


翻譯資訊 翻譯模板 詞典查詢 翻譯語種 行業(yè)翻譯 成功案例 翻譯語種-歐洲語言 翻譯語種-亞洲語言 譯境特色翻譯 翻譯語種-稀有語種 網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化日志 展會動態(tài) 同傳交傳口譯風(fēng)采


發(fā)表時間:2019/12/11 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2877  
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        6.6 Implementation 6.6 執(zhí)行

  In formulating and implementing the Business Plan, the Board shall explore all available business models and ways of structuring and developing the Business to maximise the economic benefits to the Parties.


  6.7 Pre-Establishment Approvals 6.7 設(shè)立批文

  Party A shall[, and Party B shall use its reasonable endeavours to assist Party A to] obtain, in a timely manner, all necessary Pre-Establishment Permits required for the establishment of the Company and any Additional Permits needed for the conduct of the Business.


  6.8 Procedures for Pre-Establishment Approvals 6.8 設(shè)立批準(zhǔn)的程序

  [Without limiting the generality of Article 6.7,] Party A shall[, and Party B shall use its reasonable endeavours to assist Party A to,] obtain the following Pre-Establishment Permits on or prior to the Business Licence Issuance Date:

  在不影響第6.7 條的普遍適用性的前提下,甲方應(yīng)[,乙方應(yīng)以合理的努力協(xié)助甲方]在營業(yè)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)日或之前取得下列設(shè)立批文,包括:

  (a) approval of the project proposal and feasibility study report for the [Phase I] Business;

  (a) 批準(zhǔn)[一期]業(yè)務(wù)的項目建議書和可行性研究報告;

  (b) approval of this Contract and the Articles; (b) 批準(zhǔn)本合同和合營公司章程;

  (c) approval of the other Ancillary Contracts (where required by Applicable Laws to be approved at the same time as the foregoing);

  (c) 批準(zhǔn)其他附屬合同(如果依照相關(guān)法律要求,應(yīng)與前述各項同時獲得批準(zhǔn));

  (d) [a State owned asset valuation by the Independent Appraiser of the non-cash assets to be contributed by way of capital contribution in kind by Party A and adjusted where and to the extent permitted by Applicable Laws as agreed by the Parties;

  (d) [由獨立評估師對甲方出資的非現(xiàn)金國有資產(chǎn)進行評估,并經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致,在相關(guān)法律允許的范圍內(nèi)對可調(diào)整之處進行調(diào)整;

  (e) SASAC's or MOF's confirmation of the record filing of such valuation of such capital contribution by Party A to the registered capital of the Company;] and

  (e) 國資委或商務(wù)部對甲方在合營公司中出資的評估報告予以備案的確認函;

  (f) the Business Licence. (f) 營業(yè)執(zhí)照。

  6.9 Ancillary Contracts and Post-Establishment Additional Permits

  6.9 附屬合同和設(shè)立后的后續(xù)批文

  Promptly following the Business License Issuance Date, the Parties shall procure the Company to enter into such of the Ancillary Contracts to which it is a Party.


  After the Business Licence Issuance Date, the Parties shall use their best endeavours to procure that the Company shall promptly apply for and obtain the Additional Permits.


  6.10 Amendments to and Additional Permits 6.10 后續(xù)批文的修改

  The Parties shall procure that the Company shall, throughout the Term, apply for and obtain all necessary amendments to the Pre-Establishment Permits set out in Article 6.8 and the Additional Permits set out in Article 6.9 as well as any new licenses, permits, approvals and registrations as may be needed for the conduct of the Business from time to time.

  在合營期限內(nèi),如果開展合營業(yè)務(wù)有需要,雙方應(yīng)促使合營公司申請并獲得所有對于第6.8條列明的設(shè)立批文和第6.9 條列明的后續(xù)批文的必要修改文本,以及其他任何執(zhí)照、許可證、批準(zhǔn)和登記。

  6.11 Maintaining Permits in Force 6.11 批文效力的維持

  The Parties shall procure that throughout the Term, the Company shall take all steps, and do all things needed to maintain in full force and effect all Permits obtained for its establishment, valid existence and conduct of the Business.


  6.12 Submission of Approval Documents 6.12 文件提交前的認可

  Each Party shall procure that all documents to be submitted to any relevant government authority in connection with the obtaining of Permits [or Additional Permits] by the Company shall be approved in writing by the other Party prior to submission.


  6.13 Correspondence relating to Approvals 6.13 與批文相關(guān)的交流

  Each Party shall procure that all correspondence between it and any relevant government authority in connection with the obtaining of Permits by the Company or the establishment and operation of the Company shall be copied to the other Party within [three (3)] Business Days after dispatch by the party or receipt from a relevant government authority (as the case may be).


  6.14 Visits to Government Authorities 6.14 訪問政府機關(guān)

  Each Party shall be entitled to participate in all formal scheduled visits to, and discussions and telephone conferences with, any relevant government authority in connection with the obtaining of Permits by the Company or the establishment and operation of the Company.


  Each Party shall provide the other Party with a written report of any informal contacts with any relevant government authority in connection with establishment and operation of the Company or the obtaining of Permits by the Company within three [3] Business Days after such contact.



  7.1 Responsibilities of Party A 7.1 甲方負責(zé)的事宜

  In addition to its other obligations under this Contract, Party A shall have the following responsibilities:


  (a) assist in obtaining the relevant Permits, and approvals and registrations required in respect of the Ancillary Documents (if any), and promptly and in any event within [three(3)] Business Days provide to Party B and (following establishment) the Company all documents received by Party A from any government department in respect of any Permits and/or any of the Ancillary Contracts or otherwise in relating to the establishment, operations or business of the Company;

  (a) 協(xié)助取得相關(guān)批文和附屬文件所需的批準(zhǔn)及登記(如有),及時(但無論如何在[三(3)]個工作日內(nèi))向乙方和合營公司(在其成立后)提供其就上述事宜從相關(guān)政府機關(guān)獲得的函件以及其他與合營公司的成立、經(jīng)營或合營業(yè)務(wù)有關(guān)的文件;

  (b) assist in obtaining amendments to, or renewals of, any of the Permits as required by the Business from time to time;

  (b) 協(xié)助合營公司取得其開展業(yè)務(wù)過程中不時需要的相關(guān)批文修改文本或更新文本;

  (c) make its contribution to the registered capital of the Company as provided in Article 5.4 hereof; (c) 按照本合同第5.4 條的規(guī)定繳付所認繳的合營公司的注冊資本:

  (d) promptly following the Business License Issuance Date, sign and perform each Ancillary Contract to which it is a party (if any) and cause each of its Affiliates to sign and perform each Ancillary Contract to which such Affiliate is a party (if any);

  (d) 在營業(yè)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)日之后,及時簽署并履行該方為當(dāng)事人一方的附屬合同(如有),并且促使其每一關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)簽署并履行該關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)為當(dāng)事人一方的附屬合同(如有);

  (e) handle other matters entrusted to it pursuant to separate written agreement entered into by the Company and Party A from time to time.

  (e) 根據(jù)另行簽署的書面協(xié)議處理合營公司不時委托的其他事宜。

  7.2 Responsibilities of Party B 7.2 乙方負責(zé)的事宜

  In addition to its other obligations under this Contract, Party B shall have the following responsibilities:


  (a) make its contribution to the registered capital of the Company as provided herein;

  (a) 按照本合同的規(guī)定繳付所認繳的合營公司的注冊資本;

  (b) promptly following the Business License Issuance Date, sign and perform each Ancillary Contract to which it is a party (if any) and cause each of its Affiliates to sign and perform each Ancillary Contract to which such Affiliate is a party (if any);

  (b) 在營業(yè)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)日之后,及時簽署并履行該方為當(dāng)事人一方的附屬合同(如有),并且促使其每一關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)簽署并履行該關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)為當(dāng)事人一方的附屬合同(如有);

  (c) handle other matters entrusted to it pursuant to separate written agreement entered into by the Company and Party B from time to time.

  (c) 根據(jù)另行簽署的書面協(xié)議處理合營公司不時委托的其他事宜。


  8.1 Formation of the Board 8.1 董事會的成立

  (a) The Board shall be formed on the Business License Issuance Date.

  (a) 董事會于合營公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)日成立。

  (b) The Board shall consist of [total number of directors] directors, [number of Party A directors] of whom shall be appointed by Party A and [number of Party B directors] of whom shall be appointed by Party B.

