


翻譯資訊 翻譯模板 詞典查詢 翻譯語種 行業(yè)翻譯 成功案例 翻譯語種-歐洲語言 翻譯語種-亞洲語言 譯境特色翻譯 翻譯語種-稀有語種 網站優(yōu)化日志 展會動態(tài) 同傳交傳口譯風采

臺灣保險法翻譯模板(第四部分 中英文)

發(fā)表時間:2019/12/23 00:00:00  瀏覽次數:2550  
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第149-8 條保險業(yè)之清理,主管機關應指定清理人為之,并得派員監(jiān)督清理之進行。清理人之職務如下:



Article 149-8 For rehabilitation of an insurance enterprise, the competent authority shall appoint a rehabilitator, and may dispatch personnel to supervise the rehabilitation. The duties of the rehabilitator are as follows:

1. To wind up pending matters. 2. To collect assets and discharge liabilities.

When an insurance enterprise is ordered by the competent authority to suspend business and undergo rehabilitation, the provisions of Article 149-1 and Article 149-2, paragraphs 1 and 7 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

In performing the duties referred to in paragraph 2, the rehabilitator shall have the authority to perform all litigious and non-litigious acts on behalf of the insurance enterprise. However, approval from the competent authority shall be obtained before transfer of operations, assets, or liabilities of the insurance enterprise, or before its merger with another insurance enterprise. When an insurance enterprise takes assignment of the operations, assets, or liabilities of, or merges with, an insurance enterprise under rehabilitation, it shall comply with the provisions of the preceding

article. A rehabilitator who petitions for provisional attachment or provisional injunction in connection with the exercise of his/her duties shall be exempt from any requirement to provide security.

第149-9 條清理人就任后,應即于保險業(yè)所在地之日報為三日以上之公告,催告?zhèn)鶛嗳擞谌諆壬陥笃鋫鶛?,并應聲明屆期不申報者,不列入清理。但清理人所明知之債權,不在此限。清理人應即查明保險業(yè)之財產狀況,于申報期限屆滿后三個月內造具資產負債表及財產目錄,并擬具清理計劃,報請主管機關備查,并將資產負債表于保險業(yè)所在地日報公告之。清理人于第一項所定申報期限內,不得對債權人為清償。但對已屆清償期之職員薪資,不在此限。

Article 149-9 After being instated, the rehabilitator shall immediately make public announcement for at least three days in a daily newspaper published in the area where the insurance enterprise is located, notifying creditors to file their claims within thirty days and stating that in case of failure to file within the time limit such claims will not be included in the rehabilitation proceeding, provided that this restriction does not apply to claims known to the rehabilitator. The rehabilitator shall immediately ascertain the status of the insurance enterprise's assets; prepare a balance sheet and list of property within three months from the expiration of the time limit for filing a claim; prepare a rehabilitation plan; submit all of the above to the competent authority; and publicize the balance sheet in a daily newspaper published in the area where the insurance enterprise is located. During the filing period set forth in paragraph 1, the rehabilitator may not make payment to creditors, provided that employee salaries that are due are not subject to this restriction.

第149-10 條保險業(yè)經主管機關勒令停業(yè)進行清理時,第三人對該保險業(yè)之債權,除依訴訟程序確定其權利者外,非依前條第一項規(guī)定之清理程序,不得行使。前項債權因涉訟致分配有稽延之虞時,清理人得按照清理分配比例提存相當金額,而將所余財產分配于其它債權人。





Article 149-10 For an insurance enterprise that has been ordered by the competent authority into suspension of business and rehabilitation, creditors' rights shall not be exercised by any third party against the insurance enterprise other than through the rehabilitation proceeding set forth in paragraph 1 of the preceding article, except for rights that have been ascertained through litigation procedures. If the distribution of payment of creditors' rights referred to in the preceding paragraph is likely to be delayed due to litigation, the rehabilitator may set aside an amount based on the rehabilitation distribution ratio, and distribute the balance of the property to other creditors.

