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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2021/05/31 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2862  
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       9. 不可抗力Majeure
  9.1 不可抗力事件Majeure Event
  9.1.1. For the purpose of this Contract, “Force Majeure Event” shall mean an event, condition or circumstance and the effects thereof which is beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of the Party claiming Force Majeure, which, despite all reasonable efforts of the Party claiming Force Majeure to prevent it or mitigate its effects, prevents or causes a delay or disruption in the performance of any obligation imposed underthis Contract. Subject to the foregoing, Force Majeure Event shall include:
  就本合同而言,不可抗力事件應(yīng)指的是一種事件、條件或情況,所產(chǎn)生的影響超過合理的控制范圍,并且聲稱不可抗力的一方?jīng)]有任何不盡責(zé)任或疏忽,然而,雖然聲稱不可抗力的一方在能力范圍內(nèi)避免或緩和造成的影響, 防止或造成合同所制定的任何責(zé)任履行的遲延或破壞。鑒于上述,不可抗力事件包括:
  (i) Unusually severe weather conditions (including floods, tidal waves, lightning, cyclones, typhoons, whirlwinds, tempests, storms, droughts and other extreme weather conditions);
  不尋常的惡劣天氣條件(包括洪水、潮汐波、閃電、颶風(fēng)、臺(tái)風(fēng)、旋風(fēng)、暴風(fēng)雨、風(fēng)暴、干旱和其它嚴(yán)重的天氣條件) ;
  (ii) Epidemics, plagues or quarantines;
  (iii) Any war (whether declared or not), hostilities, acts of force by a foreign nation, or embargoes;
  任何戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)(無(wú)論是否宣戰(zhàn)) 、敵對(duì)狀態(tài)、他國(guó)武力行為或封港;
  (iv) Blockades, riots, sabotage, revolutions, insurrections, rebellions, public disorder or acts of terrorists;
  (v) Accidents, earthquakes, volcanic activity, sabotage, fire or explosions;
  (ix) Closure of the Loading Port or the means of access thereto by any act or omission of any Governmental Authority;
  (x) Loss, serious accidental damage to or inoperability of Seller’s Mine (except to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Seller or any person acting on behalf of Seller at Seller’s Mine); and
  賣方礦場(chǎng)的虧損、嚴(yán)重意外破壞或無(wú)法運(yùn)營(yíng)(除了賣方因?yàn)楸旧硎韬龌蛴幸庾R(shí)的不當(dāng)行為造成的范圍,或者其它以賣方名義在賣方礦廠所造成的) ;和
  (xi) Strike or work stoppage.罷工或停工斗爭(zhēng)。
  9.1.2. Force Majeure Event shall not include: 不可抗力事件不應(yīng)該包括:
  (i) Infrastructure and equipment failures due to ordinary wear and tear or defects in design or defects in material quality or installation of the plant;
  (ii) Lack of available funds, financial insolvency or financial distress of the Party seeking to claim Force Majeure;
  (iii) Events caused by fluctuating economic conditions in local, national and global markets (including fluctuation of the price of the Product); and
  當(dāng)?shù)亍?guó)家、全球市場(chǎng)波動(dòng)經(jīng)濟(jì)條件造成的事件(包括產(chǎn)品價(jià)格的波動(dòng)) ;和
  (iv) Events or circumstances caused by an act or omission by a Party, its affiliates or its contractors not in compliance with any law.
  9.2 通知不可抗力 Notice for majeure
  9.2.1. Each Party shall notify the other in writing of any event, condition or circumstance reasonably expected to result in the failure to comply with any or all of its obligations under this Contract as a result of an existing or prospective Force Majeure Event. Such notice shall be sent as soon as reasonably possible but no later than fifteen (15) days after becoming aware of such event, condition or circumstance. The Party giving such notice (“Affected Party”) shall:
  (a) identify the nature and the expected duration of the Force Majeure Event, the extent to which such Force Majeure Event affects its obligations and the expected period following the cessation of such Force Majeure Event before it is able to comply in full with its obligations hereunder;
  (b) if relevant, specify the tonnage and sources of iron ore that may be affected by such Force Majeure Event;
  (c) provide all such further information as the other Party may reasonably require; and
  (d) take at its own cost, all steps reasonably required (taking into account the nature and economic consequences of such Force Majeure Event and the cost of the remedy) to cure the effects of such Force Majeure Event.
