
發(fā)起人:translation521  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):7687  最后更新:2022/9/27 19:52:18 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2015/7/7 16:35:30

角  色:超級版主
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):119


Party A(Employer, hereinafter referred to as Party A)甲方:雇主

Business Type: 經(jīng)營類型                                           

Chief Representative:  授權(quán)代表          Title:  職務(wù)             


Party B(Employees, hereinafter referred to as Party B)雇員

Trade Union:  工會                                           

No. of Total Employees:  雇員人數(shù)                                         

Chief Representative: 授權(quán)代表          Title:  職務(wù) 

目 錄

一、總則 IGeneral Provisions

二、勞動合同管理II. Employment Contract Management

三、勞動報酬III.Labor Remuneration

四、工作時間和休息休假IV. Working Hours and Holidays

五、保險、福利V. Insurance and Welfare

六、勞動安全衛(wèi)生VI.Labor Safety and Sanitation

七、女職工特殊保護VII. Special Protection for Female Employees

八、其他可供雙方選擇的協(xié)商內(nèi)容:VIII. Others optional items for two parties negotiations:


IX.The terms, revision, relief and termination of the collective contact

十、監(jiān)督檢查和爭議處理X. Supervision, inspection and disputes handling.

十一  違約責(zé)任XI. Liability for breach of contract

十二、附則XII. Supplementary Provisions


一、總則 IGeneral Provisions

第一條 根據(jù)《中華人民共和國勞動法》、《中華人民共和國勞動合同法》、《中華人民共和國工會法》、勞動和社會保障部《集體合同規(guī)定》和《  省集體合同條例》等法律、法規(guī),為建立和諧的勞動關(guān)系,維護職工的合法權(quán)益,促進企業(yè)發(fā)展,甲、乙雙方經(jīng)平等協(xié)商一致,簽訂本合同。

Article 1  In order to build stable and harmonious labor relationship, protect the legal rights and interests of the employees and improve the company’s development, after discussion and negotiation in line with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People Republic of China, the Law of Trade Union of People’s Republic of China, the Regulations of the Collective Contract of Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Regulations of      Province on the Collective Contract, and other relevant rules and regulations, party A and Party B hereby agree to sign this contract.

第二條  本集體合同對甲、乙雙方具有約束力。甲方與職工簽訂的勞動合同中的勞動標(biāo)準(zhǔn)不得低于本合同規(guī)定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),企業(yè)的規(guī)章制度與本合同不一致的,按照本合同執(zhí)行。

Article 2 This Contract binds to both parties. The working standard agreed in the contract signed by the company and the employee, should not be less than the standard agreed in this Contract. Inconsistency with the Company rules will be implemented according to this Contract.

第三條    乙方代表全體職工的合法權(quán)益,依法獨立自主地開展工作。

Article 3 Party B represents the legal rights and interests of employees, and carries out work independently in accordance with the law.

第四條    甲方尊重并支持工會維護職工合法權(quán)利和地位,支持工會依法開展工作。

Article 4 Party A should respect and support the Trade Union to work for and safeguard employees’ legal rights and interests and status, to carry out work in accordance with law.

第五條  企業(yè)應(yīng)當(dāng)依法建立集體協(xié)商制度。甲方在制定、修改或者決定有關(guān)勞動報酬、工作時間、休息休假、勞動安全衛(wèi)生、保險福利等直接涉及勞動者切身利益的規(guī)章制度或者重大事項時,應(yīng)當(dāng)經(jīng)職工代表大會或者全體職工討論,提出方案和意見,與乙方職工代表平等協(xié)商確定。

Article 5 The Company should establish the Collective Consultation Mechanism. When Party A intends to decide, revise or set down the rules or important issues related to the rights and interests of the employees, such as labor remuneration, working hours, breaks and holidays, labor safety and sanitation, insurance and welfare, and so on, it should be submitted to the Trade Union congress and representatives from Party B for discussion, adoption and final decision.