The following creditors' rights shall be excluded from rehabilitation:

1. Expenses incurred by creditors for personal benefit while taking part in the rehabilitation proceeding.

2. Damages and penalties owed by the insurance enterprise due to non-performance of debt obligations after the day of suspension of business.

3. Criminal fines, administrative fines, and arrears fees.


Those holding pledges, mortgages, or liens on property of the insurance enterprise prior to the day of suspension of business shall enjoy the right of exclusion with respect to such property. Creditors with the right of exclusion may exercise their creditors' rights independently of the rehabilitation proceeding, provided that for debts that remain unsettled after exercise of the right of exclusion, such creditors may file a claim in accordance with the rehabilitation proceeding. Expenses and debts incurred by the rehabilitator in the execution of rehabilitation duties have priority over payment of creditors, and shall be reimbursed on a running basis from the property of the insurance enterprise under rehabilitation. The limitations period for claiming payment for creditors' rights shall be interrupted from the time that a claim is filed or that rights known to the rehabilitator are included in the rehabilitation pursuant to paragraph 1 of the preceding article, and shall resume from the day the rehabilitation is completed. Where a creditor has received payment through the rehabilitation proceeding, right of claim against the insurance enterprise for the portion of credit not fully paid up shall be deemed extinguished. After completion of rehabilitation, if distributable property is discovered, supplemental distribution shall be carried out. If there is any balance after paying those creditors who are listed in the rehabilitation proceeding, the creditors referred to in paragraph 3 shall be entitled to claim it.

第149-11 條清理人應于清理完結后十五日內造具清理期內收支表、損益表及各項賬冊,并將收支表及損益表于保險業(yè)所在地之新聞紙及主管機關指定之網站公告后,報主管機關廢止保險業(yè)許可。前項經廢止許可之保險業(yè),自停業(yè)時起視為解散,原有清理程序視為清算。

第150 條保險業(yè)解散清算時,應將其營業(yè)執(zhí)照繳銷。

Article 149-11 Within fifteen days of completion of the rehabilitation, the rehabilitator shall: prepare a revenue and expense statement, a profit and loss statement, and various account books for the rehabilitation period; publicize the revenue and expense statement and the profit and loss statement in newspapers published in the area where the insurance enterprise is located, and on a website designated by the competent authority; and submit a report to the competent authority requesting that it revoke insurance the enterprise's business permit.

Article 150 An insurance enterprise whose business permit is revoked as provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed dissolved from the time of business suspension, and the original rehabilitation proceeding shall be deemed liquidation. When an insurance enterprise is dissolved and liquidated, its business license shall be revoked.

第二節(jié)保險公司Section 2. Insurance Companies

第151 條保險公司除本法另有規(guī)定外,適用公司法關于股份有限公司之規(guī)定。

第152 條保險公司之股票,不得為無記名式。

第153 條保險公司違反保險法令經營業(yè)務,致資產不足清償債務時,其董事長、董事、監(jiān)察人、總經理及負責決定該項業(yè)務之經理,對公司之債權人應負連帶無限清償責任。主管機關對前項應負連帶無限清償責任之負責人,得通知有關機關或機構禁止其財產為移轉、交付或設定他項權利,并得函請入出境許可之機關限制其出境。第一項責任,于各該負責人卸職登記之日起滿三年解除。

Article 151 Except as otherwise provided for in this Act, the provisions of the Company Act relating to companies limited by shares are applicable to insurance companies.

Article 152 The shares of an insurance company may not be in bearer form.

Article 153 Where an insurance company violates insurance laws or regulations in conducting its business, and this results in a situation where its assets are insufficient to pay off its debts, its chairman of the board of directors, directors, supervisors, president, and managers responsible for deciding such business matters shall bear unlimited joint and several liability to the company's creditors. The competent authority may notify the relevant authorities or institutions that they are prohibited from transferring, delivering, or otherwise encumbering property of persons who shall bear the unlimited joint and several liability referred to in the preceding paragraph, and may also instruct immigration authorities in writing to prevent such persons from leaving the country. Each of the said responsible persons shall be discharged from the liability referred to in paragraph 1 three years after the date of registration of dismissal from his/her position.