  對(duì)于化除不可抗力事件造成的影響所需程序(考慮到不可抗力事件的性質(zhì)和經(jīng)濟(jì)后果,還有解決所需費(fèi)用) ,自行承擔(dān)相關(guān)費(fèi)用。
  9.2.2. The Affected Party shall monitor and review the likely duration of the period of the Force Majeure Event and shall notify the other Party immediately upon becoming aware that the period of Force Majeure Event may be shorter or longer than that previously notified to that other Party.
  9.2.3. If the Parties are unable in good faith to agree whether Force Majeure Event has occurred, the burden of proof as to whether a Force Majeure Event has occurred shall be on the Party claiming the Force Majeure Event.
  如果雙方無(wú)法善意達(dá)成不可抗力事件是否發(fā)生的協(xié)議, 提供不可抗力事件是否有發(fā)生的證明的責(zé)任是屬于提出通知一方的。
  9.3 責(zé)任中止 Termination to liabilities
  9.3.1. If a Party is unable to perform, partial or totally, any obligation set forth herein due to a Force Majeure Event and gives the other Party notice in accordance with Section , the relevant obligations of the Affected Party shall be suspended, delayed or excused to the extent of such Force Majeure Event.
  9.3.2. Suspension of any obligations pursuant to Section 9.3.1 will not affect any rights or obligations which have accrued prior to the occurrence of the applicable Force Majeure Event, including obligations of Buyer to make payment for deliveries of Product delivered in

  accordance with this Contract prior to the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event.
  10. 未履約和終止 Failure and termination
  10.1 終止事件 Termination events
  10.1.1. A Party which is not in default may, by notice in writing to the Party in default, terminate this Contract if any of the following events of default occurs:
  (a) the other Party defaults in the payment of undisputed amounts due and payable under this Contract exceeding in the aggregate US$5,000,000.- and such default continues unremedied after the expiry of fifteen (15) days following the date on which the non - defaulting Party shall have given notice of the default to the defaulting Party;
  (b) dissolution or liquidation of the other Party, except for voluntary dissolution or liquidation as part of a corporate restructuring, provided that the resulting entity has assumed any and all obligations of such other Party;
  (c) bankruptcy or judicial or extra-judicial reorganization of the other Party pursuant to applicable bankruptcy law; or
  (d) the other Party commits any material breach of any of its material obligations under this Contract (other than those specifically described in item (a) of this Section), including failure by Seller to supply the Annual Quantities in a given Contract Year and failure by Buyer to purchase the Annual Quantities in a given Contract Year, except if such breach is remedied within thirty (30) days from the receipt by the defaulting Party of notice sent by the non-defaulting Party giving details of the breach and requiring the cure of such breach.
  另一方對(duì)于本合同有實(shí)質(zhì)性違反任何一條責(zé)任(除了本條(a)點(diǎn)所敘述的情況) ,包括賣方?jīng)]有依照該合同年的年度數(shù)量供應(yīng),和買方?jīng)]有依照合同年的年度數(shù)量購(gòu)買,除非這樣的違反情況,能在未履約方收到履約方所寄的有關(guān)違反情況和改善此情況的要求通知后,三十(30)日進(jìn)行改善。
  10.2 不可抗力的終止 Termination of majeure
  10.2.1. Buyer may terminate this Contract by giving thirty (30) days prior notice to Seller if a Force Majeure Event affecting all or substantially all of either Party’s obligations continues unremedied for more than six (6) months immediately preceding the date of giving such notice.
  10.2.2. Seller may terminate this Contract by giving thirty (30) days prior notice to Buyer if a Force Majeure Event affecting all or substantially all of either Party’s obligations continues unremedied for more than six (6) months immediately preceding the date of giving such notice.
  10.3 無(wú)原因終止 Termination without reason
  10.3.1. Neither Party may terminate this Contract without cause.
  11. 伴隨性損害和保險(xiǎn) Incidental damage and insurance
  11.1 伴隨性損害 Incidental damage
  11.1.1. The Parties shall not be liable for indirect, special or consequential losses, including, but not limited to, any loss of production, loss of business opportunity, loss of revenue or loss of profits in the normal course of business, incurred or suffered by the other Party as a result of the performance or non-performance of the obligations provided for in this Contract or as a result of any law, rule or decision by Brazilian or Chinese authorities, irrespective of the causes thereof, including fault or negligence.
