance with the Applicable Laws.

第四十二條 公司應對所有職員采用聘用合同制。公司應根據(jù)相關法律(包括《中華人民共和國勞動法》和相關地方勞動法律、法規(guī))與每位職員個人簽署勞動合同。

Article 42. The Company shall offer employment contracts to all its personnel. The Company shall enter into individual labour contracts with each member of its personnel in accordance with the Applicable Laws, including the PRC Labour Law and relevant local labour laws and regulations.

第四十三條 公司訂立的勞動合同至少必須包括下列事項:

(一) 合同有關各方的名稱;

(二) 需履行的工作任務或職責以及通常的工作場所;

(三) 勞動合同期限(如為固定期限);

(四) 薪金、福利、勞動保險、勞動保護和勞動紀律;

(五) 勞動合同終止的條件;

(六) 勞動合同的違約責任。

Article 43. A labour contract entered into by the Company must, at a minimum, include the following items:

(1) the names of the relevant parties to it;

(2) the work tasks or duties to be carried out and the usual place of work;

(3) the duration of the labour contract (if for a fixed term);

(4) salary, welfare benefits, labour insurance, labour protection and labour discipline;

(5) conditions for termination of labour contract; and

(6) liability for breach of the labour contract.


Labour contracts must be filed at the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau or other relevant government office or offices in accordance with Applicable Laws.

第四十四條 在不影響第四十三條一般性規(guī)定范圍的前提下,公司與其職員簽訂的勞動合同的內(nèi)容應符合相關法律的規(guī)定。每份勞動合同應自簽署之日起產(chǎn)生法律效力,除非本章程另有相反的明確規(guī)定。勞動合同各方應認真履行其在合同項下的義務。如果合同各方書面同意,勞動合同的期限可以自合同期限屆滿之日起續(xù)展。

Article 44. Without prejudice to the generality of Article 43, the contents of labour contracts entered into by the Company with its personnel shall accord with the stipulations of the Applicable Laws. Each labour contract shall be legally effective from the date of signing, unless expressly stated to the contrary in these articles of associations. The parties to such labour contracts shall conscientiously perform their respective obligations thereunder. The term of a labour contract can be extended upon expiration if agreed to in writing by the parties thereto.

第四十五條 工作人員有權依照相關法律建立工會并開展工會活動。公司工會代表職員和工人的利益。工會的任務是:保護職員和工人的民主權利和實質(zhì)利益;協(xié)助公司安排并合理使用福利基金和獎金;調(diào)解勞動糾紛;為工作人員組織學習和進行活動;教育工作人員遵守勞動紀律并努力完成公司的經(jīng)濟任務。

Article 45. Working personnel shall have the right to establish a labour union and to perform union activity in accordance with the Applicable Laws. The labour union in the Company is representative of the interests of the staff and workers. The tasks of the labour union are: to protect the democratic rights and material interests of the staff and workers; to assist the Company in arranging and making rational use of welfare funds and bonuses; to conciliate in labour disputes; to organize, study and carry out activities for working personnel; and to educate working personnel to observe labour discipline and strive to fulfil the economic tasks of the Company.

第四十六條 執(zhí)行董事研究決定有關工作人員獎懲、工資制度、勞動福利、勞動保障和保險問題時,工會代表有權執(zhí)行董事會晤,執(zhí)行董事應聽取該代表的意見并取得工會合作。

Article 46. Where the executive director is considering and deciding on matters concerning working personnel such as rewards, punishments, the salary system, welfare benefits, labour protection and labour insurance, a representative from the labour union shall have the right to meet with the executive director, and the executive director shall listen to his opinions, and obtain the cooperation of the labour union.

第四十七條 公司應按照每月企業(yè)雇員實發(fā)工資總額的百分之二(2%)(或相關法律可能規(guī)定的其他數(shù)額)撥付工會經(jīng)費,由工會按照就工會經(jīng)費使用管理的相關法律使用。

Article 47. The Company shall allocate each month funds equal to two percent (2%) of the total actual wages of its employees (or such other amount as may be required under the Applicable Laws) as a fund to be used by the labour union in accordance with the Applicable Laws governing the use of such funds.

第四十八條 公司還應與外籍職員簽訂勞動合同,該勞動合同的范本(如有)應得到執(zhí)行董事的批準。

Article 48. The Company shall also enter into employment contracts with expatriate personnel, the model contracts for which (if any) shall be approved by the executive director.