  (b) 董事會由[ ]名董事組成,其中[ ]名董事由甲方委派,[ ]名董事由乙方委派。

  (c) Each director shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years and may serve consecutive terms if re-appointed by the Party originally appointing him.

  (c) 每一名董事任期三(3)年,經(jīng)原委派方重新委派可以連任。

  A director shall serve and may be removed at the pleasure of the Party that appointed him.


  If a seat on the Board is vacated by the retirement, resignation, illness, disability or death of a director or by the removal of such director by the Party which originally appointed him, the Party which originally appointed such director shall appoint a successor to serve out such director's term. 如果因為某一董事退休、辭職、生病、喪失行為能力或死亡,或者某一董事的原指派方將其撤換而導(dǎo)致該職位空缺,原委派該董事的一方應(yīng)委派一位繼任董事,其任期為該董事任期內(nèi)剩下的時間。

  (d) A director appointed by [Party appointing COB] shall serve as the Chairman of the Board (“Chairman”) and a director appointed by [Party appointing VCOB] shall serve as Vice Chairman of the Board (“Vice Chairman”). The Chairman shall be the legal representative of the Company. (d) 董事長(“董事長”)由[ 方]委派的一位董事?lián)?,副董事長(“副董事長”)由[ 方]委派的一位董事?lián)?。董事長為公司的法定代表人。

  Whenever the Chairman is unable to perform his responsibilities for any reason, the Chairman shall designate the Vice Chairman [or another director] to perform his responsibilities temporarily in accordance with this Contract and the Articles of Association.


  (e) Directors appointed by a Party shall be individuals of high integrity with appropriate experience as senior business managers, professionals, government officials or other similar qualifications. Directors shall also satisfy all qualification requirements under Applicable Laws, including those requirements set out in the PRC Company Law. The Party appointing a director shall submit written notice of his appointment or removal to the other Party and (following formation of the Board) the Chairman and the Secretary to the Board ("Secretary"). At the time this Contract is executed, each Party shall notify the other Party in writing of the names, titles and nationalities of the initial slate of directors appointed by it. A summary of the qualifications and experience of each proposed new director shall be attached to the notice of appointment. Each appointment or removal of a director shall be submitted to the Board for ratification at the next regular or interim Board meeting. The Secretary shall record such appointment or removal of a director in the Company’s books and register the same with the SAIC.

  (e) 一方委任的董事應(yīng)為人正派,并具有相應(yīng)的經(jīng)驗,例如有過擔(dān)任高級管理人員、專業(yè)人員、政府官員或其他類似職務(wù)的經(jīng)歷。董事還應(yīng)符合相關(guān)法律有關(guān)董事資格的規(guī)定,包括中國公司法規(guī)定的資格要求。委派董事的一方應(yīng)在委派或撤換董事時書面通知另一方(董事會成立之后,還應(yīng)書面通知董事長和董事會秘書(“董事會秘書”))。在簽署本合同的同時,雙方應(yīng)書面通知對方該方所委派的初任董事的姓名、職務(wù)以及國籍。每一位新董事候選人的履歷以及資格情況的簡介也應(yīng)附于委派通知之后。每位董事的委派或撤換應(yīng)在下一次董事會定期會議或臨時會議舉行之時,提交董事會核準(zhǔn)。董事會秘書應(yīng)將委派董事或撤換董事的事宜在公司的記事簿中記錄,并且向工商局登記。

  (f) The Chairman, acting in consultation with the Vice Chairman, shall appoint a Secretary for a term of three (3) years. The Secretary shall be a responsible and mature individual who is fluent in written and spoken English and Chinese. The Secretary shall perform his duties in accordance with the provisions of this Contract and the Articles of Association under the supervision of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman. The Secretary shall not be appointed from the members of the Board or the Management Personnel but may be an employee of the Company or one of the Parties. The term of the Secretary may be extended or the Secretary may be removed or replaced by the Chairman acting in consultation with the Vice Chairman.

  (f) 董事長與副董事長協(xié)商后委任一位董事會秘書,任期三(3)年。董事會秘書必須是責(zé)任心強且有閱歷的人士,并且中英文說寫流利。董事會秘書在董事長和副董事長的督導(dǎo)下,按照本合同及公司章程的有關(guān)條款履行其職責(zé)。董事會秘書不應(yīng)從董事會成員或公司管理人員中選任,但可以是公司的雇員或某合營方的雇員。董事長經(jīng)與副董事長協(xié)商,可續(xù)展董事會秘書的任期,也可以隨時撤換。

  (g) The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and each director shall bear fiduciary responsibilities to the Company in accordance with Applicable Laws and such additional ethical policies as the Board may adopt (collectively, “applicable ethical rules”). The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and the other directors shall serve without remuneration[, but all reasonable costs, such as round-trip airplane tickets and reasonable accommodation incurred by the directors in the performance of duties assigned by the Board shall be borne by the Company in accordance with such policies and guidelines as the Board may adopt from time to time].

  (g) 董事長、副董事長、董事會秘書以及每一位董事,均按照相關(guān)法律以及董事會制訂的職業(yè)道德規(guī)章(合稱“相關(guān)道德規(guī)章”)對公司承擔(dān)信托義務(wù)。


  (h) No director shall bear any personal liability for any acts performed in good faith in his capacity as a director or as assigned by the Board, except for willful misconduct, and/or acts in violation of Applicable Laws or applicable ethical rules. Subject to the foregoing, the Company shall indemnify each director against any claims that may be brought against such director for acts performed in his capacity as a director of the Company.

  (h) 董事對其在履行職責(zé)過程中或執(zhí)行董事會分配的任務(wù)過程中本著誠信原則實施的行為不承擔(dān)個人責(zé)任,但是如果該行為屬于故意的不當(dāng)行為、觸犯相關(guān)法律的行為和/或違反相關(guān)職業(yè)道德行為的除外。除以上條款另有規(guī)定外,合營公司將對董事因代表合營公司實施職務(wù)行為而導(dǎo)致的任何索賠予以補償。

  8.2 Powers of the Board 8.2 董事會的職權(quán)

  (a) The Board shall be the highest authority of the Company.

  (a) 董事會是合營公司的最高權(quán)力機關(guān)。

  (b) Adoption of resolutions relating to the following matters shall require the unanimous affirmative vote of each and every director of the Board present in person, by proxy or by telecommunications at a duly convened meeting of the Board:

  (b) 下列事宜應(yīng)在經(jīng)過正當(dāng)程序召集的董事會會議上,由每一位親自出席或通過代理人或通訊設(shè)備出席的董事一致通過:

  (i) the amendment of this Contract and the Articles of Association;

  (i) 合營合同和公司章程的修改;

  (ii) the merger of the Company with another legal entity or organization, or the investment of capital or assets by the Company in another legal entity or organization;

  (ii) 合營公司與其他公司或法人合并或合營公司將其資本或資產(chǎn)投資于另一個法人或組織;

  (iii) the termination or dissolution of the Company and resulting liquidation thereof;

  (iii) 合營公司的終止或解散以及隨后的清算;

  (iv) the increase, reduction or assignment of the registered capital of the Company;

  (iv) 合營公司注冊資本的增加、減少或轉(zhuǎn)讓;

  (v) the execution by the Company of any contract with a Party or an Affiliate of such Party other than the Ancillary Contracts and contracts entered into in the ordinary course of the Company’s business on an arm’s length basis;

  (v) 合營公司與某一合營方或其關(guān)聯(lián)公司之間的重大合同的訂立或重大修改,但附屬合同以及雙方在日常業(yè)務(wù)中彼此通過獨立談判簽訂的合同除外;

  (vi) any matter which under applicable law requires unanimous Board approval; and

  (vi) 相關(guān)法律規(guī)定須由董事會一致通過的事宜;及

  (vii) any other matter which in accordance with the provisions of this Contract requires unanimous Board approval or which the Board by unanimous affirmative vote determines shall be adopted only by unanimous affirmative Board resolution.