  11.1.2. The Parties agree that the regular termination of this Contract shall also not imply any kind of liability regarding consequential damages.
  12. 委派Appointment
  12.1 無(wú)委派 Without appointment
  12.1.1. Neither Party is entitled to assign or transfer this Contract or any part thereof or any benefit, interest, right or cause of action arising under this Contract without the prior consent in writing of the other Party.
  12.2 轉(zhuǎn)售 Transfer sale
  12.2.1. Buyer hereby agrees and acknowledges that the Product Quantities sold by Seller to Buyer pursuant to this Contract are for the exclusive use of Buyer and/or its Affiliates and that, in any event, the resale or the assignment, for any purpose whatsoever, of any Product Quantities by Buyer or itsAffiliates to any third party is strictly prohibited, except if previously and expressly permitted in writing by Seller.
  13. DISPUTE SETTLEMENT爭(zhēng)端解決
  13.1 General總則
  13.1.1. All disputes between the Parties related to any matter or disagreement arising from this Contract (“Dispute”) shall be referred by the aggrieved Party to the other Party by giving notice in accordance with Section (“Dispute Notice”). The Parties shall, within the period of thirty (30) calendar days as from the receipt of the Dispute Notice, endeavor to come, in good faith, to an understanding on such matter or disagreement.
  雙方任何從本合同引起的事項(xiàng)或異議而造成的爭(zhēng)端(簡(jiǎn)稱爭(zhēng)端)應(yīng)由受侵害的一方依照條款給予另一方通知(簡(jiǎn)稱爭(zhēng)端通知) 。雙方應(yīng)在收到爭(zhēng)端通知的三十(30)歷日內(nèi),盡力善意地達(dá)成對(duì)該事項(xiàng)或異議的諒解。
  13.1.2. If a Dispute is not resolved according to Section , each Party shall ensure that senior executive officers of the Parties meet with a view to resolving the Dispute. If the Dispute is not resolved within forty-five (45) days as from the receipt of the Dispute Notice either Party may require that the Dispute is resolved in accordance with Section .
  13.1.3. Except where clearly prevented by the nature of the Dispute, the Parties shall continue performing their respective obligations under this Contract until the Dispute is resolved in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.
  13.2 Arbitration仲裁
  13.2.1. In the event the Parties are unable to resolve the matter or the disagreements in accordance with the process described in Section , all the matters that are still in disagreement shall be submitted to the decision of, and shall be finally settled by arbitration conducted in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris then in effect, except as herein modified by the Parties or otherwise agreed to by the Parties. All arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and shall take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro -RJ.
  13.2.2. The arbitration shall be held and determined by three (3) arbitrators. Each Party shall appoint an arbitrator of its choice within thirty (30) days as from the submission of a notice of arbitration. The Party-appointed arbitrators shall in turn appoint the presiding arbitrator of the tribunal within fifteen (15) days following the appointment of both Party-appointed arbitrators. Should the Party-appointed arbitrators not reach an agreement on a presiding arbitrator of the tribunal and/or one Party refuses to appoint its Party-appointed arbitrator within said thirty-day period, then the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration shall appoint the arbitrator(s) required to complete the tribunal. All decisions and awards by the arbitration tribunal shall be made by majority vote and shall be based exclusively in law and not in equity.