第154 條(刪除)Article 154 (Deleted)

第155 條(刪除)Article 155 (Deleted)

第三節(jié)保險合作社Section 3. Insurance Cooperatives

第156 條保險合作社除依本法規(guī)定外,適用合作社法及其有關法令之規(guī)定。

第157 條保險合作社,除依合作社法籌集股金外,并依本法籌足基金。前項基金非俟公積金積至與基金總額相等時,不得發(fā)還。

第158 條保險合作社于社員出社時,其現存財產不足抵償債務,出社之社員仍負擔出社前應負之責任。

第159 條保險合作社之理事,不得兼任其它合作社之理事、監(jiān)事或無限責任社員。

第160 條(刪除)

第161 條保險合作社之社員,對于保險合作社應付之股金及基金,不得以其對保險合作社之債權互相抵銷。

Article 156 In addition to the provisions of this Act, an insurance cooperative shall also be governed by the provisions of the Cooperative Act and other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 157 In addition to raising membership share capital in accordance with the Cooperative Act, an insurance cooperative shall, as necessary, take other measures pursuant to this Act to ensure that its authorized fund meets the legal requirement. The fund referred to in the preceding paragraph may not be retired until the surplus has accumulated to an amount equal to the total amount of the fund.

Article 158 Where an insurance cooperative does not have sufficient existing assets to pay off its debts when a member withdraws from the cooperative, the withdrawing member shall continue to bear the liability that he/she bore prior to withdrawal.

Article 159 A director of an insurance cooperative may not concurrently serve as a director, supervisor, or member with unlimited liability of another cooperative.

Article 160 (Deleted)

Article 161 Members of an insurance cooperative may not use their creditors' rights with respect to the cooperative to offset their subscriptions to membership share capital or other elements of the cooperative's fund.

第162 條財產保險合作社之預定社員人數不得少于三百人;人身保險合作社之預定社員人數不得少于五百人。第四節(jié)保險業(yè)代理人、經紀人、公證人

第163 條保險業(yè)之經紀人、代理人、公證人,非向主管機關登記,繳存保證金或投保責任保險,領有執(zhí)業(yè)證書,不得執(zhí)行業(yè)務。前項經紀人、代理人、公證人,或其它個人及法人,不得為未經主管機關核準之保險業(yè)經營或介紹保險業(yè)務。

第164 條保險業(yè)代理人、經紀人、公證人,應繳存之保證金或投保責任保險之保險金額,由主管機關訂之。

Article 162 The start-up membership of a cooperative engaged in non-life insurance may not be less than three hundred persons. The start-up membership of a cooperative engaged in insurance of the person may not be less than five hundred persons. Section 4. Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Surveyors

Article 163 An insurance agent, broker, or surveyor may not begin practicing until he or she has registered with the competent authority, posted bond, obtained liability insurance, and obtained a practice license. The insurance agents, brokers, and surveyors referred to in the preceding paragraph, or other individuals or juristic persons, may not engage in insurance business on behalf of, or refer insurance business to, insurance enterprises that have not been approved by the competent authority.

Article 164 The amount of the bond that insurance agents, brokers, and surveyors must post, or the insured amount of the liability insurance that such parties must obtain, shall be determined by the competent authority.

第165 條保險業(yè)代理人、經紀人、公證人,應有固定業(yè)務處所,并專設帳簿記載業(yè)務收支。第四節(jié)之一同業(yè)公會

第165-1 條保險業(yè)、保險代理人公司、保險經紀人公司、保險公證人公司非加入同業(yè)公會,不得營業(yè);同業(yè)公會非有正當理由,不得拒絕其加入,或就其加入附加不當之條件。

第165-2 條同業(yè)公會為會員之健全經營及維護同業(yè)之聲譽,應辦理下列事項:






Article 165 An insurance agent, broker, or surveyor shall have a fixed place of business and set up special ledgers to record his or her business income and expenditures.

