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發(fā)表時間:2021/05/25 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2879  
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Agency Appointment Contract of Legal Issues
  簽署日期The date of Signature
  委托人 (甲方) :Principal (Party A):
  受托人(乙方): Agent (Party B) :
  第一條 代理律師和代理事項Article 1 Attorney and agent matters
  第二條 代理權(quán)限Article 2 Agent authority
  第三條 乙方義務(wù)Article 3 Party B’s obligations
  第四條 甲方義務(wù)Article 4 Party A’s obligations
  第五條 合同終止和結(jié)算Article 5 Termination of contract and settlement
  第六條 期限Article 6 Term of contract
  第七條 文本Article 7 Text
  Party A, appoints Party B as its agent to handle business franchise registration with Ministry of Commerce.
  Therefore, after friendly consultation, both parties have reached consensus on relevant matters, and agree to record the contents as follows:
  第一條 代理律師和代理事項Article 1 Attorney and agent matters
  After accepting Party A’s appointment, Party B shall designate practicing lawyers or record commissioners to specifically conduct the above-mentioned affairs. A lawyer could choose lawyers in probation period or assistant lawyers to assist him in conducting the affairs. The specific work of lawyers and lawyers in probation period shall be arranged by Party B.
  第二條 代理權(quán)限Article 2 Agent authority
  Both sides have reached consensus that Party A appoints Party B as its sole agent with full authority; the rights of agent include: collection, arrangement, and submission of record materials, submission of application for record, communication and coordination with record authority, collection of record documents, and providing legal consultation and advices.
  第三條 乙方義務(wù)Article 3 Party B’s obligations
  Party B shall provide legal services and safeguard the legitimate interests of the Party A in accordance with business standards and requirements of diligence and conscientiousness recognized by domestic lawyers. However, in the event that Party A fails to (1) sign an appointment timely, (2) pay agent fees agreed in this contract timely, or (3) fully pre-pay expenses, that Party B cannot perform obligations, it would not be taken as Party B’s failure to fulfill its obligations;
  Party B shall keep confidential the state secrets, business secrets, unpublished materials, personal privacy, etc. which it acquires during legal services, with exception that the disclosure is agreed by the enterprises or demanded by law;
  第四條 甲方義務(wù)Article 4 Party A’s obligations
  Party A believes that Party A meets the requirements of “Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Franchises” and “Administrative Measures for Archival Filing of Commercial Franchises”; That is the reason why Party A decides to appoint Party B to solve this problem using Party B’s expertise and special background in terms of Commercial Franchise Registration with MOFCOM in China completes the certification materials acquired from aboard in accordance with the requirements of, Party B introduces relevant to Party B's lawyers truthfully, and provide relevant detailed materials timely, truly, and provides working conditions and other facilities according to actual needs.
  Party A shall prepay Party B’s lawyers, lawyers in probation period or assistant lawyers disbursements in advance, which includes but not limits to appraisal cost, translation fee, check file fee, independent inspection fee, evidence copy (including photocopying) fee, the non-regulations materials, postal fees, long distance telephone calls, city taxi fee, board and lodging happens outside Beijing, etc. according to solid settlement; Party A shall pay court fees and cost timely and separately to court, industrial and commercial administration bureau and other state organs.
  4.3甲方向乙方支付律師服務(wù)費為人民幣 元。支付期限和方式為特許經(jīng)營商務(wù)部備案成功后一次性支付。若上述商業(yè)特許經(jīng)營備案不成功,乙方將不收取甲方任何費用,但由于甲方在有能力提供所需資料的情況下不提供所需資料或提供的資料不實造成的除外。
  Party A shall pay legal services at RMB Yuan. A lump-sum payment shall be made . In the condition that the commercial franchise record is not successful, Party B shall not charge any fees, with the exception that Party A fails to provide necessary or authentic materials when Party A is capable to provide such materials.
  第五條 合同終止和結(jié)算Article 5 Termination of contract and settlement
  When the performance of this contract is completed, the parties shall settle the agent fees and expenses in accordance with agreement in Article 4.
  In the conditions that Party A conducts fabrication and fraud activities, Party B is entitled to dissolve this contract without returning fees agreed in the contract, and observes the right to claims relevant legal service fees, and other expenses.
  In the conditions that parties decides to dissolve the contract before complement, (including but not limiting to the conditions that Party A unilaterally withdraws record application, Party A refuses or unreasonably delays to provide record materials to Party B, or Party A provides unauthentic record materials, etc.), Party A shall promptly pay Party B the legal services fees and other costs, and then the contract shall be terminated.
  第六條 期限Article 6 Term of contract
  The term of contract starts from signing of this contract, and ends when Ministry of Commerce approves or rejects the application, and Party A completes settlement with Party B.
  第七條 文本Article 7 Text
  This contract is written in Chinese and English, in two copies of the same form. Each party shall preserve one copy with equal legal effect. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Commerce, Party A shall provide Agency Appointment Contracts of different steps while Party B performs its duties.
  甲方:Party A: 乙方:律師事務(wù)所Party B: Law Firm
  法定代表人:Legal representative: 負責(zé)人: Responsible person:

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