  仲裁應(yīng)由三(3)位仲裁人執(zhí)行和制定。每一方應(yīng)在提交仲裁通知后的三十(30)日內(nèi)指定一位自己選的仲裁人,而各方指定的仲裁人應(yīng)在雙方被指定后的十五(15)日內(nèi),指定仲裁庭庭長(zhǎng)。如果各方指定的仲裁人無(wú)法達(dá)成有關(guān)仲裁庭庭長(zhǎng)的協(xié)議, 和/或其中一方在所述的三十日期間拒絕指定自己選的仲裁人, 國(guó)際商會(huì)仲裁法院應(yīng)指定一位或多位的仲裁人來(lái)達(dá)到仲裁庭的人數(shù)。所有仲裁庭的決定和裁決應(yīng)是多數(shù)票,并且應(yīng)僅以法律為基準(zhǔn),而不是股本為基準(zhǔn)。
  13.2.3. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the Parties to the arbitration proceedings:
  (a) The arbitrator(s) shall be and remain at all times wholly independent and impartial;
  (b) All members of the arbitration tribunal shall have experience relevant to the subject matters of the Dispute;
  (c) The expenses of the appointed arbitrator of each side of the Dispute shall be advanced and finally paid by that Party, and the expenses of the third arbitrator shall be advanced and finally paid equally by the opposing sides involved in the Dispute;
  (d) The decision of the majority of the arbitrators shall be (i) reduced to writing; (ii) finaln and binding without the right of appeal; (iii) the sole and exclusive remedy regarding any claims, counterclaims, issues or accountings presented to arbitration; (iv) made and promptly paid in Dollars; and (v) any costs or fees incident to enforcing the award, shall to the maximum extent permitted by law be charged against the Party mresisting such enforcement;
  仲裁人大多數(shù)的決定應(yīng)(i)以書面形式表述出來(lái);(ii)最終且對(duì)雙方有約束力的,并且無(wú)上訴權(quán); (iii)對(duì)于任何訴訟、反訴、爭(zhēng)議或核算,是獨(dú)自擁有的救濟(jì); (iv)執(zhí)行而且盡快以美元繳付;和(v)任何執(zhí)行裁決中的成本和費(fèi)用,在法律的最大限度內(nèi),由抗拒這項(xiàng)執(zhí)行的一方擔(dān)負(fù);
  (e) The award shall include interest from the date of any breach or violation of this Contract, as determined by the arbitration award, and from the date of the award until paid in full, at the agreed interest rate by the arbitrators;
  (f) Judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction over the person or the assets of the Party owing the judgment, or application may be made to such court for a judicial acceptance of the award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be;
  (g) The arbitration shall proceed in the absence of a Party who, duly notified, fails to answer or appear. An award shall not be made solely on the default of a Party, but the arbitrators shall require the Party who is present to submit such evidence as the arbitrators may determine is reasonably required to make an award;
  (h) If an arbitrator should die, withdraw or otherwise become incapable of serving, or refuse to serve, a successor arbitrator shall be selected and appointed in the same manner as the original arbitrator;
  如果一位仲裁人死亡、放棄,或是不再能執(zhí)行工作、或是拒絕工作,承繼的仲裁 人應(yīng)由原先指定該仲裁人的方式進(jìn)行;
  (i) The arbitrators shall take into account principles of legal privilege, such as those involving the confidentiality of communications between a lawyer and a client;
  (j) The Parties waive any rights to seek rulings from any court on issues of law that arise during an arbitration or to challenge the award on the grounds of the interpretation of law adopted by the arbitrators.
  14. GOVERNING LAW準(zhǔn)據(jù)法
  14.1.1. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [State of NewYork, the United States ofAmerica], without giving effect to the conflicts of laws thereof. The trade terms under this Contract shall be governed by and interpreted under the provisions of the Incoterms and its supplements in force at the date of the shipment of the Products hereunder.
  本合同以[美利堅(jiān)合眾國(guó)紐約州]的法律為準(zhǔn)據(jù)法,任何沖突該法律的無(wú)效。本合同內(nèi)的貿(mào)易用詞應(yīng)受本合同所述產(chǎn)品裝運(yùn)當(dāng)時(shí), 有效的國(guó)際商會(huì)國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解釋通則和補(bǔ)充文的規(guī)定的管轄,并按照該通則解釋。
  14.1.2. The application of the Convention on the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
  15.1.1. The Parties hereby agree that the terms of this Contract are confidential and that, except for the purpose of enforcing this Contract, neither Party shall disclose any of the terms of this Contract to any third party other than an affiliate of a Party and/or Client(s), unless such disclosure is, as evidenced by opinion of counsel, required by law or regulation of a stock exchange to which a Party is affiliated or unless prior written approval has been obtaind from the other Party.
  16. NOTICES通知
  16.1.1. Any notice or other communication from one of the Parties to the other Party, which isrequired or permitted to be made by the provisions of this Contract shall be (a) made in the English language; (b) made in writing; and (c) sent by facsimile and/or courier to the following addresses:
  雙方間依照本合同明文所要求或準(zhǔn)許的通知和其它的通訊,必須(a)以英文; (b)書面方式;和 (c)使用傳真和/或信使送到下列地址:
  17.1 Severability可分性
  17.1.1. Should any term or provision of this Contract be considered invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced by any rule of law, or public policy, all other conditions and provisions of this Contract shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect so long as the economic or legal substance of the transaction herein contemplated is not affected in any manner adverse to any party. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Contract so as to effect the original intent of the Parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner in order that the transaction herein contemplated be consummated asoriginally intended by the Parties to the greatest extent possible.