  (vii) 依照本合同其他條款的規(guī)定須經(jīng)董事會通過一致決議批準(zhǔn)的其他事宜,或者根據(jù)董事會一致決議規(guī)定,須由董事會一致決議批準(zhǔn)的其他事宜。

  (c) Adoption of resolutions relating to the following matters shall require the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the directors present in person, by proxy or by telecommunications at a duly convened meeting of the Board:

  (c) 下列事宜在經(jīng)過正當(dāng)程序召集的董事會會議上,由親自出席或通過代理人或通訊設(shè)備出席的董事以簡單多數(shù)票通過:

  (i) review and approval of the Company’s annual budgets and financial reports, annual profit distribution plan and the amount and timing of allocations to and use of the reserve fund, the expansion fund and the employee bonus and welfare fund;

  (i) 審批公司年度預(yù)算和財務(wù)報告、年度利潤分配計劃以及提取儲備金、企業(yè)發(fā)展基金、以及職工獎勵及福利基金的時間、金額和用途;

  (ii) review and approval of the Company’s annual production and operation plans;

  (ii) 審批公司的年度生產(chǎn)和經(jīng)營計劃;

  (iii) review and approval of Company policies and procedures regarding management of financial accounts, execution of legal documents, applicable ethical rules and ethical practices and other important matters;

  (iii) 審批公司就財務(wù)賬戶管理、法律文件簽署、相關(guān)職業(yè)準(zhǔn)則和規(guī)范以及其他重要事宜所制定的政策和程序;

  (iv) decisions on the appointment, compensation, discipline and dismissal of the Management Personnel;

  (iv) 就管理人員的聘任、報酬、處分以及解聘做出的決定;

  (v) the sale, transfer or other disposition of, or the granting of an Encumbrance over, all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or the giving of any financial guarantee by the Company for the obligations of any third party;

  (v) 對公司的全部或?qū)嵸|(zhì)部分資產(chǎn)以出售、轉(zhuǎn)讓或其他方式進行處分,或?qū)ι鲜鲑Y產(chǎn)設(shè)定限制物權(quán),或以合營公司的名義以上述資產(chǎn)向任何第三方提供財務(wù)擔(dān)保;

  (vi) the establishment of Company bank accounts and the appointment of the Company’s Independent Auditor;

  (vi) 合營公司銀行賬戶的開設(shè)以及公司的獨立審計機構(gòu)的聘任;

  (vii) the establishment of bank credit facilities or the borrowing of loans having an aggregate value in excess of [ ] United States Dollars (US$[]) or its RMB equivalent in a single transaction or a series of related transactions;

  (vii) 獲得累計總額超過[·]美元(US$[ ])或等值人民幣的信貸額度或者借入累計總額超過[ ]美元(US$ [ ])或等值人民幣資金的任何一宗或一系列相關(guān)交易;

  (viii) the purchase of capital equipment, land use rights, buildings or other assets having an aggregate value in excess of [ ] United States Dollars (US$[ ]) or its RMB equivalent in a single transaction or a series of related transactions other than such purchases made in accordance with the operating budget approved by the Board;

  (viii) 購置資本性設(shè)備、土地使用權(quán)、建筑物或其他資產(chǎn),累計總額超過[ ]美元(US$ [ ])的任何一宗或一系列相關(guān)交易,但是按照董事會批準(zhǔn)的經(jīng)營預(yù)算所做出的購置行為除外;

  (ix) the execution of technology license contracts with third parties other than as contemplated in this Contract or any Ancillary Contract or other than in the ordinary course of business on customary terms and conditions;

  (ix) 與第三方簽訂技術(shù)合同,但是本合同或任何附屬合同中所規(guī)定的技術(shù)合同或者在日常業(yè)務(wù)中按照標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的條款和條件簽署的技術(shù)合同除外;

  (x) the establishment of branch offices and liaison offices in China and abroad pursuant to Applicable Laws; and

  (x) 依照相關(guān)法律在中國或海外設(shè)立分公司或聯(lián)絡(luò)機構(gòu);

  (xi) any other matter which, in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, requires Board approval or which the Board determines shall require Board approval

  . (xi) 按照本合同規(guī)定須由董事會批準(zhǔn)的其他事宜,或者董事會決定應(yīng)由董事會批準(zhǔn)的事宜。

  8.3 Meetings 8.3 董事會會議

  (a) The first Board meeting shall be held within thirty (30) days from the Business License Issuance Date. Thereafter, meetings shall be held at least once each [six (6)] months subject to always holding at least [two (2)] meetings in each calendar year. Meetings generally shall be held at the legal address of the Company or such other address in China or abroad as is designated by the Board.

  (a) 第一次董事會會議在營業(yè)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)后三十(30)日內(nèi)舉行。隨后每一日歷年至少舉行[兩(2)]次董事會會議,至少應(yīng)每[六(6)]個月舉行一次。董事會會議通常在公司的注冊地址舉行,也可以在由董事會選擇的國內(nèi)外其他地點舉行。

  (b) The date of regular Board meetings shall be set by the Chairman following consultation with the Vice Chairman. Prior to each such regular Board meeting, the Secretary, under the supervision and direction of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman, shall prepare the agenda for such Board meeting together with drafts of proposed resolutions and such other supplemental materials to be considered by the Board at such meeting as the Chairman and Vice Chairman deem appropriate. The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall consult with the General Manager in connection with the preparation of the agenda and such resolutions and other materials. The General Manager shall be responsible for the preparation of all reports, plans, policies and procedures to be submitted to the Board for review and approval as provided under Articles 8.2(b) and (c) above and otherwise as requested by the Chairman and Vice Chairman.

  (b) 董事會定期會議舉行的日期由董事長經(jīng)與副董事長協(xié)商后確定。在每次董事會定期會議舉行前,董事會秘書在董事長和副董事長的督導(dǎo)和指示下,制訂該次董事會會議的議事日程、提議表決的董事會決議草案以及董事長和副董事長認為應(yīng)該在這次董事會會議上討論的其他補充材料。在制訂董事會議事日程和有關(guān)決議以及其他材料的過程中,董事長和副董事長應(yīng)與總經(jīng)理協(xié)商。上述第8.2(b)、(c)條規(guī)定的應(yīng)提交給董事會審批的所有報告、計劃、政策和程序由總經(jīng)理負責(zé)制訂,同時總經(jīng)理還負責(zé)制訂董事長和副董事長要求制訂的其他文件。

  The Secretary, under the direction of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman, shall give each director at least [ten (10)] days written notice in advance of each regular Board meeting, specifying the date, time and place of such regular Board meeting. Such written notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the agenda, the proposed draft resolutions and other materials specified above.


  (c) An interim Board meeting shall be scheduled upon the written request of [1/3 of total number of directors] or more of the directors of the Company. Such request shall specify the matters proposed to be discussed in reasonable detail and shall be delivered to the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary and each of the other directors. The Chairman, following consultation with the Vice Chairman, shall decide on the timing and location of such interim Board meeting, provided that such interim Board meeting shall be held not less than [fifteen (15)] days and not more than [forty-five (45)] days following delivery of such request. The Secretary, under the supervision and direction of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman, shall prepare an agenda covering the matters set out in such request. The Secretary, under the direction of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, shall give each director at least [ten (10)] days written notice in advance of such interim meeting, specifying the date, time and place of such interim Board meeting. Such written notice shall be accompanied by the agenda and the materials included in the request for meeting.

  (c) 經(jīng)合營公司[三分之一或更多董事]書面提議,應(yīng)舉行臨時董事會會議。該提議應(yīng)就提議討論的事項做出合理詳細的說明,并提交董事長、副董事長、董事會秘書及其他各位董事。


  (d) In extraordinary circumstances requiring immediate action by the Board and otherwise as provided in this Contract, the Chairman and the Vice Chairman acting jointly may call an emergency meeting of the Board. The Secretary, under the direction of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, shall give each director at least [twenty-four (24)] hours written notice in advance of such emergency meeting, specifying the date, time and place of such emergency Board meeting. Such written notice shall be accompanied by an agenda and such additional materials as the Chairman and Vice Chairman deem appropriate.

  (d) 如果發(fā)生需要董事會立即采取行動的特殊情況、或者本合同中規(guī)定的其他情形,董事長和副董事長應(yīng)聯(lián)合召集董事會緊急會議。在董事長和副董事長的督導(dǎo)和指示下下,董事會秘書應(yīng)在舉行此次緊急會議前至少二十四(24)]小時向各位董事發(fā)出書面通知,通知中應(yīng)載明此次會議的日期、時間和地點。書面通知應(yīng)附有此次會議的議事日程,以及董事長和副董事長認為應(yīng)附上的其他材料。

  (e) The Chairman shall be responsible for convening and presiding over regular, interim and emergency Board meetings. Board meetings may be attended by directors in person, by proxy or by telecommunications. [2/3 of total number of directors] directors present in person, proxy or by telecommunications shall constitute a quorum necessary for the conduct of business at a meeting of the Board.