Section 4-1. Trade associations

Article 165-1 An insurance enterprise, agent, broker, or surveyor company may not engage in business until it has became a member of the association; without legitimate reason, the association may not deny an application for membership thereby or attach improper conditions to it.

Article 165-2 To ensure sound operations and maintain the reputations of its members, the association shall carry out the following matters:

1. Draw up general operating bylaws, self-regulatory, and practical codes, and then provide these, to members for their compliance as the competent authority agreed to file for recordation.

2. Exercise necessary guidance for members’ running business and coordinate disputes between them.

3. Handle matters required and entrusted by the competent authority.

4. Handle other matters as necessary to develop insurance business and achieve the mission of the association. To carry out the matters set forth in the preceding paragraph, the association may require members to provide relevant information or make explanations.

第165-3 條同業(yè)公會之業(yè)務、財務規(guī)范與監(jiān)督、章程應記載事項、負責人與業(yè)務人員之資格條件及其他應遵行事項之規(guī)則,由主管機關定之。

第165-4 條同業(yè)公會之理事、監(jiān)事有違反法令、怠于遵守該會章程、規(guī)章、濫用職權或違背誠實信用原則之行為者,主管機關得予以糾正或命令同業(yè)公會予以解任。

第165-5 條主管機關為健全保險市場或保護被保險人之權益,必要時,命令同業(yè)公會變更其章程、規(guī)章、規(guī)范或決議,或提供參考、報告之數據,或為其它一定之行為。

第165-6 條同業(yè)公會得依章程之規(guī)定,對會員或其會員代表違反章程、規(guī)章、自律規(guī)范、會員大會或理事會決議等事項時,為必要之處置。

第165-7 條同業(yè)公會章程之變更及理事會、監(jiān)事會會議紀錄,應報請主管機關備查。

Article 165-3 The competent authority shall prescribe regulations for the supervision of operational and financial affairs of the association, the contents of constitution, the required qualifications of responsible men and related persons, and other compliance matters.

Article 165-4 Where a director or supervisor of the association violates laws or regulations, fails to obey the association's constitution or bylaws, abuses his or her authority, or breaches the principle of good faith, the competent authority may issue an official reprimand or order the association to dismiss the actor.

Article 165-5 When necessary to ensure the soundness of insurance market or safeguard interests of the insured, the competent authority may order the association to amend its constitution, bylaws, rules, resolutions, or to provide reference materials, reports, or to perform other certain acts.

Article 165-6 The association may, in accordance with its constitution, impose necessary sanctions against members or members’ representatives who violate the constitution, bylaws, self-regulatory rules, or resolutions made by the convention or the board of directors.

Article 165-7 Amendments to the association's constitution, and minutes of the board of directors and of supervisors, shall be filed for recordation as the competent authority agreed.

第五節(jié)罰則Section 5. Penal Provisions

第166 條未依第一百三十七條規(guī)定,經主管機關核準經營保險業(yè)務者,應勒令停業(yè),并處新臺幣三百萬元以上一千五百萬元以下罰鍰。

第167 條非保險業(yè)經營保險或類似保險業(yè)務者,處三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,得并科新臺幣一千萬元以上二億元以下罰金。其犯罪所得達新臺幣一億元以上者,處七年以上有期徒刑,得并科新臺幣二千五百萬元以上五億元以下罰金。法人犯前項之罪者,處罰其行為負責人。

Article 166 Enterprises that engage in the business of insurance without obtaining approval from the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of Article 137 of this Act shall be ordered to suspend business, and shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars three million but not more than New Taiwan Dollars fifteen million.

Article 167 A non-insurance enterprise that engages in the operation of insurance business or of a business similar to insurance shall be punished by a prison term of not less than three years but not more than 10 years, and in addition may be assessed a criminal fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars 10 million but not more than New Taiwan Dollars two hundred million. Where its gains from the crime are New Taiwan Dollars one hundred million or more, it shall be punished by a prison term of not less than seven years, and in addition may be assessed a criminal fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars twenty-five million but not more than New Taiwan Dollars five hundred million. Where a juristic person commits the offense described in the preceding paragraph, the persons responsible for the offense shall be punished.

