
發(fā)起人:eging  回復(fù)數(shù):0  瀏覽數(shù):4635  最后更新:2019/2/21 8:25:54 by eging

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2019/2/21 8:25:54

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):3730
  一、比較級(comparative degree)

  1. 超越 (superiority)
  (1)better than: 勝過,優(yōu)于

  Doing is better than saying.(百說不如一做。)

  (2)more than + 從句。多余,超過

  She has talked more than what is necessary.(她說了一些多余的話)

 ?。?)“than +關(guān)系代詞”的從句。 再 …… 不過。

  He is a scholar than whom no man ever will be more honest.

  (4)superior to :占優(yōu)勢,比……勝一籌。

  He is superior to his elder brother.(他比他哥哥強)

  2. 相等 (equality)

  (1) as … as. 如……一樣。

  As busy as a bee. ( 忙得不可開交)

  (2) as well as 。 既 …… 又, 和……一樣。
  Pompey, as well as Caesar, was a great man.

  (3) the same as…. 像……一樣。
  The same as the past. (一如從前。)
  (4) such/ so…as. 像……一樣。
  Such a great poet as Homer was proficient not just in literature but also in history .

  (5) no sooner than.. 一……就(幾乎同時,夸張用法)。

  No sooner said than done.(說到做到。)

  (6) No more than. 就像,不優(yōu)于。
  You’re no more capable of speaking French than I am.

  (7) No less than. 就像,不次于。

  Technology is no less important than market.

  (8) 否定代詞+more than (else than, other than) 。 than是介詞,只不過……而已。

  This is no other than myself.


  3.差遜 (inferiority)

  (1) inferior to. 比……差,遜于……
  She in to some degree inferior to him in literary.


  (2) less than.. 少于,不到

  It rains less in Jinan than in Hangzhou.


  (3)“差遜”中的形容詞或副詞可以轉(zhuǎn)換成反義詞,再按“超越”的路子來翻譯,這在翻譯中叫做“詞義的轉(zhuǎn)換”。(conversion of acceptation)

  The sky started to grow lighter and the shadow in the little town less dark..
  二、遞增或遞減( comparison of progressive and retrogressive degree)


  He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes.


  The cheapest is always the dearest.


  The sweetest grapes hang highest.


  From bad to worse.(越來越糟)

  3. as well as. 不僅……, 也……。(強調(diào)在前)

  She can speak Japanese as well as English.


  4. all the more……。 反而更……。

  She has all the more reason..


  5. ever +現(xiàn)在分詞。

  He is ever perfecting in his professional work..
  6.More and more , ever more……, growing……,increasingly, on the increase. 越來越…… , 與日俱增。。
  He becomes more and more irritated by her selfish behavior.

  He seems ever more nervous during the job interview.
  He expressed his growing indifference to her.

  Increasingly important, popular(越來越重要、普及)
  7. more than .不僅……;而且有余。

  The reservoir can more than make up for the shortage of rainfall.
  8.more……, less……. 越……反而更……

  More haste, less speed. (欲速不達(dá)。)
  9. None the more: not at all. 毫無,毫不。
  After hearing her lecture on computers I’m none the wiser.

  11. no less than . 不但……, 而且……。
  He is no less apt at dance than language .

  12. only +謂語+比較級. only the +比較級。譯作:反而更加……。
  Rains only make the oriental cherries more beautiful than ever.


  His will is only the stronger after the failure.

  13. The more……,the more……. The sooner, the better. The more, the better.
  The more one has,the more one wants.(越富越貪。)


  Increasingly unpopular.( 越來越不得人心。)

  15. 隱型遞增句

  Still waters run deep.(靜流水深,大智若愚)
  Old but vigorous(老當(dāng)益壯)
  You can’t praise him too much.(怎么表揚他也不過分。)

  The vernal breeze rejuvenates the willows; all creatures grow less and less dead.
  1. far ,much, considerable, appreciably, lots, a lot, a good deal, a great deal +比較級。譯作:遠(yuǎn)比……得多,遠(yuǎn)勝于……。
In a sense, translation is considerably more difficult than composition.

  2. more +比較級。譯作:越……,越……。

  The more admonished, the more worse. (越勸越醉)
  3. more +本該加er的原級。

  This is a more sounder resolution.(這是一個合理的解決方案。)

  4. more than + 原級。分外,榮幸。

  You do me more than proud.(我不勝榮幸。)
  5. most +最高級。
  The peonies of Heze is the finest in the world.

  6. no +比較級。譯作:一點兒也沒有……。
  The situations in Iraq become no better.

  7. still (even) +比較級。譯作:更加……,倍加……。
  The Chinese flowering crabapple looks still even more charming against the green leaves.

  8. still less(=much less) 。譯作:更不用說……。

  She was too shy to speak to his neighbors, still less speak to the whole class.


  9. 本不該加est的原級+ est 。譯作:極其……。
  Sino-American relations belong to the complicatedest bilateral relations.

  10. 主語+as …… as+相同主語。譯作:不僅……,而且……。

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