第六條  依法簽訂生效的集體合同具有法律效力,甲乙雙方必須嚴(yán)格遵守和履行。

Article 6 This Contract is protected by law and binds to both parties.

二、勞動合同管理II. Employment Contract Management

第七條  甲方與員工遵照合法、公平、平等自愿、協(xié)商一致、誠實信用的原則訂立勞動合同,建立勞動關(guān)系。甲方與員工訂立、履行、變更、解除、終止勞動合同,均按照《勞動合同法》的有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。甲方單方解除職工的勞動合同,應(yīng)事前征求乙方意見。

Article 7 Party A signs the employment contract and set up the labor relationship with employees according to the principle of lawfulness, justice, equality, free will, negotiated consensus and good faith. The signing, implementing, changing, termination and breach of labor contract between the Party A and the employees should be implemented according to the Labor Contract Law. Party A should first heeds for the opinions from Party B when it intends to terminate the labor contract with employees unilaterally.

第八條    乙方有責(zé)任幫助和指導(dǎo)職工按規(guī)定簽訂勞動合同,代表職工與甲方協(xié)商確定勞動合同文本的主要內(nèi)容和條件,監(jiān)督甲方與所有職工簽訂勞動合同。

Article 8 Party B has the obligation to help and instruct employees to sign employment contract accordingly, as the representative to negotiate with Party B to decide the matters and terms of the employment contract, and to supervise Party B to sign employment contracts with every employee.

第九條  乙方協(xié)商代表勞動合同期限短于協(xié)商代表任期的,自動延長至任期期滿,協(xié)商代表在任期內(nèi),甲方不得無故調(diào)動其工作崗位和免除職務(wù)、降低職級或解除勞動關(guān)系。

Article 9 The employment contract term of the representative of Party B will be extended to the finish date of his or her duty automatically when it is shorter than his or her tour of duty. During his or her tour of duty, Party A can’t change his or her position, dismiss, demotion, or terminate the employment contract with her or him.

三、勞動報酬III.Labor Remuneration

第十條  甲方根據(jù)按勞分配,同工同酬的原則和生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營的特點,經(jīng)與乙方平等協(xié)商,依法確定本單位的工資分配制度和支付制度,建立正常的工資增長機制。

Article 9 Party A should decide a salary distribution plan and a salary increase plan according to the combination of the principles of “More pay for more work with focus on efficiency”, and company’s business development, and should negotiate with the Trade Union about the plans.

第十一條  甲乙雙方每年年初根據(jù)本單位的經(jīng)濟效益增長情況、政府發(fā)布的工資指導(dǎo)線、工資指導(dǎo)價位和本地區(qū)、行業(yè)的職工工資平均水平,通過平等協(xié)商確定本年度職工工資水平,簽訂工資調(diào)整機制專項集體合同。

Article 11 Based on the Company’s economic benefits, the government guideline for salary increase and level, and actual average level of the salary in the same area and of the same industry, Party A and Party B should decide the level of salary and sign an agreement of collective bargaining at the beginning of every year.

第十二條  甲方變更工資分配制度和分配方式時,應(yīng)由雙方協(xié)商確定。

Article 12 Party A should consult with Party B equally to make the final decision when Party A intends to change the salary distribution policy and distribution form.

第十三條  由甲、乙雙方共同協(xié)商的條款:






Article 13 Items that should be negotiated by both Parties.

⑴ The determination and revision of labor ration;

⑵ Bonus distribution plan;

⑶ Allowance standard;

⑷ Payment way for the work caused by the Company issue in the planned annual leave days;

⑸ The salary during the probation, sick leave and other specific periods.

