


翻譯資訊 翻譯模板 詞典查詢 翻譯語種 行業(yè)翻譯 成功案例 翻譯語種-歐洲語言 翻譯語種-亞洲語言 譯境特色翻譯 翻譯語種-稀有語種 網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化日志 展會動態(tài) 同傳交傳口譯風采


發(fā)表時間:2019/12/10 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3069  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】





4. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND SCALE OF OPERATION 3 4. 宗旨、經(jīng)營范圍及運營規(guī)模





9. OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT 22 9. 經(jīng)營管理

10. MARKETING AND SALES 23 10. 市場營銷



13. NON-COMPETITION 25 13. 不競爭

14. SITE 26 14. 經(jīng)營場所

15. LABOUR MANAGEMENT 27 15. 勞動管理




19. THE JOINT VENTURE TERM 31 19. 合營期限



21. BREACH OF CONTRACT 37 21. 違約

22. CONFIDENTIALITY 37 22. 保密義務

23. FORCE MAJEURE 38 23. 不可抗力









THIS CONTRACT ("Contract") is made in [city and province], China on this [ ] day of [ ], 200[ ] by and between [Party A name], [Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its [legal address] at [address] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), and [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party B jurisdiction of incorporation] with its [registered address] at [address] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B").

Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".

本合同(“本合同”)于200[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日由以下雙方在[地點]簽訂:[甲方名稱],一家根據(jù)中華人民共和國法律組建并存續(xù)的[甲方組織形式],[法定地址]為[甲方[法定地址]](以下簡稱“甲方”);和[乙方名稱],一家根據(jù)[乙方所在國]法律組建及存續(xù)的[乙方組織形式],[注冊地址]為[乙方[注冊]地址](以下簡稱“乙方”)



After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to establish an equity joint venture in accordance with the EJV Law and the EJV Implementing Regulations, other Applicable Laws, and the provisions of this Contract.




Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, this Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with, and each of the terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Schedule A.


Part A - Definitions 第一部分 - 定義

Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below:


“Additional Permits” means all the government approvals, consents, registrations and licenses listed in Schedule D hereto in respect of the operation of the Company or the effectiveness or performance of any Ancillary Contract (other than the Pre-Establishment Permits and the Tax Concessions).


"Affiliate" means any company which, directly or indirectly, is controlled by, under common control with, or in control of, a party; the term "control" being used in the sense of power to elect or appoint a majority of directors or to direct the management of a company.

“關聯(lián)機構”指被一方直接或間接控制、與該方共同受控制、或者控制該方的任何公司; “控制”這一用語的含義指擁有選舉或委派董事會多數(shù)董事或指示公司管理部門的權力。

"Affiliate Assignee" has the meaning as defined in Article 5.6 (d).

“關聯(lián)受讓方” 應具有第5.6 條(d)款所給出的含義。

"aggrieved Party" has the meaning as defined in Article 21.1.

“受損害方”應具有第21.1 條所給出的含義。

“Ancillary Contracts” means the contracts listed in Schedule B hereto.


"Ancillary Documents" means documents required by the relevant PRC government authorities for approval and registration of the Company.


"Applicable Laws" means the laws, regulations, rules, notices, and other legislative, executive or judicial decisions or pronouncements binding on either Party, the Company or in relation to the subject matter of this Contract.


“Approval Certificate” means the certificate issued by the Examination and Approval Authority approving the establishment of the Company and this Contract and the Articles of Association. “批準證書”指由審批機關簽發(fā)的,批準成立合營公司、本合同以及公司章程的證書。

"Approval Letter" means the approval reply issued by the Examination and Approval Authority approving the establishment of the Company and this Contract and the Articles of Association of the Company.


"Articles of Association" means the Articles of Association of the Company executed by the Parties in [city and province], China on the date hereof.


"Assigning Party" has the meaning as defined in Article 5.6 (b).

“轉讓方”應具有第5.6 條(b)款所給出的含義。

"Board" means the board of directors of the Company, as constituted from time to time.


"breaching Party" has the meaning as defined in Article 21.1.

“違約方”應具有第21.1 條中所給出的含義。

"Business" means the business undertaken by the Company from time to time in accordance with the Business Plan.


"Business Day" means: “工作日”指:

(a) in respect of any action to be taken in the PRC, any day on which companies in the PRC are generally open for business in the PRC, including a Saturday or Sunday which the PRC government temporarily declares to be a working day ("Working Rest Day"), but excluding a statutory holiday, or a Saturday or Sunday other than a Working Rest Day; and (a)

就在中國實施的行為而言,指中華人民共和國境內公司通常對外營業(yè)的任何一日, 包括中國政府宣布為臨時工作日的星期六或星期日(“調休工作日”),但不包括法定節(jié)假日以及調休工作日以外的星期六或星期日;

(b) in respect of any action to be taken in [Foreign Party Home Country], any day on which companies in [Foreign Party Home Country] are generally open for business in [Foreign Party Home Country].

(b) 就在[乙方所在國]實施的行為而言,指[乙方所在國]境內公司通常對外營業(yè)的任何一日。

"Business License" means the first business license of the Company issued by the SAIC.


"Business License Issuance Date" means the date the Business License is issued to the Company by the SAIC.


"Business Plan" means the business plan for the Company as approved by the Board from time to time.