  本合同任何內(nèi)容或規(guī)定被認(rèn)為無(wú)效、 不合法或無(wú)法由任何法規(guī)或國(guó)家政策執(zhí)行時(shí),所有本合同其它的條件和規(guī)定仍然繼續(xù)有效,只要本合同預(yù)期交易的經(jīng)濟(jì)或法律實(shí)質(zhì),對(duì)任何一方來(lái)講沒有任何不良方式受到影響。一旦確定任何內(nèi)容或規(guī)定被認(rèn)定無(wú)效、不合法或無(wú)法執(zhí)行時(shí),雙方應(yīng)善意協(xié)商修改本合同,使雙方原意能以雙方都接受的方式產(chǎn)生作用,以便本合同所預(yù)期的交易能盡量在最大的范圍內(nèi),依照雙方的原意來(lái)完成。
  17.2 No Waiver非棄權(quán)
  17.2.1. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, no waiver by any Party of any defaults by the other in the performance of any of the provisions of this Contract shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or further default or defaults whether of a like or differentcharacter.
  17.2.2. The failure or delay by either Party in exercising any right, power or privilege under this Contract shall not operate as a waiver thereof nor shall any single partial exercise by that Party of any right, power or privilege preclude any further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.
  17.3 Amendments修改
  17.3.1. Except if otherwise expressly provided herein, no provision of this Contract may be amended, modified, waived, or discharged or terminated, unless if made in written and signed by the Parties hereto, nor may any breach of any provision of this Contract be waived or discharged by any Party except with the express written consent of the other Party.
  除了在本合同有特別明言的,本合同的任何規(guī)定都不得修改、改變、棄權(quán)、釋放或終止,除非本合約的雙方皆在書面簽署同意, 對(duì)于本合同任何規(guī)定的違背不可被任何一方棄權(quán)或釋放,除非有得到另一方的書面同意。
  17.4 Entire Contract完整合同
  17.4.1. This Contract supersedes any previous written or oral agreement between the Parties in relation to the matters dealt with in this Contract and contains the whole Contract between the Parties relating to the subject matter of this Contract at the date hereof to the exclusion of any terms implied by law which may be excluded by Contract. The Parties acknowledge that they have not been induced to enter into this Contract by any representation, warranty or undertaking not expressly incorporated into this Contract.
  本合同取代先前雙方對(duì)于本合同事項(xiàng)之間的書面或口頭協(xié)議, 本合同含有雙方對(duì)于本合同事項(xiàng)到該日期所有的內(nèi)容,排除任何本合同排除的法律含有規(guī)定。雙方承認(rèn)沒有受任何本合同中不含有的聲明、保證或承諾的影響而簽署本合同。
  17.5 Taxes稅
  17.5.1. Any and all taxes and duties levied on the Product or on this Contract in Brazil shall be afforded by Seller.
  17.5.2. Any and all taxes and duties levied on the Product or on this Contract out of the country of origin shall be afforded by Buyer.
  17.5.3. Should any Party be subject to any kind of penalty arising from the non-performance of tax obligations imposed by the relevant authorities, such defaulting Party shall bear any and all costs arising out therefrom.
  17.6 Cooperation with Project Lenders和項(xiàng)目貸方的合作
  17.6.1. Seller intends that the Seller’s Mine will be financed on a limited-recourse basis through credit facilities entered into by Seller and certain banks (“Project Lenders”), and accordingly Buyer shall cooperate fully and in good faith with, and use its reasonable efforts to assist Seller in relation to the financing of the Seller’s Mine. In this regard, Buyer agrees to enter into one or, to the extent required, more direct agreements with the Project Lenders (or their agents), which direct agreements will contain, among other things, as they may be, customary or deemed necessary or advisable in accordance with market practices, obligations upon the Buyer to not, without the consent of the Project Lenders, (i) make any material amendments to the Agreement, (ii) waive or release any material obligations of the Seller under the Agreement and, (iii) agree any cancellation or termination of the Agreement as a result of a breach by the Seller without giving the Project Lenders (or their agents) notice thereof and the right to step in and cure such breach in the name of the Seller.