第四十九條 執(zhí)行董事應參考總經(jīng)理對工作人員能力和技能的評價,參照相關法律以及公司隨時生效的其他規(guī)章制度,確定工作人員的工資,福利,和其他雇傭條件。該工資,福利,和其他雇傭條件應當在與每位工作人員簽訂的勞動合同中作出詳細規(guī)定。

Article 49. The salaries, welfare benefits and other terms of employment of working personnel shall be determined by the executive director in light of the recommendations of the general manager as to the ability and skill of such staff and workers and with reference to the Applicable Laws and other Company policies in force from time to time. Such salary, welfare benefits and other terms of employment shall also be set forth in detail in the labour contract entered into with each such working personnel.

第五十條 管理人員的薪資、社會保險、福利以及其他雇傭條件應由執(zhí)行董事決定。

Article 50. The salaries, social insurance, welfare benefits and other employment terms of the management personnel shall be decided by the executive director.

第五十一條 勞動爭議應根據(jù)相關勞動合同的相關規(guī)定及相關法律予以解決。

Article 51. Labour disputes shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the relevant labour contract and the Applicable Laws.

第十章 財務與會計Chapter 10: Financial Affairs and Accounting

第五十二條 會計制度Article 52. Accounting System

(一) 公司財務總監(jiān)(如有)應在總經(jīng)理的監(jiān)督下負責公司的財務管理。

(二) 財務總監(jiān)(如未指定,應為總經(jīng)理)應按照中國財政部制定的企業(yè)會計制度和其他補充規(guī)定以及其他相關法律制定公司會計制度和相關程序。公司采用的會計制度和相關程序應報經(jīng)執(zhí)行董事批準。會計制度和相關程序經(jīng)執(zhí)行董事批準后應報公司主管部門以及當?shù)刎斦块T和稅務機關備案。公司采用借貸記賬法和權責發(fā)生制記賬。


(四) 公司的所有會計賬簿、憑證、記錄和報表應使用中文[和英文]書寫。


(1) The chief financial officer of the Company (if any), under the supervision of the general manager, shall be responsible for the financial management of the Company.

(2) The chief financial officer (or if none appointed, the general manager) shall prepare the accounting system and procedures in accordance with the Enterprise Accounting System and supplementary stipulations promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and other relevant laws. The accounting system and procedures to be adopted by the Company shall be submitted to the executive director for approval. Once approved by the executive director, the accounting system and procedures shall be filed with the authority in charge of the Company and with the relevant local department of finance and the tax authorities for the filing. The debit and credit method, as well as the accrual basis of accounting, shall be adopted as the methods and principles for keeping accounts.

(3) The Company shall adopt Renminbi as its book-keeping base currency, but may also adopt Hong Kong Dollars United States Dollars or other foreign currencies as supplementary book-keeping currencies. Treatment of exchange gains and losses arising from exchange rate differences shall accord with the accounting treatment for foreign currency transactions announced by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC and other relevant laws.

(4) All accounting records, vouchers, books and statements of the Company shall be made and kept in Chinese and English. The originals of such accounting books, records and statements of the Company shall be kept at the Company's legal address. Matters concerning how long such accounting books, records and statements shall be kept and the method of their ultimate disposal shall be handled in accordance with the relevant rules of the Ministry of Finance of the PRC and other relevant laws.

第五十三條 審計Article 53. Auditing

(一) 公司應聘請獨立審計師對公司年度財務報告進行審核。公司的獨立審計師由執(zhí)行董事聘請和解雇。

(二) 財務總監(jiān)(如未指定,應為總經(jīng)理)應該編制并向執(zhí)行董事提交季度和年度財務報表和執(zhí)行董事要求的其他報告。前述報表應以中文[及英文]編制,相關金額應同時采用人民幣和公司采用的其他輔助記賬幣種表示。除執(zhí)行董事另有決定外,年度財務報表應包括以下報表(包括說明):

(1) The Company’s independent auditor shall be engaged by the Company as its auditor to examine and verify the annual financial report. The Company’s independent auditor shall be appointed and removed by the executive director.

(2) Quarterly and annual financial statements, and such other reports as the executive director may require to be prepared shall be prepared and submitted by the chief financial officer (or if none appointed, by the general manager) to the executive director. Such statements shall be in Chinese and English and shall reference both RMB and any other supplementary bookkeeping currency adopted by the Company. Except as otherwise determined by the executive director, the annual financial statements will include the following statements (including footnotes):

1.資產(chǎn)負債表;balance sheet;

2.損益表;profit and loss statement;

3.財務情況變動說明書; statement of changes in financial position; and

4.利潤分配建議書 profit distribution recommendations.