"Buy-out Price" has the meaning as defined in Article 20.3 (b).

“收購價格” 應具有第20.3 條(b)款所給出的含義。

"Chairman" has the meaning as defined in Article 8.1 (d).

“董事長”應具有第8.1 條(d)款所給出的含義。

"Changes in FIE Equity Interests Provisions" has the meaning as defined in Article 5.6(a).

“外商投資企業(yè)股權變更規(guī)定” 應具有第5.6 條(a)款所給出的含義。

"Chief Financial Officer" means the Chief Financial Officer or Chief Accountant of the Company. “財務總監(jiān)”指合營公司的財務總監(jiān)或合營公司的總會計師。

“China” and “PRC” mean the mainland of the People’s Republic of China.


"Company" means the Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venture Company to be established by the Parties pursuant to this Contract and the Articles of Association.


"Confidential Information" means any business, marketing, technical, scientific or other information disclosed by any Party (or its Affiliates) which, at the time of disclosure, is designated as confidential (or like designation), is disclosed in circumstances of confidence, or would be understood by the Parties, exercising reasonable business judgement, to be confidential.


"Contract" shall have the meaning set out in the preamble.


"Cure Period" shall have the meaning set out in Article 21.1(a).

“補救期”應具有第21.1 條(a)款中所給出的含義。

"Deadlock Matter" means any matter required to be decided by the Board in accordance with Article 8.2 which either:

“投票僵持事項”指以下任何需要董事會根據(jù)第8.2 條決定的事項:

(a) the Board fails to reach an agreement on so as to enable it to pass the relevant resolution in the manner required under Article 8.2(b) or (c) (as the case may be) within [twenty (20)] Business Days after the date of the Board meeting at which the matter is first tabled for discussion or the date on which a written resolution in relation to the matter is first circulated to the directors;

(a) 在董事會將此事項列入董事會討論日程之日或在就此事項做出的書面決議第一次在董事間傳閱之日后的[20]個工作日內,董事會因未達成一致而未能就該事項根據(jù)第8.2 條(b)款或(c)款要求的方式通過相關決議(以適用者為準);

(b) cannot be discussed and agreed by the Board due to [two (2)] successive meetings convened to discuss such matter being inquorate as a result of one Party's appointed directors failing to attend both such meetings either in person or by proxy; or

(b) 因為連續(xù)[兩]次召集討論此事項的董事會會議因一方委派的董事既沒有親自參加也沒有通過代理人參加而未達到法定最低人數(shù),使董事會未能就此事項進行討論以達成一致;或

(c) cannot be discussed and agreed by the Board due to the failure to convene a Board meeting or circulate a written resolution in accordance with the requirements of Article 8.3 and such failure is not remedied for a period of [ninety (90) days] from the latest date such Board meeting should have been scheduled or such written resolution should have been circulated under the provisions of Article 8.3.

(c) 未能根據(jù)第8.3 條的要求召開董事會或傳閱書面的決議,并未自董事會應該召開或書面決議應傳閱的最遲日期起 [九十(90)]日內作出補救。

"Declining Party" has the meaning as defined in Article 5.8 (b).

“拒絕方”應具有第5.8 條(b)款中所給出的含義。

"Deputy General Manager" means the Deputy General Manager of the Company.


"disclosing Party" has the meaning as defined in Article 22.1.

“披露方”應具有第22.1 條中所給出的含義。

"dispute" shall have the meaning set out in Article 24.1.

“爭議”應具有第24.1 條中所給出的含義。

"Effective Date" means the effective date of this Contract, being the date on which this Contract has been approved by the Examination and Approval Authority.


"EJV Law" means the Law of the PRC on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures passed on 1 July, 1979.

“《合資企業(yè)法》”指1979 年7 月1 日頒布并實施的《中華人民共和國中外合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)法》。

"EJV Implementing Regulations" means the Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on Equity Joint Ventures promulgated on 20 September 1983.

“《合資企業(yè)法實施細則》”指1983 年9 月20 日頒布的《中華人民共和國中外合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)法實施細則》。

"Encumbrance" means any claim, deposit, charge, mortgage, security, pledge, lien, option, equity, power of sale or hypothecation or other third party right, retention of title arrangement, right of pre-emption, right of first refusal or security interest of any kind.


"Enterprise Accounting System" means the general Accounting System for Enterprises promulgated by the MOF on 29 December 2000 to replace the Accounting System for Foreign Investment Enterprises promulgated on 24 June 1992, which was applicable to foreign investment enterprises as of 1 January 2002.

“企業(yè)會計制度”指財務部2000 年12 月29 日發(fā)布的一般企業(yè)會計制度, 取代1992 年6 月24 日發(fā)布的外商投資企業(yè)會計制度,該外商投資企業(yè)會計制度對外商投資企業(yè)適用至2002 年1 月1 日止。

"Examination and Approval Authority" means the MOFCOM or other authority entrusted by it to approve this Contract and the establishment of the Company.


["First Capital Contribution Date" means the date on which the first capital contribution is due to be made by each Party, being the date falling no later than ninety (90) days after the date of the Business Licence and Issuance Date.]

“第一筆出資繳納日”指各方應繳納第一筆出資之日,即不遲于營業(yè)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)日后90 日。

["Final Capital Contribution Date" means the date falling [] months after the Business Licence Issuance Date.]