  (e) 董事長負責(zé)召集和主持定期會議、臨時會議和緊急會議。董事會會議可由董事本人親自參加,也可由其委托代理人或通過通訊設(shè)備參加。[三分之二]董事親自參加、通過代理人或通訊設(shè)備參加即達到董事會會議議事的法定人數(shù)。

  (f) If a Board member is unable to participate in a Board meeting in person or by telecommunications, he may issue a written proxy and entrust a representative to participate in the meeting on his behalf. The representative so entrusted shall have the same rights and powers as the Board member, including the right to be counted in the quorum, to vote on any resolution and to sign relevant documents. Such representative shall present such written proxy to the Secretary prior to the start of the Board meeting, and the Secretary shall attach such proxy to the minutes of the Board meeting.

  (f) 如果董事無法親自參加董事會會議,也無法通過通訊設(shè)備參加,可出具書面授權(quán)委托書,委托一名代理人代表他參加此次會議。接受委托的代理人具有與該董事同樣的權(quán)利和授權(quán),包括被算入董事會法定人數(shù)、參與董事會決議的投票及簽署相關(guān)文件的權(quán)利。


  (g) Management Personnel and other employees of the Company may attend all or part of any Board meeting at the invitation of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.

  (g) 事先經(jīng)董事長和副董事長邀請,管理人員及公司其他雇員可以列席董事會會議的部分或全部。

  In addition, with the prior approval of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, any director may invite any other person to attend all or part of any Board meeting, provided that such guest shall sign non-disclosure agreements in such form as the Chairman and Vice Chairman deem appropriate. No Management Personnel, any other employee or any guest attending a Board meeting shall have the right to vote on any resolution presented at the Board meeting [save where acting in their capacity as a director]. The Secretary shall note the presence of such guests in the minutes of the meeting.


  (h) Either Party may at its own cost designate a reasonable number of professional advisers as it may deem necessary to attend a Board meeting as observers to provide assistance to the directors appointed by it.

  (h) 各方可指定其認為必要的合理人數(shù)的專業(yè)顧問作為觀察員參加董事會會議,協(xié)助其委派的董事工作,費用由委派方承擔(dān)。

  (i) Board meetings shall be conducted in English and Chinese. The Secretary, under the direction of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, shall arrange for an interpreter to be present at each Board meeting.

  (i) 董事會會議以中英文兩種語言進行。在董事長和副董事長的指示下,董事會秘書應(yīng)為每次董事會會議安排一名翻譯。

  Such interpreter shall be an employee of the Company or a Party unless it is impractical to do so, and shall be subject to the provisions applicable to guests in the immediately preceding clause.


  (j) The Chairman shall present each item on the agenda for discussion in the order listed in the agenda unless otherwise agreed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman. The Chairman shall allow each director to have an opportunity to ask questions and express his opinion in an orderly manner with respect to each matter presented. Following the conclusion of the discussion on each matter, the Chairman shall call for a vote to approve, approve with modifications, reject or defer action on the resolution proposed in respect of such matter. Each directorshall have one vote. [The Chairman shall not have an extra vote under any circumstances.] Resolutions shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of the number of directors present at the meeting in person, by proxy or by telecommunications in accordance with the requirements of Articles 8.2(b) and (c).

  (j) 除非董事長和副董事長另行同意,否則董事長應(yīng)按照議事日程所列順序?qū)⒚恳皇马椞峤欢聲懻?。董事長應(yīng)允許每位董事按順序就提上議程的事項提出問題并發(fā)表意見。在對每一事項討論完畢后,董事長應(yīng)提議由與會董事就該事項進行投票形成以下決議之一:批準(zhǔn)、經(jīng)修改后批準(zhǔn)、否決或者延遲表決。每位董事可以投一票。董事長在任何情況下不得享有額外的投票權(quán)。 一項決議的通過,需按照第8.2(b)和(c)條有關(guān)規(guī)定,由親自參加會議、委托代理人參加會議或通過通訊設(shè)備參加會議的董事投贊成票。

  (k) The Secretary shall prepare and complete accurate minutes of each Board meeting in accordance with the provisions of this Contract and the Articles of Association. Such minutes shall be in both English and Chinese and shall record all items of business presented and transacted at such Board meeting. A copy of the notice of the Board meeting together with all attachments thereto shall be attached to the minutes. Within [fifteen (15)] days following the date of the Board meeting, the Secretary shall deliver a draft of the minutes to the Chairman and Vice Chairman for review. Within [fifteen (15)] days following their receipt of such draft minutes, the Chairman and Vice Chairman shall approve the minutes as drafted or approve the draft with modifications. If either the Chairman or the Vice Chairman does not provide a response within such time period, he shall be deemed to have approved the minutes as drafted. Within [five (5)] days following review and approval of the minutes by the Chairman and Vice Chairman, theSecretary shall distribute the minutes to all the Directors. Any director who wishes to propose any amendment or addition thereto shall submit the same in writing to the Secretary within [five (5)] days following receipt of the proposed minutes. If any director does not provide a response within such time period, he shall be deemed to have approved the minutes as drafted.

  (k) 董事會秘書應(yīng)按照本合同及公司章程的有關(guān)規(guī)定制作完整而準(zhǔn)確的董事會會議記錄。會議記錄應(yīng)以中英文制作,并且應(yīng)該載明在董事會會議中提出的以及決定的所有事項。召開董事會會議的通知以及所有附件也應(yīng)附在董事會會議記錄之后。在董事會會議舉行后[十五(15)]日內(nèi),董事會秘書應(yīng)將一份會議記錄草稿提交董事長和副董事長審閱。在收到該會議記錄草稿后[十五(15)]日內(nèi),董事長和副董事長應(yīng)認可董事會會議記錄草稿,或在修改該草稿后予以認可。如果董事長或副董事長未在上述的期限內(nèi)做出答復(fù),則視為其對由董事會秘書起草的會議記錄草稿予以認可。董事長和副董事長對會議記錄審閱并認可后的[五(5)]日內(nèi),董事會秘書應(yīng)將會議記錄分發(fā)給全體董事。希望對會議記錄提出修改或補充意見的董事應(yīng)在收到會議記錄草稿后[五(5)]日內(nèi)將其提議以書面方式提交給董事會秘書。如果某位董事未在上述期限內(nèi)做出答復(fù),則視為其對董事會秘書起草的會議記錄予以認可。

  The minutes shall be finalized by the Secretary under the direction of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman within [five (5)] days following the conclusion of the above comment period for directors. The finalized minutes shall be signed by the Secretary and the Chairman and/or the Vice Chairman.


  (l) The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the Company’s minute book. The Secretary shall place the complete original of the finalized and signed minutes of each Board meeting with all attachments thereto into the Company minute book in chronological order. In addition, the Secretary shall maintain separate records of signed and/or chopped originals of the following:

  (l) 董事會秘書負責(zé)保存公司的董事會會議記錄簿。董事會秘書應(yīng)將最終定稿并經(jīng)簽署的每一份董事會會議記錄的原件以及相關(guān)附件按照時間順序置于公司的董事會會議記錄簿中。此外,董事會秘書還應(yīng)保存以下各項經(jīng)簽署和/或蓋章的文件的原件:

  (i) this Contract, the Articles of Association, the Approval Letter, the Approval Certificate and the Business License;

  (i) 本合同、公司章程、批復(fù)、批準(zhǔn)證書和營業(yè)執(zhí)照;

  (ii) the Ancillary Contracts and the government approvals and registrations (if any) issued in respect of the Ancillary Contracts;

  (ii) 附屬合同以及政府有關(guān)部門就附屬合同簽發(fā)的批準(zhǔn)和登記證書(如有);

  (iii) the Additional Permits, the government approvals and registrations (if any) in respect of the Tax Concessions;

  (iii) 其他相關(guān)的批文、政府有關(guān)部門就稅收優(yōu)惠簽發(fā)的批文和登記文件(如有);

  (iv) all amendments to and renewals of any of the foregoing together with the government approvals and registrations in respect of such amendments;

  (iv) 對上述所有文件的修改或者續(xù)展的相關(guān)文件,以及就這些修改或續(xù)展文件由政府部門簽發(fā)的批文和登記;

  (v) all changes in the directors or Management Personnel appointed by either Party together with all registrations in respect thereof; and

  (v) 一方委派的董事或管理人員變更事項,包括就上述事項做出的相關(guān)登記;以及,

  (vi) all other official correspondence between the Company and any relevant government department and other similar official documents pertaining to the establishment, management, operation, business or assets of the Company.