四、工作時間和休息休假IV. Working Hours and Holidays

第十四條  甲方執(zhí)行國家規(guī)定的勞動者平均每周工作時間不超過40小時的工時制度,并保證職工每周至少休息一日。因生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營需要確需延長工作時間的,須與乙方和員工本人協(xié)商同意后進行。

Article 14 Party A should obey the national 40h-working hour’s policy and make sure the employees have at least 1 non-work day. The Party A should consult with Party B and the employees if Party A should extend Party B’s working hours for the company’s operation needs.

第十五條  因工作性質(zhì)或者生產(chǎn)特點的限制,經(jīng)乙方同意并報勞動保障行政部門批準(zhǔn),以下部門和崗位可以實行不定時工作制或綜合計算工時制。

Article 15 Due to the constraints of work nature or the production characteristics, upon the approval from Labor and Social Security Bureau, Flexible Working Hour system and Comprehensive Calculation Working Hour System can be implemented in the following departments and positions

第十六條  無論實行何種工作制,其平均日工作時間和平均周工作時間應(yīng)與法定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)工作時間相同。

Article 16 For every working hour system, average working hours per day and per week should be in accordance with standard working hours by law.

第十七條  雙方協(xié)商確定,職工帶薪年休假的具體休假辦法。

Article 17 Two parties consult to decide the implementation policy of employees’ full paid annual leave.

五、保險、福利V. Insurance and Welfare

第十八條  職工有依法享受各項社會保險和福利待遇的權(quán)利。甲方依照國家和地方政府的規(guī)定,參加養(yǎng)老保險、失業(yè)保險、醫(yī)療保險、工傷保險、生育保險等基本社會保險,足額繳納社會保險費,并將繳納社會保險費的情況向乙方和全體職工公布。

Article 18 Employees have the rights to benefit all kinds of social insurance and welfare according to the laws. Party A should participate in and in full pay endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance, and other basic social insurance according to law and local government regulations .Also Party A should announce the social insurance payment situation to Party B and all employees.

第十九條  甲方按規(guī)定為職工繳存住房公積金,并在政策規(guī)定的范圍內(nèi)協(xié)商確定繳存基數(shù)和比例。

Article 19 Party A should deposit accumulation fund for employees according to the law and regulations, and negotiate the cardinal number and proportion within the policy framework.

第二十條  乙方應(yīng)協(xié)助甲方做好各項社會保險的宣傳和繳納工作,乙方有權(quán)對甲方繳納各項社 會保險費的情況按規(guī)定實施監(jiān)督。

Article 20 Party B should assist Party B the promotion of social insurance and paid work, and is entitled to supervise the implementation of social insurance policy of Party A.

第二十一條  甲方按規(guī)定提取各項福利費用,積極改善職工的文化設(shè)施和住宿、就餐等生活條件。

Article 21 Party A should extract the welfares according to the law to improve the cultural facilities, staff accommodation, dining, and other living conditions.

第二十二條  甲方根據(jù)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營特點,在財力許可的情況下,對職工實行下列補充保險:

Article 22 In accordance with the characteristics of production and management, upon financial resources permitting, Party A may provide employees the following supplemental insurance:

(1)企業(yè)年金;Company annuity;

(2)商業(yè)保險;Commercial insurance

(3)其  他 :    others

六、勞動安全衛(wèi)生VI.Labor Safety and Sanitation


(If Party A has signed Collective Contract on Labor Safety and Hygiene, this chapter or below items can be canceled)

第二十三條  甲方必須建立、健全勞動安全衛(wèi)生制度,嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行勞動安全衛(wèi)生規(guī)程、標(biāo)準(zhǔn),提供符合國家規(guī)定的勞動安全衛(wèi)生環(huán)境、設(shè)施、條件及必要的勞動防護用品,制定各崗位的安全操作規(guī)程,并對崗位員工進行培訓(xùn),進行勞動安全衛(wèi)生教育,特種作業(yè)人員應(yīng)按國家規(guī)定進行培訓(xùn)、考核、持證上崗;自覺接受乙方的監(jiān)督檢查。

Article 23 Party A should create and improve its labor safety and sanitation system, follow strictly the national regulations on safety and sanitation, provide labor safety and hygiene environment, facilities, conditions, as well as labor protection necessities  in line with the provision of the state’s, set down the safety operation procedure, give employees labor safety and hygiene training, especially the employees taking up specific jobs who must be trained , examined and work with special certification. As well, Party A should be supervised by Party B.