“最終出資繳納日”指在營業(yè)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)日后[ ·]月的日期

"Force Majeure" has the meaning as defined in Article 23.1.

“不可抗力”應具有第23.1 條所給出的含義。

"General Manager" means the General Manager of the Company.


“Independent Appraiser” means an independent and competent appraiser registered in China and authorized to perform appraisals of state-owned and other assets selected by the Company’s Independent Auditor at the request of either Party.


“Independent Auditor” means the internationally recognized independent and competent accountant registered in China.


“Industry Valuation Method” means the valuation method selected by the Independent Appraiser in consultation with the Parties, which shall be a valuation method commonly used in international practice in valuing enterprises in the Company’s industry on a going concern basis, but, where the assets or equity interests in question constitute State-owned assets under Applicable Laws, it shall refer to a valuation method which complies with, and satisfies the requirements of Applicable Laws relating to State-owned assets.


"Intellectual Property Rights" or "IPR" means any and all rights in any invention, discovery, improvement, utility, model, copyrightable work, industrial design or mask work, algorithm, data structure, trade secrets or know-how, Confidential Information, or any idea having commercial value. IPR shall include any trademark, trade dress, trade name, domain name, or other marks that serve to identify and distinguish goods or services as coming from, or falling under the control of, a single source. IPR shall include all rights of whatsoever nature in computer software and data, all intangible rights or privileges of a nature similar to any of the foregoing in every case in any part of the world and whether or not registered, and all rights in any applications and granted registrations for any of the foregoing rights.


"Investment Certificate" means a certificate issued by the Company to any person in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.5, in respect of any capital contribution made by that person to the Company.

“出資證明書”指根據(jù)第5.5 條的規(guī)定,由合營公司向合營公司的出資人簽發(fā)的證明。

"Labour Union" means the labour union of the Company established in accordance with the PRC Labour Union Law, the EJV Law and other relevant applicable laws and regulations of the PRC. “工會”指根據(jù)中華人民共和國工會法、合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)法和其他中國有關法律法規(guī)成立的合營公司的工會。

"Licence Agreement[s]" means the [Party A Licence Agreement] [and the] [Party B Licence Agreement].


"Management Personnel" means the Company's General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Chief Financial Officer and other personnel designated as such by the Board.


“Material Modification” means a modification (whether by means of the imposition of additional terms and conditions or otherwise) by the relevant government departments to, as the case may be, this Contract, the Articles of Association or the intended business scope of the Company or scope and nature of any of the Ancillary Contracts, the Additional Permits or Tax Concessions as agreed or anticipated by the Parties, which in the opinion of either Party, will have a material adverse effect on the ability of Parties to achieve through the Company, their respective economic and operational objectives.


"negotiation period" has the meaning as defined in Article 20.3 (a)(i).


"Notifying Party" has the meaning as defined in Article 20.1(c).


"Pre-Establishment Permits" means any licence, permit, registration, certificate, consent, approval and/or authorisation needed for the establishment of the Company as a legal person with limited liability in accordance with Applicable Laws, including the Approval Letter, the Approval Certificate and the Business Licence.


"Permitted Disclosure Parties" shall have the meaning set out in Article 22.1(c). “允許披露方”應具有第22.1(c)款中所給出的含義。

"PRC Company Law" means the Company Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated with effect from 1 July 1994.

“中國公司法”指1994 年7 月1 日生效的中華人民共和國公司法。


2.1 Particulars of Parties 2.1 本合同雙方的具體情況:

The Parties to this Contract are: 本合同的雙方為:

(a) Party A, [Party A name] (in Chinese: [(Chinese name)]), [Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China with its legal address at [Party A legal address] (in Chinese: [(Chinese address)]).

(a) 甲方:[甲方名稱](英文書寫:[(英文名稱)],一家根據(jù)中華人民共和國法律組建并存續(xù)的[甲方組織形式],法定地址[甲方法定地址](英文書寫:[(英文住址)]。

[Legal] [Authorized] Representative of Party A: 甲方[法定][授權]代表人:

Name: [Party A rep name] (in Chinese: [(Chinese Name)]

姓名: [甲方代表姓名](英文書寫:[(英文姓名)]

Title: [Party A rep position] 職務: [甲方代表職務]

Nationality: Chinese 國籍: 中國

(b) Party B, [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party B jurisdiction of incorporation] with its registered address at [Party B registered address].

(b) 乙方:[乙方名稱](英文書寫:[(英文名稱)],一家根據(jù)[乙方所在國]法律組建并存續(xù)的[乙方組織形式],注冊地址[乙方注冊地址](英文書寫:[(英文住址)]

Authorized Representative of Party B: 乙方授權代表人:

Name: [Party B rep name] 姓名: [乙方代表姓名](英文書寫:[(英文姓名)]

Title: [Party B rep position] 職務: [乙方代表職務]

Nationality: [Party B rep nationality] 國籍: [乙方代表國籍]

2.2 Parties' Authorised Representatives 2.2 雙方的授權代表的更換

Each Party shall have the right to change its legal or authorized representative and shall promptly notify the other Party of such change and the name, position and nationality of its new legal or authorized representative.