第167-1 條違反第一百六十三條規(guī)定者,處新臺幣九十萬元以上四百五十萬元以下罰鍰。

第167-2 條違反第一百七十七條所定保險代理人經紀人公證人管理規(guī)則者,除本法另有規(guī)定者外,應限期改正,或并處新臺幣九十萬元以上四百五十萬元以下罰鍰;情節(jié)重大者,并得命令停止執(zhí)業(yè)或撤銷執(zhí)業(yè)證書。

第168 條保險業(yè)違反第一百三十八條第一項、第三項、第五項或第二項所定辦法中有關業(yè)務范圍之規(guī)定者,處新臺幣九十萬元以上四百五十萬元以下罰鍰。

Article 167-1 A violation of Article 163 shall be punished by an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars nine hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars four million five hundred thousand.

Article 167-2 Unless otherwise provided in this Act, where there is a violation of the Regulations Governing Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Surveyors as provided in Article 177, a time limit for rectification shall be specified, and in addition thereto, an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars nine hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars four million five hundred thousand may also be assessed. For violations deemed severe, an order to suspend business may also be issued or the offender's practice license revoked.

Article 168 If an insurance enterprise violates the provisions of Article 138, paragraph 1, 3, or 5, or the provisions relating to business scope in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to Article 138, paragraph 2, an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars nine hundred thousand but not more than four million five hundred thousand shall be imposed.







If an insurance enterprise violates the provisions of Article 138-2, paragraph 2, 4, 5, or 7, or Article 138-3, paragraph 1 or 2, or the provisions relating to the amount to be provisioned for the compensation reserve fund and the manner of such provisioning as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to paragraph 2 of that same article, an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars nine hundred thousand but not more than four million five hundred thousand shall be imposed; where the circumstances are severe, the enterprise's permit to engage in insurance trust business may also be revoked. Where an insurance enterprise violates Article 143, an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars nine hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars four million five hundred thousand shall be imposed. Where any one of the following circumstances obtains with respect to the funds allocation of an insurance enterprise, an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars nine hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars four million five hundred thousand shall be imposed, or the enterprise shall be ordered to replace its responsible person; where the circumstances are severe, its business license may also be revoked:










1. A violation of Article 146, paragraph 1, 3, 5, or 7, or the provisions relating to administration and custody of special ledgers or the allocation of investment assets as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to paragraph 6 of that same article, or a violation of provisions relating to the terms and conditions of derivatives trading by insurance enterprises, the scope thereof, transaction limits, or internal handling procedures as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to paragraph 8 of that same article.

2. A violation of Article 146-1, paragraph 1, 2, or 3, or the provisions relating to eligibility conditions, scope and type of investments, and investment rules as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to paragraph 4 of that same article.

3. A violation of the provisions of Article 146-2.

4. A violation of the provisions of Article 146-3, paragraph 1, 2, or 4.

5. A violation of Article 146-4, paragraph 1 or 2, or the provisions relating to investment rules or investment limits as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to paragraph 3 of that same article.

6. A violation of the forepart of paragraph 1 of Article 146-5, or of the provisions relating to scope of or limits upon investments as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to the latter part of that same article.

7. A violation of Article 146-6, paragraph 1 or 2, or the provisions relating to the method of reporting investments as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to paragraph 3 of that same article.





8. A violation of the provisions relating to limits on loans or other transactions as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to Article 146-7, paragraph 1, or of the provisions relating to procedures for the adoption of resolutions or limits on transaction size as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to Article 146-7, paragraph 3.