第二十四條  乙方應(yīng)教育員工嚴(yán)格遵守安全操作規(guī)程;檢查、監(jiān)督勞動保護情況和支持協(xié)助行政的加強安全生產(chǎn)管理;參與因工傷亡事故的調(diào)查和提出處理意見。

Article 24 Party B should instruct employees to strictly follow the safety operation procedure; inspect and supervise labor protection and support the production safety management; participate in the investigation and give proposals how to dispose the cases of accidents that cause death or injury of the employees.

第二十五條  甲方按照國家規(guī)定,制定落實職工夏季防暑降溫和冬季抗寒保暖的各項勞動保護措施,以保證職工在良好環(huán)境下工作。

Article 25 Party A should carry out the labor safeguards to protect the employees from sunstroke in summer and severe coldness in winter.

第二十六條 甲方嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行國家對職工和未成年工特殊保護的規(guī)定。

Article 26 Party A strictly implements the laws and regulations for protection of employees and minor workers.

七、女職工特殊保護VII. Special Protection for Female Employees


  (If Party A carries out special consultations for female employees’ special protection, attached “collective consultation for women and minors special protection” can be signed. If no special contract, regard the annex as this article. )

第二十七條  女職工和未成年工特殊保護集體協(xié)商:

Article 27 Collective consultation for women and minors special protection:

八、其他可供雙方選擇的協(xié)商內(nèi)容:VIII. Others optional items for two parties negotiations:

第二十八條  其他協(xié)商內(nèi)容:Article 28 Other items for negotiations:

1.關(guān)于勞動紀(jì)律和獎懲With regard to labor discipline and punishment

2.關(guān)于職業(yè)技能和培訓(xùn)With regard to vocational skills and training

3.關(guān)于保守商業(yè)秘密With regard to the conservation of business secret

4.關(guān)于裁減人員With regard to employees reduce


With regard to policies and regulations related to employment relationship

6.關(guān)于經(jīng)濟補償和賠償With regard to financial compensation

7.雙方認(rèn)為需要約定的其他事項With regard to the items two parties think should be agreed.


IX.The terms, revision, relief and termination of the collective contact

第二十九條  本合同有效期從    年    月    日至    年    月  日,合同期滿即行終止。合同期滿前三個月內(nèi)雙方應(yīng)當(dāng)協(xié)商續(xù)訂新合同。

Article 29 This validity of this contract is from_______ to ______, Both parties shall negotiate to review this contract three months before the expiration of this contract.

第三十條  對本合同未予明文規(guī)定的事項,應(yīng)當(dāng)依照法律法規(guī)的規(guī)定辦理,法律、法規(guī)無規(guī)定的,須由甲、乙雙方協(xié)商解決。

Article 30 The items, not expressly stipulated in the contract, and should be in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. If without the requirement of laws and regulations either, it will be negotiated both parties.

第三十一條  有下列情形之一,致使本合同條款部分或全部無法履行,甲方與乙方應(yīng)協(xié)商變更或解除本合同:

(1) 訂立時所依據(jù)的有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)已經(jīng)修改或者廢止;

(2) 因不可抗力的原因;

  (3) 集體合同約定的變更和解除條款出現(xiàn);



Article 31 As the result of the following situations, if parts or all of the terms of the contract can not be fulfilled, Party A and Party B should consult to alter or terminate this contract:

(1)  The pursuant laws and regulations has been revised or abolished;

(2)  Force majeure cause reason;

(3)  The agreed terms for alteration and termination of the contract exist;

(4)  The withdraw, merger and bankrupt of the Company

第三十二條  簽訂本合同的任何一方,就合同變更提出協(xié)商要求時,應(yīng)按《江蘇省集體合同條例》規(guī)定的簽訂集體合同的程序辦理,未經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商同意,任何一方不得變更本合同。

Article 32 Each of the parties proposes changes requirements to the contract; it should be implemented according to the Jiangsu Collective Contract Regulations. Without the both parties’ agreement, the contract can’t be altered.