3.1 Establishment of Company 3.1 合營公司的設立

The Parties hereby agree to establish the Company promptly after the Effective Date in accordance with the EJV Law, the EJV Implementing Regulations, other Applicable Laws, and the provisions of this Contract.


3.2 Name of Company 3.2 合營公司的名稱

The name of the Company shall be “[JV Chinese name]” in Chinese, and “[JV name]” in English.

合營公司的中文名稱為“[ ]”,英文名稱為“[ ]”。

3.3 Company Legal Address 3.3 合營公司的法定地址

The legal address of the Company shall be [JV legal address], China (in Chinese: [Chinese address]).


3.4 Company Branch Offices 3.4 合營公司的分支機構

The Company may establish branch offices inside China and overseas with the consent of the Board and approval from the relevant governmental authorities.


3.5 Limited Liability Company 3.5 有限責任公司

The form of organization of the Company shall be a limited liability company. [Neither Party shall have any liability to the Company except to the extent of its agreed capital contributions. The Company shall be liable to its creditors to the extent of its assets.]


3.6 Chinese Laws Applicable 3.6 適用中國相關法律

The Company shall be a legal person under the laws of China. The Company shall be subject to the jurisdiction of and shall be protected by all relevant laws, decrees and rules and regulations of China. The activities of the Company shall comply with the Applicable Laws of China.


4. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND SCALE OF OPERATION 4. 宗旨、經(jīng)營范圍及運營規(guī)模

4.1 Purpose of Joint Venture 4.1 合營公司的宗旨

The purpose of the joint venture shall be to utilize the combined technological, management, operational and marketing strengths of the Parties within the approved scope of business of the Company to achieve good economic results and a return on investment satisfactory to the Parties. 合營公司的宗旨是結合雙方在技術、管理、運營以及營銷方面的優(yōu)勢,在合營公司經(jīng)批準的經(jīng)營范圍內開展業(yè)務,以取得良好的經(jīng)濟效益以及令雙方滿意的投資回報。

4.2 Scope of Business 4.2 經(jīng)營范圍

The scope of business of the Company shall be to [design, manufacture and market [JV products] [to provide [ ] services.]

合營公司的經(jīng)營范圍是[設計、制造以及營銷[合營產品]并提供[ ]合營服務。]

4.3 Business Plan 4.3 業(yè)務計劃

The Business Plan of the Company shall be established by the Board in view of actual market conditions, expected sales volumes, the employees' ability to absorb new technology and any other factors considered important by the Board. Such plan may be expanded or reduced by the Board from time to time in light of market and other relevant conditions.


4.4 Independent Entity 4.4 獨立實體

The Company shall conduct its business as an independent economic entity and will operate autonomously.



5.1 Total Investment Amount 5.1 投資總額

The total amount of investment required by the Company is presently estimated by the Parties to be [total investment amount].

雙方目前估計合營公司所需的投資總額為[ ]。

5.2 Registered Capital Amount 5.2 注冊資本

The Company's registered capital shall be [registered capital amount]. 合營公司注冊資本為[ ]。

5.3 Contributions to Capital 5.3 出資

(a) Party A's contribution to the registered capital of the Company shall be [Party A registered capital contribution], representing a [Party A equity share percentage] share of the registered capital of the Company.

(a) 甲方對合營公司注冊資本的出資為[ ],占合營公司注冊資本份額的百分之[ ]。

(b) Party B's contribution to the registered capital of the Company shall be [Party B registered capital contribution], representing a [Party B equity share percentage] share of the registered capital of the Company.

(b) 乙方對合營公司注冊資本的出資為[ ],占合營公司注冊資本份額的百分之[ ]。

5.4 Payment of Registered Capital; Conditions Precedent 5.4 注冊資本的繳付;先決條件

(a) Subject to Article 5.4(c) below, each Party shall make its contribution to the registered capital of the Company in accordance with the schedule set forth in Schedule C.

(a) 在遵循以下第5.4(c)條規(guī)定的前提下,每一方應按照附錄三中規(guī)定的時間表及條件繳付其認繳的注冊資本。

(b) Subject to Article 5.4(c) below, in the event that a Party fails to make its capital contribution, in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, such Party shall be liable to pay simple interest to the Company at a rate equal to [default interest rate] per annum on the unpaid amount from the time due until the time the full outstanding amount including penalty interest is paid to and received by the Company.

(b) 在遵循以下第5.4(c)條規(guī)定的前提下,如果一方未依照本合同的條款全額或部分出資,則該方應就欠繳的出資額按年利率[ ]的單利向合營公司支付罰息,計息期為該筆出資的應繳日期至該筆出資及罰息全額支付,并由合營公司收到之日。

(c) Neither Party shall have any obligation to make its contribution to the Company's registered capital until it has received each of the following documents:

(c) 在一方收到以下各份文件之前,該方?jīng)]有向合營公司繳付出資的義務:

(i) a copy of the Approval Letter and the Approval Certificate approving this Contract and the Articles of Association without Material Modification; and (i)


(ii) a copy of the Business License incorporating the business scope set out in Article 4.2 without Material Modification.