(三) 季度財務報表應及時提交執(zhí)行董事,以使執(zhí)行董事有足夠的時間審 議通過并送交各股東,隨后由總經(jīng)理安排報有關部門備案。年度財務報表應在后一會計年度的前三個月內(nèi)審計完畢并提交執(zhí)行董事以及各股東。年度財務報表應經(jīng)獨立審計師根據(jù)相關法律認證。總經(jīng)理應根據(jù)相關法律要求將經(jīng)認證的財務報表提交有關部門備案。

(3) The quarterly financial statements shall be presented to the executive director in sufficient time for the executive director to approve them and submit them to each shareholder. Then the general manager shall arrange the filing with the proper authorities. The annual financial statements shall be audited and presented to the executive director and each shareholder within the first three (3) months of the next succeeding financial year. The annual financial statements shall be certified by the independent auditor in accordance with the Applicable Laws. The general manager shall file the certified annual financial statements with the proper authorities as required by Applicable Laws.

第五十四條 以公司名義簽發(fā)或由公司支付的所有支票、匯票或其他付款票據(jù)、期票或其他任何債務憑證都應由執(zhí)行董事或由其通過決議確定的人簽字或背書。

Article 54. All cheques, drafts or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable by the Company, shall be signed or endorsed by the executive director and/or such person or persons as shall be determined by resolution of the executive director.

第五十五條 會計年度Article 55. Fiscal Year


The Company shall adopt the calendar year as its fiscal year, which shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31 of the same year, except that the first fiscal year of the Company shall be deemed to have commenced on the business license issuance date and shall be deemed to have ended on the immediately succeeding December 31.

第五十六條 利潤分配Article 56. Profit Distribution


Profits will be distributed in accordance with Applicable Laws and otherwise as determined by the shareholders’ meeting”.

第十一章 稅收和保險Chapter 11: Tax and Insurance

第五十七條 所得稅、關稅及其他稅收

Article 57. Income Tax, Customs Duties and Other Taxes

(一) 公司應按照相關法律計算并繳納所有該相關法律要求繳納的相關稅收。

(二) 公司的中國職員和外籍職員(如有)應按照相關法律的有關規(guī)定就其個人收入繳納稅收并報據(jù)相關法律要求向中國稅務機構申報。

(1) The Company shall account for and pay all relevant taxes required to be paid under the Applicable Laws, in accordance with such Applicable Laws.

(2) Both Chinese and expatriate personnel shall pay tax on their individual income and report to the PRC taxation authorities where required under the Applicable Laws, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Applicable Laws.

第五十八條 保險Article 58. Insurance


(1) The property, means of transportation and other insured items of the Company will be denominated in Chinese and foreign currencies, as appropriate. The types, scope and amounts of insurance coverage shall be determined by the executive director and must, in any event, include insurance cover where mandatory for engaging in a specific activity under the Applicable Laws.

第十二章 知識產(chǎn)權Chapter 12: Intellectual Property

第五十九條 任何在公司的經(jīng)營活動中產(chǎn)生的或者由公司開發(fā)的知識產(chǎn)權(除非屬于投資者所有或由投資者或其關聯(lián)公司或第三方許可給公司使用的)應由公司所有。

Article 59. Any intellectual property rights (other than those owned by or licensed by the shareholders or their affiliates or by any third party to the Company) arising in the course of Company's activities or developed by the Company shall belong to the Company.

第六十條 執(zhí)行董事應采取合理措施保護公司的知識產(chǎn)權(包括授權有關職員申請就此所需要的登記和其他形式的法律保護措施),并確保公司的雇員簽署的勞動合同中應當包括常見及合理的保密、競業(yè)禁止、保護商業(yè)秘密以及發(fā)明轉讓條款,以便在相關法律的管轄下盡量確保所有與知識產(chǎn)權相關的利益(包括職員的所有發(fā)明)”由公司保留,并成為公司的專有財產(chǎn)。

Article 60. The executive director shall take reasonable measures to safeguard the Company's intellectual property rights (including authorising relevant members of personnel to make appropriate applications for registration or other forms of legal protection where necessary for such purpose), and to ensure that the employees of the Company will enter into employment contracts which shall include customary and reasonable confidentiality, non-competition, protection of trade secrets and invention assignment provisions, so as to ensure that as far as possible under the Applicable Laws, the benefit of all relevant intellectual property rights (including all inventions by personnel) shall be reserved to, and shall be the sole property of, the Company.