  (vi) 公司和任何政府機關(guān)之間所有的與合營公司的成立、管理、經(jīng)營、業(yè)務(wù)或資產(chǎn)有關(guān)的正式往來函件或其他類似的正式文件。

  Any Party shall have the right, during regular Company business hours, to inspect the Company minute book and the other Company record books described above and make photocopies of any document contained therein.


  (m) In lieu of any meeting of the Board, a written resolution may be adopted by the Board if such resolution is sent to all members of the Board then holding office and is affirmatively signed and adopted by the number of directors who could adopt such resolution at a duly convened meeting of the Board in accordance with Articles 8.2(b) and (c) above. The Secretary shall circulate such written resolutions at the request or direction of the Chairman, Vice Chairman or [1/3 of total number of directors] or more of the directors of the Company. Such request shall attach the form of the proposed resolution together with such supporting materials as the requesting party may deem appropriate. If made by [1/3 of total number of directors] or more of the directors of the Company, such request shall be delivered to the Chairman, the Vice Chairman and the Secretary. If made by the Chairman or the Vice Chairman, such request shall be delivered to the Secretary and (in the case of a request by the Chairman) the Vice Chairman or (in the case of a request made by the Vice Chairman) the Chairman. The Chairman and/or the Vice Chairman may prepare written comments on the matter addressed in the proposed written resolution. Within [ten (10)] days following receipt of such request, the Secretary shall circulate the proposed resolution together with all supporting materials supplied by the requesting party and any additional comments thereon provided by the Chairman or the Vice Chairman to each director by hand, fax, email and/or domestic or international courier service to the current mailing or email address and/or fax number(s) for such director registered in the records of the Company. The Secretary, under the direction of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, shall specify the time within which response by the directors is required, provided that unless otherwise approved by the Chairman and the Vice Chairman such response time period shall not be less than [fifteen (15)] days or more than [forty-five (45)] days following the delivery of the proposed written resolution by the Secretary to the directors. A director shall signify his approval of the proposed resolution by signing and returning the same to the Secretary in accordance with the instructions given and within the response time designated by the Secretary. Signed resolutions delivered to the Secretary by hand, fax or email photo-image shall be deemed timely if delivered or transmitted prior to the expiration of the response time designated by the Secretary. Signed resolutions delivered to the Secretary by fax or email photoimage shall be followed by delivery of the original signed resolution to the Secretary by hand, post or domestic or international courier as promptly as possible. If a director or his valid proxy fails to sign and return such written resolution within the response time designated by the Secretary, or if he approves the resolution with modifications, such director shall be deemed to have voted against the resolution. Such written Board resolution may be signed in counterparts by the approving directors. The Secretary shall inform the Board of the results of the voting on such written resolution within [five (5)] days of the conclusion of the designated response time. If approved, such written resolution shall be filed with the minutes of the Board proceedings and shall have the same force and effect as a vote taken by members present in person, by proxy or by telecommunications at a duly convened Board meeting. If a non-counterpart original resolution signed by all approving directors is required for submission to any government department, the Secretary will be responsible to arrange for the signature of the same, and all directors shall provide full and timely co-operation in the signature thereof.

  (m) 如果某一決議分發(fā)給當(dāng)時在任的公司全體董事,并且同意該決議并在其上簽字的董事人數(shù)等于如果舉行經(jīng)過正當(dāng)程序召集的董事會會議上要通過該項決議所需投贊成票的人數(shù),董事會就可以通過書面決議的方式來代替舉行董事會會議。經(jīng)董事長、副董事長或公司[三分之一]以上董事的要求或指示,董事會秘書應(yīng)將此書面決議分發(fā)給各董事。上述要求應(yīng)附有所提議通過的決議的格式,同時附有提出要求的一方認為適當(dāng)?shù)闹С制溆^點的資料。如果該決議是由公司[三分之一]以上董事提出的,則所提出的要求應(yīng)提交給董事長、副董事長和董事會秘書。如果該決議是由董事長或副董事長提出的,則該要求應(yīng)提交給董事會秘書和副董事長(如果該要求由董事長提出)或董事長(如果該要求由副董事長提出)。董事長和/或副董事長可就提議的書面決議中所涉及的事項提出書面的意見。在收到上述要求[十(10)]日內(nèi),董事會秘書應(yīng)將所提議的決議分發(fā)給全體董事,同時附上提出要求的一方所附加的支持其觀點的資料,以及董事長或副董事長提出的補充意見。分發(fā)的方式為親自遞交、傳真、電子郵件和/或國內(nèi)或國際特快專遞服務(wù),上述文件應(yīng)送交該董事在公司記事簿中所載的通信或電子郵件地址和/或傳真號碼。按照董事長和副董事長的指示,董事會秘書應(yīng)在通知中載明董事做出回應(yīng)的期限,但是除經(jīng)董事長和副董事長另行批準(zhǔn),做出回應(yīng)的期限須在董事會秘書將所提議的書面決議分發(fā)給董事之日后的[十五(15)]日到[四十五(45)]日之間。如果董事對該提議的書面決議表示贊成,應(yīng)在其上簽名并按照其中所載的相應(yīng)指示在董事會秘書指定的答復(fù)期限內(nèi)將該文件交還給董事會秘書。以親自遞交、傳真或電子郵件掃描圖像方式提交的經(jīng)簽署的書面決議,如果在董事會秘書指定的回復(fù)期限屆滿前提交則視為有效。



  (n) Neither the Chairman nor the Vice Chairman nor any other director or other officer of the Company shall have the power to bind the Company except pursuant to authority expressly granted pursuant to a resolution of the Board approved in accordance with the provisions of this Contract and the Articles of Association.

  (n) 除非經(jīng)過董事會按照本合同及公司章程相應(yīng)條款通過的決議明確授權(quán),董事長、副董事長、或其他董事或管理人員均無權(quán)使公司承擔(dān)任何義務(wù)。

  8.4 Board Deadlock 8.4 董事會投票僵局

  (a) If a Deadlock Matter arises, the Parties shall immediately refer the Deadlock Matter to their respective senior representatives with primary responsibility for the Company for their resolution. (a) 如果出現(xiàn)董事會投票僵局,雙方應(yīng)立即將投票僵持事項提交給雙方負責(zé)處理合營公司事宜的高級管理人員。

  (b) If the respective managers of the Parties fail to resolve the Deadlock Matter within [five (5)] Business Days after the Deadlock Matter is referred to them under Article 8.4(a), the Parties shall, immediately upon the expiry of such [five (5)]-Business Day period, refer the Deadlock Matter to the Group Managing Director of Party B and the equivalent officer of Party A for their resolution. (b) 如果雙方各自的高級管理人員未能在董事會投票僵持事項按第8.4(a)條提交給他們后[五(5)]個工作日內(nèi)解決該投票僵局,雙方應(yīng)在上述[五(5)]個工作日期限屆滿時,立即將該投票僵持事項提交給乙方的相關(guān)事業(yè)部總裁及相當(dāng)?shù)募追焦賳T予以解決。

  (c) If the Group Managing Director of Party B and the equivalent officer of Party A fail to resolve the Deadlock Matter within [ten (10)] Business Days after the Deadlock Matter is referred to them under Article 8.4(b), the Parties shall, immediately upon the expiry of such [ten (10)]-Business Day period, refer the Deadlock Matter to the Chief Financial Officer of Party B and the equivalent officer of Party A for their resolution.

  (c) 如果乙方的相關(guān)事業(yè)部總裁及相當(dāng)?shù)募追焦賳T未能在董事會投票僵持事項按第8.4(b)條提交給他們后[十(10)]個工作日內(nèi)解決該投票僵局,雙方應(yīng)在上述[十(10)]個工作日期限屆滿時,立即將該投票僵持事項提交給乙方的財務(wù)總監(jiān)及相當(dāng)?shù)募追焦賳T予以解決。

  (d) If the Chief Financial Officer of Party B and the equivalent officer of Party A fail to resolve the Deadlock Matter within [ten (10)] Business Days after the Deadlock Matter is referred to them under Article 8.4(c), the Parties shall, immediately upon the expiry of such [ten (10)]-Business Day period, refer the Deadlock Matter to the Chief Executive Officer of Party B and the equivalent officer of Party A for their resolution.