載有本合同第4.2 條所述經(jīng)營范圍的營業(yè)執(zhí)照,且其中對上述經(jīng)營范圍無實質性修改。

(d) If the Approval Letter, Approval Certificate or the Business License (each being an “Approval Document”) is issued with a Material Modification, the Parties shall consult together to determine whether:

(d) 如果批復、批準證書或營業(yè)執(zhí)照(合稱“批準文件”)中某一份含有對相關內容的實質性修改,則雙方應共同協(xié)商并做出以下決定之一:

(i) to accept such Material Modification and waive the corresponding condition precedent in Article 5.4(c), or

(i) 接受這些實質性修改,并且放棄第5.4(c)條所載相應的先決條件,或者

(ii) to apply to the relevant government departments to have such Approval Document amended and re-issued in a form which remedies the Material Modification to the satisfaction of both Parties.

(ii) 向相關政府機關申請,對該份批準文件以雙方均可接受的方式進行修訂,并且重新頒發(fā)。

In addition, if the Approval Letter and/or the Approval Certificate is issued with a Material Modification, and the Parties do not agree to accept such Material Modification and to waive the corresponding condition precedent, then the Parties shall not apply to the SAIC for the issuance of the Business License until such Material Modification is remedied to the satisfaction of both Parties.


(e) In the event that: (e) 如果發(fā)生以下情形之一:

(i) any Approval Document is not issued within [ninety (90)] days of the date of submission of the relevant application in respect thereof;

(i) 任何一份批準文件未在提出相應申請后的[九十(90)]日內頒發(fā);

(ii) the Examination and Approval Authority rejects any of the documents submitted for approval and the Parties cannot agree on the changes needed to obtain such approval within [ninety (90)] days of the notification of such rejection to the Parties; or

(ii) 審批機關不予批準任一批準文件的申請,并且雙方在接到該不予批準通知[九十(90)]日內未能達成一致使該批準文件的申請得以批準;

(iii) there is any Material Modification to any Approval Document that is not accepted by the Parties and that cannot be remedied in the manner described in Article 5.4(d) above within [ninety (90)] days of the date of issuance of such original Approval Document,

and the Parties do not agree to waive the corresponding condition precedent in Article 5.4(c) or to extend the time for fulfilling the same, then either Party shall have the right to issue written notice to the other Party declaring this Contract and the Articles of Association immediately null and void, whereupon the Parties shall apply for the cancellation of the Business License (if issued) and, where any capital contributions have been made to the Company, the liquidation of the Company pursuant to Article 20.4.

In such case, neither Party shall have any right whatsoever to require the other Party to make any further contribution to the registered capital of the Company or otherwise to require any other performance of this Contract or (except in cases of wilful misconduct) to claim any damages from the other Party.

(iii) 批準文件中有一方無法接受的實質性修改,且在頒發(fā)原批準文件之日后的[九十(90)]日內未能按照上述第5.4(d)條的規(guī)定得到補救。

且雙方無法達成一致意見,同意放棄第5.4(c)條中的相應先決條件或順延該先決條件成就的期限,則任何一方有權向對方發(fā)出書面通知,宣布本合同和公司章程立即撤銷;在宣布合同撤銷后,雙方應申請注銷合營公司的營業(yè)執(zhí)照(如果已經(jīng)頒發(fā)),并且對于已經(jīng)繳付的出資,雙方應根據(jù)第20.4 條進行清算。


5.5 Investment Certificates 5.5 出資證明書

When a Party has made all or any part of its contribution to the registered capital of the Company, a Chinese registered accountant appointed by the Board shall verify such contribution and issue a capital contribution verification report in the form required under Applicable Laws.

In accordance with such report, the Company shall issue an Investment Certificate to the relevant Party.

An interim certificate shall be issued in respect of each partial contribution made by a Party.

Upon completion of all capital contributions by a Party, any interim certificate(s) shall be returned to the Company for cancellation and a final Investment Certificate shall be issued.

Any interim or final Investment Certificate shall be signed by the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Board and stamped with the Company seal, and shall certify the amount of registered capital contributed by such Party and the date on which such capital contribution was made.






5.6 Assignment of Registered Capital 5.6 注冊資本的轉讓

(a) A Party may sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of (each a "transfer") all or any part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to any third party only with the prior written consent of the other Party, the approval of the Board and the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority.

Upon receipt of approval from the Examination and Approval Authority, the Company shall register the change in ownership with the SAIC.

All transfers shall be handled in compliance with the Changes in Equity Interests of Investors in Foreign Investment Enterprises Several Provisions issued by MOFCOM and the SAIC on 28 May 1997 (“Changes in FIE Equity Interests Provisions”) and all other Applicable Laws.

(a) 只有在另一方事先書面同意、經(jīng)董事會一致通過、并經(jīng)審批機關批準后,一方才可向第三方出售、轉讓或以其他方式處置(合稱“轉讓”)其對注冊資本享有的全部或部分權益。


所有轉讓事宜應按照商務部與工商局于1997 年5 月28 日聯(lián)合頒布的《外商投資企業(yè)投資者股權變更的若干規(guī)定》(以下簡稱《外商投資企業(yè)股權變更規(guī)定》)以及其他相關法律進行。

(b) If a Party (the "Assigning Party") proposes to transfer all or any part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to a third party, the other Party shall have a pre-emptive right to purchase such interest at the price offered to the third party.

The Assigning Party shall notify the other Party in writing of the terms and conditions of the proposed transfer.