9. A violation of the provisions of Article 146-9, paragraph 1, 2, or 3. Where a secured loan made by an insurance enterprise under Article 146-3, paragraph 3 or Article 146-8, paragraph 1 is not fully secured or the conditions are better than those extended to other loanees of the same class, the person responsible for the act shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years or detention, and in addition may be assessed a criminal fine of not more than New Taiwan Dollars twenty million. Where a secured loan made by an insurance enterprise under Article 146-3, paragraph 3 or Article 146-8, paragraph 1 reaches or exceeds the monetary amount prescribed by the competent authority without approval by three-quarters of the directors present at a board of directors meeting attended by at least two-thirds of the directors, or where an insurance enterprise violates the provisions relating to loan limits and aggregate loan balances as set out in regulations

prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to Article 146-3, paragraph 3, the person responsible for the act shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars two million but not more than New Taiwan Dollars ten million.

第168-1 條主管機關依第一百四十八條規(guī)定派員,或委托適當機構或專業(yè)經驗人員,檢查保險業(yè)之業(yè)務及財務狀況或令保險業(yè)于限期內報告營業(yè)狀況時,保險業(yè)之負責人或職員有下列情形之一者,處新臺幣一百八十萬元以上九百萬元以下罰鍰:



Article 168-1 Where the competent authority, pursuant to Article 148, dispatches an officer or commissions an appropriate institution or expert to inspect the business and financial conditions of an insurance enterprise, or orders an insurance enterprise to report the status of its business within a specific time limit, a responsible person or an employee of the insurance enterprise who commits any of the following acts shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars one million and eight hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars nine million:

1. Refusing to allow inspection or to open the safe or other storage areas.

2. Concealing or destroying account books or documents related to the enterprise's business or financial conditions.



3. Refusing to respond to, or making false representation in response to, an investigator's queries without cause.

4. Missing the deadline for submission of financial reports, a list of assets, or other related information and reports, or in submitting such items, making false or incomplete representations, or missing the deadline for payment of inspection fees. Where the competent authority dispatches an officer to conduct inspection pursuant to Article 148, paragraph 4, an affiliate of the insurance enterprise, or any other financial institution related thereto, that fails to submit the financial statements, account books, documents, or relevant transaction records shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars one million eight hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars nine million.

第168-2 條保險業(yè)負責人或職員或以他人名義投資而直接或間接控制該保險業(yè)之人事、財務或業(yè)務經營之人,意圖為自己或第三人不法之利益,或損害保險業(yè)之利益,而為違背保險業(yè)經營之行為,致生損害于保險業(yè)之財產或利益者,處三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,得并科新臺幣一千萬元以上二億元以下罰金。其犯罪所得達新臺幣一億元以上者,處七年以上有期徒刑,得并科新臺幣二千五百萬元以上五億元以下罰金。保險業(yè)負責人或職員或以他人名義投資而直接或間接控制該保險業(yè)之人事、財務或業(yè)務經營之人,二人以上共同實施前項犯罪之行為者,得加重其刑至二分之一。第一項之未遂犯罰之。

Article 168-2 Where a responsible person or employee of an insurance enterprise, or any person using another person's name to make investments through which he or she is able to directly or indirectly control the personnel, financial, or business operations of an insurance enterprise, operates the insurance enterprise improperly with intent to reap illegal gains for himself/herself or a third party or to harm the interests of the insurance enterprise, and by such action harms property or interests of the insurance enterprise, shall be sentenced to a prison term of not less than three years but not more than 10 years, and in addition thereto, may also be assessed a criminal fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars 10 million but not more than New Taiwan Dollars two hundred million. Where gains from the crime are New Taiwan Dollars one hundred million or more, such person shall be punished by a prison term of not less than seven years, and in addition may be assessed a criminal fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars twenty-five million but not more than more than New Taiwan Dollars five hundred million. Where two or more responsible persons or employees of an insurance enterprise, or persons using other people's names to make investments through which they are able to exercise direct or indirect control over the personnel, financial, and business matters of an insurance enterprise, act jointly in committing a crime described in the preceding paragraph, the penalty may be increased by up to one-half. Any attempted offense described in paragraph 1 shall be punishable.