  (d) 如果乙方的財務(wù)總監(jiān)及相當(dāng)?shù)募追焦賳T未能在董事會投票僵持事項按第8.4(c)條提交給他們后[十(10)]個工作日內(nèi)解決該投票僵局,雙方應(yīng)在上述[十(10)]個工作日期限屆滿時,立即將該投票僵持事項提交給乙方的首席執(zhí)行官及相當(dāng)?shù)募追焦賳T予以解決。

  (e) If the Chief Executive Officer of Party B and the equivalent officer of Party A fail to resolve the Deadlock Matter within [five (5)] Business Days after the Deadlock Matter is referred to them under Article 8.4(d), [the provisions of Article 8.5 shall apply.] [the provisions of Article 20.3 shall apply.]

  (e) 如果乙方的首席執(zhí)行官及相當(dāng)?shù)募追焦賳T未能在董事會投票僵持事項按第8.4(d)條提交給他們后[五(5)]個工作日內(nèi)解決該投票僵局,則[適用第8.5 條的規(guī)定],或[適用第20.3 條的規(guī)定]。

  (f) [No Deadlock Matter may be referred by a Party for determination by arbitration under Article 24.2] [The arbitration provisions in Article 24 do not apply to any Deadlock Matter except to the extent that they relate to the interpretation of this Contract or to the respective rights and obligations of any Party pursuant to this Contract.]

  (f) [任何一方不得將任何投票僵局按第24.2 條提交到仲裁庭要求解決]。[第24 條的仲裁條款對任何投票僵局均不適用,但投票僵局涉及本合同的解釋或根據(jù)本合同產(chǎn)生的雙方各自的權(quán)利及任何一方的義務(wù)的除外]。

  8.5 [Expert determination 8.5 [專家裁決

  If a Deadlock Matter is not resolved according to Article 8.4, then:

  如果董事會投票僵持事項未能依照第8.4 條得到解決,則:

  (a) if the Deadlock Matter concerns any matter which is or may be in the opinion of the referring Party capable of expert determination, such Party shall refer the dispute for decision to an expert on the following terms:

  (a) 如果董事會投票僵持事項可以由專家裁決,則該方應(yīng)按下列條款將該爭議提交給有關(guān)專家進行裁決:

  (i) unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the expert shall be [set out appropriate discipline] and shall be appointed by agreement between the Parties;

  (i) 除非雙方另有約定,專家應(yīng)為[列明所屬領(lǐng)域]的專家,并應(yīng)由雙方協(xié)商一致委派;

  (ii) the relevant expert shall determine whether or not the Deadlock Matter is suitable for expert determination;

  (ii) 相關(guān)專家應(yīng)決定該投票僵持事項是否適合由專家決定;

  (iii) the expert may have access to all relevant documents of the Company and of the Parties, subject to any confidentiality provisions;

  (iii) 專家可以接觸公司以及雙方的所有相關(guān)的文件,但應(yīng)遵守保密條款;

  (iv) the Parties may make representations and submissions to the expert but there still shall be no formal hearing;

  (iv) 雙方可向?qū)<谊愂龌蛱峤幌嚓P(guān)材料,但不能舉行任何正式的聽證會;

  (v) the expert shall make a determination within [30] Business Days of hisappointment and shall notify the Parties in writing of his determination [and shall give reasons for his decision] [but need not give any reasons for his decision];

  (v) 專家應(yīng)在被指定后[30]個工作日內(nèi)做出決定,并應(yīng)書面通知雙方其決定,[而且應(yīng)說明其決定的理由][但不須說明其所作決定的任何理由];

  (vi) the expert shall act as an expert and not as an arbitrator and its decision shall be [final and] binding on the Parties (in the absence of fraud or manifest error); and

  (vi) 專家應(yīng)作為專家而非仲裁員行事,其決定應(yīng)[是終局的并]對雙方有約束力(但前提是該決定應(yīng)無任何欺詐或明顯錯誤);并且

  (vii) the fees of the expert shall be paid by [the Company] [the Parties pro rata to their respective interests in the registered capital of the Company unless the expert determines that the conduct of one Party in relation to the matter in question is so egregious that it alone should pay the fees of the expert];

  (vii) 專家的費用應(yīng)由[合營公司]或[雙方按其在公司注冊資本中的比例按比例]分擔(dān)[除非由于一方的行為與該待決事項有非同尋常的緊密聯(lián)系,專家決定應(yīng)由該方單獨承擔(dān)專家費用];

  (b) if the Deadlock Matter concerns the approval of the budget (excluding capital expenditure budget) or the Business Plan for any year, the prior year's budget or Business Plan, as appropriate, adjusted for inflation, shall continue to apply unless and until a new budget or Business Plan, as appropriate, is approved;

  (b) 如果董事會僵持事項與年度預(yù)算(不包括資本支出的預(yù)算)或年度業(yè)務(wù)計劃的批準(zhǔn)相關(guān),則在適用的情況下,前一年的預(yù)算或業(yè)務(wù)計劃根據(jù)通貨膨脹情況進行調(diào)整后,應(yīng)繼續(xù)實行直至新的相關(guān)的預(yù)算或業(yè)務(wù)計劃被批準(zhǔn)。

  (c) if the Deadlock Matter concerns the approval of the capital expenditure budget in any year, the Company may continue to incur capital expenses which:

  (c) 如果董事會僵持事項與年度資本支出的預(yù)算相關(guān),公司可繼續(xù)實施下列資本支出:

  (i) relate to the Business and have been approved pursuant to this Contract; and

  (i) 與合營業(yè)務(wù)相關(guān)的并已根據(jù)本合同相關(guān)條款得到批準(zhǔn)的;以及

  (ii) are reasonably necessary to enable the Company to meet all of its existing contractual commitments and continue to operate the Business.

  (ii) 使公司能夠履行其在現(xiàn)有的合同項下義務(wù)及繼續(xù)經(jīng)營合營業(yè)務(wù)的合理必要的支出;


  9.1 Management System 9.1 管理制度

  The Company shall adopt a management system under which the Management Personnel shall report to and work under the supervision and direction of the Board.


  9.2 Management Personnel 9.2 管理人員

  The Management Personnel shall be individuals of high integrity with appropriate professional qualifications and experience.

  管理人員應(yīng)為人正派,并且有相應(yīng)的專業(yè)資格及經(jīng)驗。合營公司的總經(jīng)理應(yīng)由[ ]方提名。

  The General Manager of the Company shall be nominated by [GM nominating Party].

  合營公司的副總經(jīng)理由[ ]方提名。

  The Deputy General Manager of the Company shall be nominated by [DGM nominating Party]. The Chief Financial Officer of the Company shall be nominated by [CFO nominating Party]. The Parties shall procure that the appointment of each of the Management Personnel so nominated shall be confirmed by the Board [unless the Party in question can demonstrate that a proposed Management Personnel candidate is not permitted under Applicable Laws to take up such position].

  合營公司的財務(wù)總監(jiān)由[ ]方提名。雙方應(yīng)促使其委派的董事核準(zhǔn)經(jīng)提名的每位管理人員候選人[除非提出異議的一方能夠證明相關(guān)法律不允許被提名的管理人員候選人擔(dān)任其被提名擔(dān)任的職位]。

  9.3 Employment of Management Personnel 9.3 管理人員的聘用

  Management Personnel shall be employed by the Company in accordance with the terms of individual employment contracts entered into between the Management Personnel and the Company and approved by the Board. The Management Personnel may be rewarded, disciplined or removed by the Board. The General Manager shall have the right to submit recommendations to the Board for the reward, discipline or dismissal of the Deputy General Manager or the Chief Financial Officer for consideration and action by the Board, and the Board shall give such recommendations of the General Manager due deference and consideration. If any of the Management Personnel is removed by the Board, the replacement shall be nominated by the original nominating Party in accordance with Article 9.2 above.