If the other Party does not exercise its preemptive right of purchase within [thirty (30)] days after delivery of such notice, such other Party shall be deemed to have consented to such transfer and covenants that it will sign all necessary documents in connection therewith and will cause the directors appointed by it to attend in person, by proxy or by telecommunications any Board meeting at which such transfer is to be considered and to vote in favor of a resolution approving such transfer or to sign a written resolution circulated in lieu of such a meeting of the Board, as the case may be.

(b) 如果一方(“轉讓方”)擬將其在合營公司注冊資本的部分或全部轉讓給第三方,另一方有以與轉讓方向第三方提出的同等價格優(yōu)先購買的權利。



(c) If a Party desires to sell all or part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to the other Party, and the other Party desires to purchase such interest, the Parties shall request an Independent Appraiser to conduct a valuation of the Company using the Industry Valuation Method.

The Independent Appraiser shall complete the valuation of the Company within [forty-five (45)] days.

The valuation determined by the Independent Appraiser shall be the valuation adopted by the Parties for purposes of this provision save that where the valuation is a Stateowned asset valuation required by Applicable Laws, the Parties may agree an adjustment to such valuation where and to the extent permitted under Applicable Laws.

The purchase price for all or part of a Party's share of the registered capital of the Company shall be calculated by multiplying the value of the Company as determined above by the percentage of such Party's share of the registered capital to be transferred.

(c) 如果一方希望將其在合營公司注冊資本中的份額全部或部分出售給另一合營一方,且另一方也愿意購買該份額,則雙方應聘請一家獨立評估師采用行業(yè)評估方法對合營公司進行評估。




(d) Notwithstanding clauses (a) and (b) of this Article 5.6 above, the Assigning Party may transfer all or part of its amount of the registered capital of the Company to an Affiliate (the “Affiliate Assignee”) of the Assigning Party on the following conditions:

(d) 盡管有上述5.6 條(a)、(b)款的規(guī)定,轉讓方可將持有的合營公司注冊資本份額部分或全部按下列條款轉讓給其某一關聯(lián)機構(“關聯(lián)受讓方”):

(i) the Affiliate Assignee shall assume and undertake to perform fully all of the obligations of the Assigning Party under this Contract [and to have assigned to it any shareholder loans made by the Assigning Party to the Company]; and

(i) 關聯(lián)受讓方應承擔并全部履行轉讓方在本合同項下的所有義務[并且受讓轉讓方對合營公司的任何股東債權];并且

(ii) the Assigning Party shall acknowledge and agree that to the extent that the Affiliate Assignee fails to perform any obligation hereunder the Assigning Party is not released from, and remains jointly and severally liable with the Affiliate Assignee for, the full performance of the provisions of this Contract and any damages for the breach thereof.

(ii) 轉讓方應承諾如果關聯(lián)受讓方未能履行本合同項下的義務,轉讓方并不因此解除該義務,仍對本合同條款的全部履行和任何違約所致的損失與關聯(lián)受讓方承擔連帶責任。

The Affiliate Assignee and the Assigning Party each shall provide to the other Party a written undertaking in respect of the foregoing in form and substance satisfactory to the other Party. In respect of any transfer pursuant to this clause


(d), the other Party hereby waives its pre-emptive rights, waives notice in accordance with clause (b) of this Article 5.6 above, irrevocably consents to such transfer, covenants that it will sign all necessary documents in connection therewith and covenants that it will cause the directors appointed by it to attend in person, by proxy or by telecommunications any Board meeting at which such transfer is to be considered and to vote in favor of a resolution approving such transfer or to sign a written resolution circulated in lieu of such a meeting of the Board, as the case may be. 就依本條(d)款而進行的轉讓而言,另一方放棄其在5.6 條(b)款下的優(yōu)先購買權及獲得通知的權利,不可撤銷地同意該轉讓,并保證將簽署所有必要的相關文件,并將促使其委派的董事親自參加、通過代理人或通訊設備參加審議此轉讓事宜的董事會并投票贊成批準此轉讓的決議,或簽署在董事間傳閱的相關書面決議(以適用者為準)。

5.7 Encumbrance of Investment 5.7 就出資設立限制物權

A Party may only mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber all or any part of its interest in the Company's registered capital in compliance with the Changes in FIE Equity Interests Provisions and all other Applicable Laws.


5.8 Increase or Reduction of Registered Capital 5.8 注冊資本增資或減資

(a) Any increase or reduction in the registered capital of the Company must be (i) approved by a unanimous vote of the members of the Board present at a meeting or by unanimous written resolution and (ii) submitted to the Examination and Approval Authority for approval.

Upon such approval, the Company shall register the increase or reduction with the SAIC.

Except as provided in clause (b) below in respect of unilateral contributions to increases in the Company’s registered capital, each Party shall contribute to any increase or bear its proportionate share of such reduction in proportion to its percentage interest in the registered capital of the Company at the time of the increase or reduction.

