


翻譯資訊 翻譯模板 詞典查詢 翻譯語種 行業(yè)翻譯 成功案例 翻譯語種-歐洲語言 翻譯語種-亞洲語言 譯境特色翻譯 翻譯語種-稀有語種 網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化日志 展會(huì)動(dòng)態(tài) 同傳交傳口譯風(fēng)采


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2019/11/26 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2147  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

  甲方:Party A:

  乙方:Party B:


  前言 Recital

  第一章合同雙方的權(quán)利與義務(wù)Chapter 1 Rights and duties of both Parties

  第二章 工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)Chapter 2 IPR

  第三章 產(chǎn)品責(zé)任Chapter 3 Product liability

  第四章 變更與異常Chapter 4 Change and disorder

  第五章 保密Chapter 5 Confidentiality

  第六章 違約責(zé)任Chapter 6 Default liability

  第七章 不可抗力Chapter 7 Force Majeure

  第八章 合同期限Chapter 8 Term of contract

  第九章 仲裁Chapter 9 Arbitration

  本合同于在----簽訂。 簽約一方為:-------(以下簡稱甲方),該公司是一家依據(jù)中國法律存在的法人實(shí)體,其住所為:------。

  This agreement is concluded on the first day of January in -------by and between

arty A: -------- (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a company incorporated in accordance with Chinese laws and having its domicile at ---------;

  簽約另一方為:--------(以下簡稱乙方),是一家依據(jù)中國法律存在的法人實(shí)體,其住所為:---------- 。

  Party B:------(hereinafter referred to as Party B), a company incorporated in accordance with Chinese laws and with its domicile at -----------.

  鑒于甲方擬與乙方簽訂長期供貨合同, 考慮到合法利益的有效保障,雙方一致同意以下條款,簽訂本合同。本合同是甲方與乙方建立配套合作關(guān)系的基礎(chǔ)框架性文件,是規(guī)范和確定甲、乙雙方在合同履行過程中應(yīng)有的權(quán)利和所須承擔(dān)的責(zé)任的書面規(guī)定。本合同共包括九個(gè)部分的內(nèi)容及八項(xiàng)協(xié)議附件。

  Whereas Party A wishes to conclude a long-term supply agreement with Party B and in consideration of the effective protection of the legal interests, both Parties have reached the following agreements in consensus and signed this agreement. This agreement is the fundamental framework documents for the supporting and cooperation relation between both Parties and the written specification and determination of the rights and obligations of both Parties during the performance of this agreement. This agreement consists of 9 chapters and 8 appendices.


  Chapter 1 Rights and obligations of both Parties

  1. 甲方的權(quán)力、責(zé)任與義務(wù)包括但不限于:

  Party A’s rights, obligations and duties include but not limited to:







  Entitled to require Party B to supply the agreed parts and components in accordance with the technical and quality standards, quantity, packaging, schedule, place, service and so on requirements as may be agreed in relevant agreements between both Parties;

  To carry out regular or irregular evaluations of Party B in accordance with the changes of the production plan, the quality of the supplied parts and components, the compliance of time schedule, the quality of after-sale service and so on, and make adjustment to the quantity, categories and supplying qualification as well as to cancel Party B’s supplying qualification according to the results of the evaluations;

  In the case of product liability due to Party B’s fault, to require Party B to compensate economic loss resulted from such product liability;

  To pay Party B the price of goods in accordance with the agreement;

  To have the obligation of confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the agreement;

  To have any other rights and obligations as may be agreed in the agreement.

  2. 乙方的主要權(quán)利、責(zé)任與義務(wù)包括但不限于:

  Party B’s rights, obligations and duties include but not limited to:


  To require Party A to make payments as may be agreed in relevant agreements;


  To supply the parts and components as may be agreed in accordance with the agreed technical and quality standard and quantity, packaging, schedule, place and other requirements and ensure to reach the quality requirements during the production;


  To replace and repair the unqualified products delivered to Party A within the specified time and be liable for the expenses and direct loss thereof;


  In the event that Party A suffers any economic losses due to products liability or Party B’s breach of contract, to make compensations upon the request;


  Without Party A’s prior written consent, shall not to provide the technical materials concerning or in relation to the agreed parts and components in any manner;


  Shall be liable for the obligation of confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the agreement;

  第二章 工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)

  Chapter 2 IPR


  Party B shall manufacture contract parts and components for Party A without infringing upon the IPR of any third party. In the event that Party A suffers such claims, Party B shall be totally liable.


  Party B shall protect and indemnify Party A and its customers against any responsibilities and losses arising from the above IPR. In the event that Party B manufactures and supplies parts and components in accordance with the drawings and so on provided by Party A and should not have been aware of the infringement of any third party’s IPR, Party B shall not be liable.


  When Party A requires, Party B shall inform Party A of all conditions of the IPR related to the agreed parts and components, whether such IPR belongs to Party B, or licensed to use or specially authorized.

  第三章 產(chǎn)品責(zé)任

  Chapter 3 Product liability


  In the event that any third party claims that the defective products provided by Party A and as may be installed on the automobiles manufactured by such third party have caused the damages of such automobiles and personal and property losses and therefore makes claims against and sues Party A, Party A shall inform Party B thereof by fax or telephone after Party A has verified that Party B is liable.


  Party B shall participate in the investigation, technical evaluations and arbitrations and shall provide all the necessary information during the above investigation, technical evaluations and arbitrations. In the event of the lawsuits, both Parties shall jointly participate.

  3. 所發(fā)生的合同產(chǎn)品責(zé)任索賠有關(guān)的一切費(fèi)用應(yīng)由造成產(chǎn)品責(zé)任索賠的一方承擔(dān)。

  All the expenses occurred in relation to the claims of product liabilities shall be borne by the party causing such product liabilities.


  Both Parties shall jointly determine which party causes such claims or to what extent one party’s fault has caused such claims. The above determination shall be made in accordance with the available information and complaints and arbitrations (if applicable).


  In the event that the product liability is totally caused by Party B’s fault, Party B shall indemnify Party A against any costs including attorney fees, legal cost and so on in relation to the claims and proceedings made by any third party.


  In the event that the product liability is totally caused by Party A’s fault, Party A shall indemnify Party B against any costs including attorney fees, legal cost and so on in relation to the claims and proceedings made by any third party.


  This agreement shall be made in Chinese and English, in triplicates, two of which to be held by Party A and one of which to be held by Party B.

  甲方: 乙方:

  Party A: Party B:

  委托代理人(簽字蓋章): 委托代理人(簽字蓋章):

  Authorized agent (signature and seal): Authorized agent (signature and seal)


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