  合營公司按照其與管理人員個人訂立的、并經(jīng)董事會核準(zhǔn)的勞動合同聘請管理人員。管理人員獎懲或免職由董事會決定??偨?jīng)理有權(quán)就副總經(jīng)理或財務(wù)總監(jiān)的獎懲或免職向董事會提出建議,供其討論并做出具體決定,董事會應(yīng)對總經(jīng)理提出的建議予以應(yīng)有的尊重。如果某位管理人員被董事會免職,則接替其職務(wù)的人士由原提名方按照上述9.2 條的規(guī)定提名。

  9.4 General Manager Duties 9.4 總經(jīng)理的職責(zé)

  The General Manager shall be responsible for all of the day-to-day operations and management of the Company other than those matters expressly reserved for decision and action by the Board as set out in Articles 8.2(b) and (c) above. He shall be responsible to the Board and shall carry out all matters under the authority granted to him by the Board. The General Manager shall have the authority at his sole discretion to hire and dismiss all employees of the Company other than the other Management Personnel. The General Manager shall have the power to decide the internal operational structure of the Company. He shall appoint department managers as appropriate to be responsible for the work of their respective departments. The other Management Personnel and such department managers shall report to and work under the supervision and direction of the General Manager. The General Manager has the power to use funds, within the budgetary parameters approved by the Board of Directors.


  9.5 General Manager and Deputy General Manager 9.5 總經(jīng)理與副總經(jīng)理

  The General Manager shall consult with the Deputy General Manager with respect to all major decisions. The Deputy General Manager shall assist the General Manager in the performance of his responsibilities as requested by the General Manager. The General Manager and the Deputy General Manager shall perform their respective duties on a full time basis and shall not hold posts concurrently as general manager or deputy general manager in any other economic entity [or with other enterprises in competition with the Company].



  9.6 Management Personnel Indemnification 9.6 對管理人員的補償

  No Management Personnel shall bear any personal liability for any acts performed in good faith in his capacity as Management Personnel or as assigned by the Board, except for wilful misconduct, acts in violation of Applicable Laws or applicable ethical rules. Subject to the foregoing, the Company shall indemnify each of the Management Personnel against any claims that may be brought against such Management Personnel for acts performed in such capacity on behalf of the Company.


  10. MARKETING AND SALES 10. 市場營銷

  10.1 Marketing Policy 10.1 營銷策略

  The General Manager shall be responsible for formulating the marketing policy and strategy of the Company for approval by the Board. All marketing activities of the Company shall be conducted in accordance with such approved policy and strategy.


  10.2 Market for [Products][Services][Products and Services]

  10.2 [合營產(chǎn)品][合營服務(wù)][合營產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)]的市場

  The Company may [sell the Products] [provide the Services to customers] in the PRC domestic market and on the international market.


  10.3 Sales and Distribution 10.3 銷售及經(jīng)銷

  [Services] [Products] [Products and Services] may be sold through direct sales by the Company or otherwise as decided by the General Manager in accordance with the sales and distribution guidelines (if any) approved by the Board from time to time. The pricing of [Services] [Products] [Products and Services] shall be decided by the General Manager in accordance with budgetary guidelines approved by the Board [subject to the requirements of Relevant Laws and Regulations of the PRC concerning the pricing of the [Services] [Products] [Products and Services] (if any)].

  [合營產(chǎn)品][合營服務(wù)][合營產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)]可由總經(jīng)理根據(jù)董事會批準(zhǔn)的銷售及經(jīng)銷指南(如有)確定通過合營公司直接銷售或通過其他方式銷售; [合營產(chǎn)品] [合營服務(wù)] [合營產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)]的定價應(yīng)由總經(jīng)理根據(jù)董事會批準(zhǔn)的預(yù)算指南[依照中國就相關(guān)[合營產(chǎn)品][合營服務(wù)][合營產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)]的相關(guān)法律法規(guī)的要求(如有)]確定。

  11. EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE PROCUREMENT 11. 設(shè)備及服務(wù)的采購

  11.1 Procurement Policy 11.1 采購政策

  The Company shall purchase its required equipment, software, material, means of transportation and articles for office use and other supplies in or outside the PRC on the basis of the competitiveness of the terms and conditions of procurement, quality, quantity, pricing, and delivery terms of the products and in accordance with the procurement policy formulated by the General Manager and approved by the Board from time to time.


  11.2 Preference for Party A and Party B 11.2 給予甲方和乙方的優(yōu)先權(quán)

  Where Party A or Party B or any of their respective Affiliates is willing to provide services to the Company , the Company shall give preference to Party A or Party B or any of their respective Affiliates (as the case may be) over other service suppliers, provided that the terms, conditions, price and quality offered by Party A, Party B or any of their respective Affiliates (as the case may be) are equal to, or more favourable than those offered by the other service suppliers, and the experience and expertise of Party A, Party B or any of their respective Affiliates (as the case may be) is equal to or better than that of the other service suppliers.


  12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 12. 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)

  12.1 Use of Intellectual Property Rights by the Company 12.1 合營公司的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)

  Each Party shall use its best endeavours to procure the Company to: 雙方應(yīng)盡力促使合營公司:

  (a) use all Intellectual Property Rights in connection with the Business ("Business IP") solely for the benefit of the Company and not for any other purposes which may directly or indirectly prejudice the Business;

  (a) 僅為了合營公司的利益(而不得為其他任何可能直接或間接對合營業(yè)務(wù)有不利影響的目的),使用與合營業(yè)務(wù)有關(guān)的所有知識產(chǎn)權(quán)(“合營業(yè)務(wù)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”);

  (b) promptly notify each Party of any circumstance coming to the attention of the Company, any director or any employee of the Company which may constitute an infringement of, or any suspected passing off in respect of, any Business IP;

  (b) 當(dāng)合營公司、任何合營公司董事或雇員知悉有下列情況時及時通知各方:可能構(gòu)成對任何合營業(yè)務(wù)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的侵犯,或?qū)θ魏魏蠣I業(yè)務(wù)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)有仿冒嫌疑的;

  (c) not do anything which, in the opinion of a Party, may bring the interests of such Party or any of its Affiliates into disrepute or damage the interests of such Party or any of its Affiliates in any way; and

  (c) 不實施任何一方認為可能以任何方式使該方或其關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)的名譽受損或其利益受損的行為;

  (d) take such action in relation to the use of the Business IP owned by a Party as that Party may require in connection with the protection of that Business IP or any infringement or passing off in relation to that Business IP.

  d) 在使用一方所有的合營業(yè)務(wù)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)時,采取該方就該合營業(yè)務(wù)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)或任何防止侵犯、仿冒該合營業(yè)務(wù)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)而可能要求的相應(yīng)保護措施;

  12.2 The Company's Intellectual Property 12.2 合營公司的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)

  (a) Any Intellectual Property Rights (other than those owned or licensed by a Party or any third party) arising in the course of the Company's activities or developed by the Company shall belong to the Company. The Parties agree to work together to procure that the Management Personnel and other employees of the Company establish a system for identifying, filing and/or registering all relevant Intellectual Property Rights developed by employees of the Company in the name of the Company.

  (a) 在合營公司日常經(jīng)營活動過程中產(chǎn)生的或由合營公司開發(fā)的任何知識產(chǎn)權(quán)(由一方或第三方所有或許可的除外)應(yīng)由合營公司所有。雙方同意相互協(xié)作,促使合營公司的管理人員及其他雇員確立相應(yīng)制度,對所有由合營公司雇員開發(fā)的相關(guān)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)均以合營公司的名義進行確定、申請及/或登記。

  (b) The Parties shall use their best endeavours to procure that all employees of the Company will enter into standardised employment contracts which shall include customary and reasonable and consistent non-competition and invention assignment provisions, so as to ensure that as far as possible under Applicable Laws, the benefit of all inventions by the employees of the Company shall be reserved to, and shall be the property of, the Company.

  (b) 雙方應(yīng)盡力促使所有合營公司的雇員簽署標(biāo)準(zhǔn)勞動合同,其中應(yīng)包括慣常的合理的及具有一致性的競業(yè)禁止及發(fā)明轉(zhuǎn)讓條款,以盡可能地確保按照相關(guān)法律,合營公司雇員所有發(fā)明項下的利益應(yīng)歸屬于合營公司并且屬于合營公司的財產(chǎn)。

  12.3 Trade Secrets 12.3 商業(yè)秘密

  Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, where any Party provides to the Company or the other Party documents containing Trade Secrets, it shall mark on the document in a prominent place "strictly confidential, contains material not to be disclosed, copied or transmitted to any third party without permission". The General Manager shall formulate internal rules and regulations for the management and protection of Trade Secrets which shall be applied by the staff of the Company. Relevant provisions on the protection of Confidential Information and Trade Secrets shall be included in each of the Company's labour contracts with its employees.