第六十一條 公司應盡其最大努力確保公司制作的、包含商業(yè)秘密或其它保密信息的載于任何媒介的所有文件都以粗體文字標有“包含高度保密信息,未經(jīng)公司事先書面同意不得向任何第三方分發(fā)”或同等措詞的說明,并且公司應采取特殊措施安全保存該等文件并限制復本流通的數(shù)量。

Article 61. The Company shall, as far as possible, ensure that all documents in whatever media produced by the Company containing trade secrets or other confidential information shall bear the legend in bold type "Contains highly confidential information, do not distribute to any third party save with the prior written consent of the Company" or equivalent wording and shall, as far as possible, take special measures to securely store such documents and to limit the number of copies in circulation.

第十三章 營業(yè)期限Chapter 13: The Term of the Company

第六十二條 公司的營業(yè)期限為五十(50)年,自公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照簽發(fā)之日起計算。

Article 62. The term of the Company shall be fifty (50) years, starting from the business license issuance date.

第六十三條 公司續(xù)展營業(yè)期限,須由持有三分之二以上表決權的股東在股東會通過修改公司章程而實現(xiàn)。

Article 63. The extension of the term of the Company shall require the amendment of these articles of association which shall be approved by the affirmative votes of shareholders representing two-thirds of the voting rights in the shareholders’ meeting.

第十四章 終止、解散和清算Chapter 14: Termination, Dissolution and Liquidation

第六十四條 本章程于經(jīng)營期限屆滿日終止,除非股東會按上述規(guī)定續(xù)展。

Article 64. These articles of association shall terminate upon expiration of the term, unless extended by the shareholders' meeting pursuant to the provision above.

第六十五條 股東會有權通過決議終止和清算公司。持有公司三分之一以上表決權的股東可以在股東會上提出解散公司的建議,以供股東會考慮。

Article 65. The shareholders' meeting shall have the right to pass a resolution to terminate and liquidate the Company. Shareholders holding at least one-third of all shareholder voting rights may submit for consideration at the shareholders' meeting a resolution to dissolve the Company.

第六十六條 公司應于解散事由出現(xiàn)之日起十五日內(nèi)成立清算組,開始清算。


Article 66. The Company shall establish a liquidation committee and commence liquidation within 15 calendar days of the date of occurrence of the grounds for dissolution. The liquidation committee shall be composed of the shareholders of the Company and shall exercise the following functions and powers during liquidation:

(一) 清理公司財產(chǎn),分別編制資產(chǎn)負債表和財產(chǎn)清單;

(二) 通知、公告?zhèn)鶛嗳?

(三) 處理與清算有關的公司未了結的業(yè)務:

(四) 清繳所欠稅款以及清算過程中產(chǎn)生的稅款;

(五) 清理債權、債務;

(六) 處理公司清償債務后的剩余財產(chǎn);

(七) 代表公司參與民事訴訟活動。

(1) to thoroughly examine the property of the Company and prepare a balance sheet and a schedule of property, respectively;

(2) to notify creditors by notice or announcement;

(3) to dispose of and liquidate relevant unfinished business of the Company;

(4) to pay all outstanding taxes in full as well as taxes arising in the course of liquidation;

(5) to clear the claims and debts;

(6) to dispose of the property remained after full payment of the Company's debts; and

(7) to participate in civil litigation activities on behalf of the Company.

第六十七條 清算組在清算時應根據(jù)相關法律的要求通知債權人,作出公告以及進行清算程序。

Article 67. The liquidation committee shall notify creditors, make public announcement, and follow liquidation procedures as required under Applicable Laws at the time of liquidation.

第十五章 附 則Chapter 15: Supplemental Provisions

第六十八條 公司登記事項以公司登記機關核定的為準。

Article 68. The Company registration matters shall be verified and approved by the company registration authority.

第六十九條 本章程一式六(6)份,并報公司登記機關一份。

Article 69. These articles of association shall be made in six (6) originals, and one original shall be submitted to the company registration authority.

第七十條 本章程由全體股東于_______市簽署。

Article 70. These articles of association are hereby executed in ______, China by all the shareholders.

(以下無正文)(The remainder of this page intentionally left blank)

全體股東簽章:Signature of all shareholders:

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