(a) 合營公司任何增資或減資都須經(jīng)出席董事會的董事一致投票通過或一致的書面決議通過,并報請審批機關批準。



(b) The Parties acknowledge that if the Company achieves the operations, revenue and earnings targets anticipated by the Parties, one or more increases in the registered capital of the Company will be required to support the expansion of the Company's business. Each Party desires to facilitate such expansion by contributing its proportionate share of the required increase(s) in the registered capital of the Company. Each Party desires to facilitate such expansion by contributing its proportionate share of the required increase(s) in the registered capital of the Company. The resulting changes in the Parties' relative shares of the registered capital shall be handled in accordance with the Changes in FIE Equity Interests Provisions and all other Applicable Laws.

The Declining Party hereby covenants that it will sign all necessary documents and cause the directors appointed by it to attend in person, by proxy or by telecommunications any Board meeting at which such matters are considered and to vote in favor of all resolutions necessary or desirable to effect such unilateral contribution to the increase in the registered capital of the Company and the resulting change in the Parties' relative interests in the registered capital of the Company or to sign a written resolution circulated in lieu of such a meeting of the Board, as the case may be.

(b) 如果雙方一致認為要使合營公司達到雙方預期的經(jīng)營、收入和利潤目標,合營公司需要進行一次或多次增資以適應合營公司業(yè)務的發(fā)展。雙方擬按原有出資比例增資。但如一方(“拒絕方”)無論什么原因拒絕按其原有份額增資,則拒絕方不可撤銷地同意另一方可以單方面認繳所需要的新增資本的全部。上述增資使雙方出資份額發(fā)生變化的,依照《外商投資企業(yè)股權變更的規(guī)定》以及其他相關法律處理。


(c) In the event that the Company’s operations are reduced substantially from the scale of operation originally anticipated by the Parties, or the Company experiences substantial and continuing losses resulting in negative retained earnings not anticipated by the Parties in the agreed Business Plan, or in any other circumstance permitted under Applicable Laws or agreed by the Parties, the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis. In determining the amount of any reduction in the Company’s registered capital, the Parties may request an Independent Appraiser to perform a valuation of the Company using the Industry Valuation Method, and/or applying such other factors as the Parties mutually deem appropriate.

(c) 如果合營公司的經(jīng)營規(guī)模比雙方原來預期的規(guī)模有大幅度縮減,或合營公司持續(xù)遭受嚴重虧損,導致在雙方商定的業(yè)務計劃中所未預期的盈余保留負數(shù),或在任何相關法律允許或雙方一致同意的情況下,雙方可以協(xié)議按原有出資比例減資。在決定合營公司注冊資本減少的數(shù)額時,雙方可聘請獨立評估師采用行業(yè)評估方法,并/或考慮雙方相互認為適當?shù)钠渌蛩貙蠣I公司進行評估。

5.9 Additional Financing 5.9 額外融資

(a) The Company may borrow the difference between the registered capital and the total investment amount of the Company from time to time. The Company may obtain loans from sources inside or outside China.

(a) 合營公司可就投資總額超出注冊資本的部分通過貸款融資。合營公司可向國內外機構貸款。

(b) Any external financing raised by the Company shall not confer any right on any lender to acquire an interest in the registered capital of the Company or to participate in the Business. (b) 合營公司進行外部融資時,不得向貸款人授予任何權利,導致其在合營公司注冊資本中占有任何份額或有權參與合營公司的經(jīng)營。

(c) If any guarantee is required as security for any external financing of the Company approved by the Board in accordance with Article 8.2(c)(v), and if the Parties agree to provide guarantees in relation to such financing, the Parties shall severally guarantee the obligations of the Company under such external financing in proportion to their respective interests in the registered capital of the Company at such time as the guarantee is given (unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties).

(c) 如果合營公司董事會依照第8.2(c)(v)條批準的外部融資需要以保證形式提供擔保,并且雙方同意對該融資提供保證,則(除非雙方另有書面協(xié)議)雙方應按當時在合營公司注冊資本中所占份額的比例分別各自對合營公司的義務提供保證。

5.10 Equity Step-up 5.10 股權份額遞增

(a) Subject to the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority, if at any time Applicable Laws or the policies of the relevant government authorities permit a foreign investor to hold an equity interest greater than that currently held by Party B in the Company in the [describe industry sector] industry, undertaking equivalent or similar business to that of the Company, Party B shall have the option (but not the obligation), by notice to Party A given at any time, to increase its percentage interest in the registered capital of the Company to a percentage specified by Party B, which shall be any percentage up to and including the maximum permissible under Applicable Laws of the PRC or policies of the government authorities at the time of exercise (the "Party B Equity Step-up Option").

(a) 如果根據(jù)相關法律或有關政府部門的政策,在[產業(yè)部門]產業(yè),與合營公司的業(yè)務相同或相似的所有企業(yè)中,允許外國投資者持有的股權份額大于乙方在合營公司中現(xiàn)持有的股權份額,經(jīng)審批機關批準,乙方應有選擇權(但無義務),可在任何時間通知甲方增加其在合營公司注冊資本中所占份額至乙方通知中確定的百分比,該增加的份額可為當時中國相關法律或政府部門政策允許的最高限額之內的任何份額(包括最高限額)(“乙方股份遞增選擇權”)。

(b) Party B may, at its election, increase its interest in the registered capital of the Company by:

(b) 乙方[根據(jù)獨立評估師對甲方持有的注冊資本份額進行的國有資產價值評估結果( [由雙方一致同意]