十、監(jiān)督檢查和爭議處理X. Supervision, inspection and disputes handling.

第三十三條  甲乙雙方各推薦    名代表成立聯(lián)合監(jiān)督小組,并訂立監(jiān)督檢查制度,定期對集體合同履行情況進行檢查。檢查中發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,應(yīng)當(dāng)以書面形式提交雙方首席代表共同研究,協(xié)商處理。

Article 33 Party A and Party B each recommends _______ representatives to establish Joint Monitoring Group and set down monitoring policy to inspect the implementation of the collective contract on a regular basis. Found issues should be submitted in writing to the chief representative of the two parties together to take consultations.

第三十四條  職工代表大會對本合同的履行實行民主監(jiān)督。甲方應(yīng)當(dāng)每年至少一次向職工(代表)大會報告本合同的履行情況。工資集體合同的履行情況應(yīng)當(dāng)每半年報告一次

Article 34 The Employees Representative Convention supervises the implementation of this contract. Party A should report the implementation of the contract to the Employees Representative Convention at least once every year. The implementation of the Collective Contract on Salary should be reported once every half year.

第三十五條  因履行本合同發(fā)生爭議,甲、乙雙方應(yīng)協(xié)商解決,協(xié)商不成的,可以向勞動爭議仲裁委員會申請仲裁,對仲裁裁決不服的,可以自收到裁決書之日起十五日內(nèi)向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 5 Any implementation disputes happens; both two parties should consult to solve it. If no consensus, apply for arbitration to the Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee. If disagree to the arbitration, lodge a complaint to the People's Court within the 15 days since the receipt of the arbitration letter.

十一  違約責(zé)任XI. Liability for breach of contract

第三十六條  任何一方違反本合同規(guī)定,應(yīng)根據(jù)責(zé)任大小,依法承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的違約責(zé)任。

Article 36 Any party who contravenes the provisions of this contract should bear the liability for breach of contract according to the law, based on the size of the responsibility.

十二、附則XII. Supplementary Provisions

第三十七條  甲、乙雙方協(xié)商達(dá)成的本合同草案,必須提交職工(代表)大會討論通過,并由雙方首席代表簽字。

Article 37 The contract draft, the result of two parties’ consultation should be submitted to Employee Representative Convention for two parties’ chief representatives’ signatures.

第三十八條  本合同簽訂后,甲方應(yīng)在10日內(nèi)報送當(dāng)?shù)貏趧颖U闲姓块T審查。勞動保障行政部門自收到本合同之日起十五日內(nèi)未提出異議的,本合同即行生效。

Article 38 The contract should be delivered to local Labor and Social Security Bureau for censoring within 10 days since its signing. The contract will come into effect if no exception from local Labor Security Bureau within 15 days since it gets the contract.

第三十九條  生效的合同一式四份,甲、乙雙方各執(zhí)一份,一份由勞動保障行政部門存檔,一份報上級工會備案,并在10日內(nèi)向全體職工公布。

Article 39 The contract is made in four copies, each party holding one, Labor and Social Security Bureau and the superior Trade Union holding one each and should be announced to all employees within 10 days.

甲方授權(quán)代表                        乙方授權(quán)代表

Chief Representative from Party A        Chief Representative from Party B

(簽字蓋章Signature& Stamp)          (簽字蓋章Signature & Stamp)

      年    月  日                      年  月  日

The date of                            The date of   

2022/9/27 19:52:20

角  色:普通會員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
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