  賣方計(jì)劃使其礦場(chǎng),藉由賣方和一些銀行(項(xiàng)目貸方)所簽署的信用措施,得到有限追索性的借貸,加上買方的全力善意合作,幫助賣方取得礦場(chǎng)的借貸。在這方面,買方同意在需求的范圍內(nèi),和項(xiàng)目貸方(或代理人)簽署一份或多份的直接協(xié)議,在這些直接協(xié)議包含的事項(xiàng)中,除了其它根據(jù)市場(chǎng)慣例、必須或建議事項(xiàng),還包含買方在沒取得項(xiàng)目貸方的同意下, (i)不得在協(xié)議中做任何實(shí)質(zhì)修改,(ii)放棄或釋放本協(xié)議下賣方的責(zé)任, (iii)同意在賣方違約而沒有通知項(xiàng)目貸方(或其代理人)的情況下,任何對(duì)協(xié)議的取消或終止,還有以賣方名義介入并修補(bǔ)這樣的違背行為的權(quán)利。
  [Signature Page follows.] 在下頁(yè)簽名
  Executed by the Parties as a Contract on the date first set out above.
  產(chǎn)品數(shù)量和供應(yīng)安排 Product quantity and supply arrangement
  1. Buyer shall present to Seller a tentative loading schedule for each Contract Year not later than October 31 st of the previous Contract Year indicating tentative monthly quantities and shipment schedule (“Annual Quantity Notice”). Seller shall confirm in writing such schedule to Buyer within fifteen (15) days from the receipt of the Annual Quantity Notice.
  a. [Buyer and Seller shall mutually agree by September 30 th of each Contract Year the quantities of Ground Pellet Feed (i.e. Product with Blaine index exceeding 1,800cm@/gr as measured by air-permeability methods), if any, to be supplied during the following year.]
  [買方和賣方應(yīng)在每合同年的九月三十日, 如果在接下來(lái)一年終需要供應(yīng)的話,取得對(duì)于 Ground Pellet Feed數(shù)量的同意(布萊恩指數(shù)以空氣滲透性方法測(cè)量超過1,800cm@/gr 的產(chǎn)品)。]
  b. The Amount Quantity presented in the Annual Quantity Notice shall not be more than ---- percent (----%) higher or lower in comparison to the Amount Quantity agreed between the Parties for the Contract Year then in course.
  在年度數(shù)量通知上提出的年度數(shù)量,大于或小于目前合同年雙方同意的年度數(shù)量,不可超過百分之----(----%) 。
  2. Buyer shall present to Seller a provisional loading schedule at least [forty-five (45)] days prior to commencement of each Quarter of the Contract Year indicating quantities (“Quarterly Quantities Notice”), Product types and the firm laydays of [fifteen (15)] for each shipment. Seller shall confirm such schedule to Buyer within [seven (7)] days from receipt of the Quarterly Quantities Notice.
  3. Buyer shall also present to Seller a provisional loading schedule at least [twenty-one (21)] days prior to commencement of such month of the Contract Year indicating quantities (“Monthly Quantities Notice”), Product types and the firm laydays of [fifteen (15)] for each shipment. Seller shall confirm such schedule to Buyer within [three (3)] business days from receipt of the Monthly Quantities Notice.
  4. Buyer shall lift the contracted quantities on an evenly spread basis as much as possible.
  5. 買方應(yīng)盡可能地將購(gòu)買數(shù)量平均分?jǐn)傔\(yùn)送。
  6. Each vessel nominated by Buyer to Seller in accordance with the Monthly Quantities Notice shall constitute a Binding Order for the shipment in question.
  7. In case Seller does not agree with an Annual Quantity Notice, a Quarterly Quantities or with a Monthly Quantities Notice, and the Parties, discussing in good faith, do not reach a satisfactory resolution regarding the Annual Quantity, the Quarterly Quantities or the Monthly Quantities, as the case may be, prior to ten (10) days from to the commencement of the period discussed, the Product Quantity for such period shall continue to be the Product Quantity agreed for the year, Quarter or month then in course, as the case may be.
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  ANNEX V附件五

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