(i) requiring Party A to transfer to Party B such a percentage of its interest in the registered capital of the Company as is required to enable Party B to increase its interest in the registered capital of the Company to the percentage specified by Party B in the relevant Party B Equity Step-up Option exercise notice;

(i) 要求甲方向乙方轉讓甲方在合營公司注冊資本中所占的相應份額,使乙方在注冊資本中所占份額達到其向甲方發(fā)出的行使乙方股份遞增選擇權通知中具體確定的百分比;

(ii) agreeing to make such additional capital contribution to an enlarged registered capital of the Company as is required to increase its interest in the registered capital of the Company to the percentage specified by Party B in the relevant Party B Equity Step-up Option exercise notice; or (ii) 雙方同意對合營公司進行增資,使乙方在注冊資本中所占的份額達到其在乙方股權遞增選擇權行使通知中具體確定的百分比;或

(iii) a combination of the methods set out in Articles 5.10(b)(i) and 5.10(b)(ii), [on the basis of a State-owned asset valuation of the interest in the registered capital of the Company held by Party A by the Independent Appraiser (adjusted to the extent permitted under Applicable Laws as [agreed by the Parties] [determined by Party B in its absolute discretion]) and record filed with SASAC or the relevant Finance Authorities (as appropriate) and which is, in form and substance,acceptable to Party B.]

(iii) 合并采用第5.10(b)(1)項與第5.10(b)(2)項所述的方式。

(c) Completion of each increase in the percentage interest in the registered capital of the Company by Party B in accordance with the provisions of this Article 5.10 shall take place within [20] Business Days after the date on which all necessary approvals of the Examination and Approval Authority to the increase have been obtained.

(c) 乙方依照第5.10 條每一次增加其在合營公司注冊資本中的百分比的事宜,應在取得審批機關所有必要的相關批準手續(xù)后[20]個工作日內完成。

(d) For the avoidance of doubt, Party B may exercise the Party B Equity Step-up Option more than once and in whole or in part at any time during the Term.

(d) 為避免疑異,在合營期間限內任何時間,乙方可全部或多次部分行使乙方股權遞增選擇權。

(e) For the purposes of each increase in the interest of Party B in the registered capital of the Company in accordance with the provisions of this Article 5.10, each Party shall:

(e) 為了使乙方每次依照第5.10 條規(guī)定增加其在合營公司注冊資本中所占百分比得以實現(xiàn),雙方應:

(i) procure that each director appointed by it will either attend a meeting of the Board and vote in favour of a Board resolution or sign a written resolution approving the transfer of the interest in the registered capital of the Company from Party A to Party B and/or the increase in the registered capital of the Company and the change in the Parties' respective interests in the registered capital of the Company (as the case may be);

(i) 促使其委派的每一位董事參加董事會并就甲方向乙方轉讓出資以及/或對合營公司注冊資本進行增資(以適用者為準)并改變雙方在注冊資本中所占份額的事宜投票贊成相關董事會決議或簽署在董事間傳閱的相關書面決議;

(ii) agree and enter into a transfer of equity interest agreement or a similar agreement setting out the terms of the transfer of interest in the registered capital of the Company based on the agreed terms set out in this Contract;

(ii) 根據(jù)雙方在本合同中達成一致的條款,同意并簽署有關出資轉讓事宜的股權轉讓協(xié)議或類似協(xié)議;

(iii) agree in a document executed by the Parties to amend this Contract and the Articles of Association to reflect the changes in the respective interests in the registered capital of the Company of the Parties ;

(iii) 簽署應由雙方簽署的文件表示同意修改本合同及章程,以反映雙方在合營公司注冊資本中各自所占份額的變化;

(iv) procure that each director appointed by it shall co-operate in the obtaining of all necessary approvals of the Examination and Approval Authority of the transfer and/or the increase in the registered capital of the Company and the changes in the Parties' respective interests in the registered capital of the Company; and

(iv) 促使其委派的每一位董事互相配合以獲得審批機關就合營公司注冊資本的轉讓及/或增資以及雙方各自出資比例的變化事宜頒發(fā)的所有必要批準文件;并且

(v) procure that each director appointed by it shall provide all other assistance as may be required to implement the Party B Equity Step-up Option pursuant to this Article 5.10.]

(v) 在乙方依據(jù)第5.10 條行使乙方股權遞增選擇權時,促使其委派的每一位董事提供其他可能的協(xié)助。]


6.1 General 6.1 一般規(guī)定

The Company shall develop the Business [in phases] in accordance with the Business Plan and this Article 6.

合營公司應依照業(yè)務計劃和本第6 條[分期]開展業(yè)務。

6.2 [Phase I] Business 6.2 一期]業(yè)務

The Company shall use its best endeavours to complete the launch of the [Phase I] Business as soon as reasonably practicable after the Business Licence Issuance Date [and in any event by no later than [target date];


6.3 Phase II Business 6.3 二期]業(yè)務

The Company shall use its best endeavours to complete the launch of the Phase II Business by no later than [target date];


6.4 Phase III Business 6.4 三期]業(yè)務

The Company shall use its best endeavours to complete the launch of the Phase III Business by no later than [target date];


6.5 Phase IV Business 6.5 [四期]業(yè)務

The Company shall use its best endeavours to complete the launch of the Phase IV Business by no later than [target date].]


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