  12.4 Savings and Exclusions 12.4 保留及除外規(guī)則

  (a) Unless otherwise agreed pursuant to a separate contract entered into with the other Party, neither Party shall, as a result of the entering into this Contract, (i) acquire any rights in relation to any part of the names, marks or get up of the other Party or any of its Affiliates (either alone or in conjunction with or as a constituent part of any name, mark or get up); or (ii) acquire any Intellectual Property Right owned, developed or created by the other Party or by any of its Affiliates, including rights to reproduce or use any part of the other Party's or its Affiliates' names, marks or get up in any of its advertising, publicity or promotional activities; or (iii) be deemed to have been given any express or implied endorsement by the other Party or any of its Affiliates of its products or services.

  (a) 除非雙方另行簽署的合同另有規(guī)定,簽署本合同并不導(dǎo)致一方:(1)獲得任何與另一方或其關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)的名稱、商號或裝潢(不論單獨使用或聯(lián)合使用或作為任何名稱、商號或裝潢的組成部分)相關(guān)的權(quán)利;或(2)獲得由另一方或其關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)所有的、開發(fā)的或創(chuàng)造的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)(包括復(fù)制的權(quán)利),或在一方的廣告、宣傳或促銷活動中使用另一方或其關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)的名稱、商號或裝潢的任一部分的權(quán)利;或(3)視為另一方或其關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)對其產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)予以明示或默示認可。

  (b) If there is any inconsistency between this Article 12.4 and any Licence Agreement, the terms of the relevant Licence Agreement shall prevail.

  (b) 如果第12.4 條與任何許可協(xié)議有任何不一致的地方,以相關(guān)許可協(xié)議中的條款為準(zhǔn)。

  13. NON-COMPETITION 13. 不競爭

  13.1 Restrictions 13.1 限制

  (a) Unless it has obtained the prior written consent of Party [], Party [] must not, either alone or jointly, with, through or on behalf of any person, directly or indirectly:

  (a) 除非事先獲得[·]方的書面同意,[·]方不得單獨或聯(lián)合地、或通過任何人(或代表任何人),直接或間接地實施下列行為:

  (i) carry on or be engaged or concerned or interested in [the [manufacture or] [sale] of the Products] [and/or] [the provision of the Services];

  (i) 進行或從事或參與[制造或][銷售]合營產(chǎn)品][以及/或提供合營服務(wù)]的活動(或在其中有任何利益);

  (ii) seek to, in competition with the Company:

  (ii) 試圖與任何在本合同期限內(nèi)是或曾經(jīng)是合營公司的客戶的人實施下列與合營公司競爭的行為:

  (1) procure orders from; (1) 訂貨

  (2) do business with; or (2) 作交易;或

  (3) procure, directly or indirectly, any other person to procure orders from or do business with, any person who is, or has been, a customer of the Company at any time during the term of this Contract; or (3) 促使任何人直接或間接地與之訂貨或作交易;或

  (iii) solicit, or contact with a view to the engagement or employment by any person, any employee, officer or manager of the Company or any person who has been an employee, officer or manager of the Company within the previous [two(2)-year] period, except for an employee who has been seconded to the Company who returns at the end of the secondment period to the Party that previously employed such person.

  (iii) 以合營公司以外的任何一方聘用或雇傭該人為目的,鼓動或接觸下列人員:合營公司現(xiàn)任的任何雇員、官員或管理人員,或在此前兩年曾為合營公司的雇員、管理人員或部門經(jīng)理,但從一方借調(diào)到合營公司,在借調(diào)期滿后又返回原用人單位的原合營公司雇員除外。

  (b) Party [] agrees to procure that each of its Affiliates shall comply with the provisions of this Article 13.1 as though it applied directly to the Affiliate.

  (b) [ ]方同意促使其關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)遵守第13.1 條,如同上述條款直接對其適用的一樣。

  13.2 Invalidity 13.2 無效條款的處理

  (a) Each of the restrictions set out in Article 13.1 is a separate and independent restriction on Party [] and each of its Affiliates and the validity of one restriction shall not be affected by the invalidity or unenforceability of another.

  (a) 第13.1 條中的每一項限制性規(guī)定對[·]方及其每一關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)是分別的和獨立適用的,某項限制性規(guī)定的無效或無執(zhí)行力不影響其他限制性規(guī)定的效力。

  (b) Each Party considers the restrictions in Article 13.1 to be reasonable and necessary for the protection of the interests of the Company. If any such restriction shall be held to be void but would be valid if deleted in part or reduced in application, such restriction shall apply with such deletion or modification as may be necessary to make it valid and enforceable.

  (b) 每一方確認第13.1 條的限制性規(guī)定對保護合營公司的利益是合理及必要的。如果任何一項限制性規(guī)定無效但經(jīng)部分刪除或縮小適用范圍則為有效的話,該項限制性規(guī)定應(yīng)進行上述的刪除或修改以使其有效及可執(zhí)行。

  13.3 Duration 13.3 持續(xù)時間

  The covenants set out in Article 13.1 shall continue to apply to Party [ ] and each of its Affiliates for a period of [ ] months from the date on which this Contract is terminated or Party [ ] ceases to hold any interest in the registered capital of the Company whichever is the first to occur. The covenants set out in Article 13.1 shall be construed during this period by reference to the business, customers, employees, officers or managers or contracting parties of the Company as at the date on which Party [ ] ceases to hold any interest in the registered capital of the Company or as at the effective date of such termination.

  第13.1 條列明的限制性規(guī)定在合同終止或[·]方不再持有合營公司任何注冊資本份額之日起(兩者中以較早發(fā)生的為準(zhǔn))[·]個月內(nèi)對[·]方及其每個關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)都仍然有效。

  在該期限內(nèi),第13.1 條的限制性規(guī)定所適用范圍是:[·]方不再持有合營公司任何注冊資本份額之日或合同終止之日(以較早者為準(zhǔn))合營公司的業(yè)務(wù)、客戶、雇員、管理人員或部門經(jīng)理或合營方。

  [13.4 Acknowledgment [13.4 確認

  Party [ ] agrees and acknowledges that, notwithstanding Article 13.1, Party [ ] or any of its Affiliates may establish joint ventures with, or acquire interests in [Name specific partner and project] in the PRC [describe the relevant industry sector] industry to [provide [ ] services] [to manufacture [] products] in the PRC (each a "Permitted Investment")]. [ ]方同意并確認,盡管有第13.1 條的規(guī)定,[·]方或其任何關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)可在中國[描述相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)]產(chǎn)業(yè)與[具體合作者及項目的名稱]設(shè)立合營企業(yè)或獲得相關(guān)權(quán)益,在中國[提供[[·]服務(wù)][制造[·]產(chǎn)品](合稱“允許的投資”)。

  14. SITE 14. 經(jīng)營場所

  The Company will conduct operations at the Site and at such other locations as approved by the Board and the relevant government departments. In accordance with the terms of this Contract, promptly following the Business License Issuance Date, the Company will sign the [Land/Building Lease Contract] and submit it to the relevant government departments for registration as required under Applicable Laws.


  15. LABOUR MANAGEMENT 15. 勞動管理

  15.1 Company Staff 15.1 合營公司員工

  Matters relating to the recruitment, employment, dismissal, resignation, wages and welfare of, and other matters concerning, the staff and workers of the Company shall be determined autonomously by the Company without outside interference, in accordance with Applicable Laws and the policies adopted by the Company from time to time.


  15.2 Labour Union 15.2 工會

  Working Personnel shall have the right to establish a Labour Union in accordance with Applicable Laws. Working Personnel shall be employed by the Company in accordance with the terms of a collective labour contract or individual labour contracts entered into between the Company and the Working Personnel.


  15.3 Labour Protection 15.3 勞動保護

  The Company shall conform to the Applicable Laws of China concerning labour protection and ensure safe and civilized operation. Labour and social insurance for the Working Personnel of the Company shall be handled in accordance with Applicable Laws.


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