第168-3 條犯第一百六十七條或第一百六十八條之二之罪,于犯罪后自首,如有犯罪所得并自動繳交全部所得財物者,減輕或免除其刑;并因而查獲其它正犯或共犯者,免除其刑。



Article 168-3 A person who commits an offense as set out in Article 167 or Article 168-2 and subsequently voluntarily surrenders himself or herself before the offense is discovered, if there is criminal gain and he or she voluntarily hands over the gained assets in full, shall have his or her punishment reduced or remitted. Where another principal offender or an accomplice is captured as a result, his or her punishment shall be remitted. A person who commits an offense as set out in Article 167 or Article 168-2 and confesses during the prosecutorial inquiry, if there is criminal gain and he or she voluntarily hands over the gained assets in full, shall have his or her punishment reduced. Where another principal offender or an accomplice is captured as a result, his or her punishment shall be reduced by one-half. Where the criminal benefit gained by a person through commission of the offense in Article 167 or Article 168-2 exceeds the maximum amount of the criminal fine, the fine may be increased within the scope of the benefit gained; if the stability of the insurance market is harmed, the fine shall be increased by one-half.

第168-4 條犯本法之罪,因犯罪所得財物或財產上利益,除應發(fā)還被害人或得請求損害賠償之人外,屬于犯人者,沒收之。如全部或一部不能沒收時,追征其價額或以其財產抵償之。

第168-5 條犯本法之罪,所科罰金達新臺幣五千萬元以上而無力完納者,易服勞役期間為二年以下,其折算標準以罰金總額與二年之日數比例折算;所科罰金達新臺幣一億元以上而無力完納者,易服勞役期間為三年以下,其折算標準以罰金總額與三年之日數比例折算。

Article 168-4 Any asset or property benefit gained through commission of a crime under this Act, other than that which shall be returned to a victim or person entitled to claim damages, and where it belongs to the offender, shall be confiscated. If the whole or a part of such gain cannot be confiscated, the value thereof shall be collected from the offender or satisfied out of his or her property.

Article 168-5 Where a criminal fine assessed for an offense under this Act is New Taiwan Dollars fifty million or more and the offender lacks the ability to pay it in full, it shall be commuted to labor for a period of not more than two years, to be calculated by the ratio of the total amount of the fine to the number of days in two years; where the criminal fine assessed is New Taiwan Dollars one hundred million or more and the offender lacks the ability to pay it in full, it shall be

commuted to labor for a period of not more than three years, to be calculated by the ratio of the total amount of the fine to the number of days in three years.

第168-6 條第一百六十八條之二第一項之保險業(yè)負責人、職員或以他人名義投資而直接或間接控制該保險業(yè)之人事、財務或業(yè)務經營之人所為之無償行為,有害及保險業(yè)之權利者,保險業(yè)得聲請法院撤銷之。前項之保險業(yè)負責人、職員或以他人名義投資而直接或間接控制該保險業(yè)之人事、財務或業(yè)務經營之人所為之有償行為,于行為時明知有損害于保險業(yè)之權利,且受益之人于受益時亦知其情事者,保險業(yè)得聲請法院撤銷之。依前二項規(guī)定聲請法院撤銷時,得并聲請命受益之人或轉得人回復原狀。但轉得人于轉得時不知有撤銷原因者,不在此限。第一項之保險業(yè)負責人、職員或以他人名義投資而直接或間接控制該保險業(yè)之人事、財務或業(yè)務經營之人與其配偶、直系親屬、同居親屬、家長或家屬間所為之處分其財產行為,




Article 168-6 Where "a responsible person or employee of an insurance enterprise, or any person using another person's name to make investments through which he or she is able to directly or indirectly control the personnel, financial, or business operations of an insurance enterprise" as set forth in Article 168-2, paragraph 1 does any gratuitous act that is prejudicial to the rights of an insurance enterprise, the insurance enterprise may petition a court to revoke the act. Where "a responsible person or employee of an insurance enterprise, or any person using another person's name to make investments through which he or she is able to directly or indirectly control the personnel, financial, or business operations of an insurance enterprise" as set forth in the preceding paragraph does any non-gratuitous act knowing at the time of the act that it is prejudicial to the rights of an insurance enterprise and the beneficiary of the act also knows the circumstances at the time the benefit is received, the insurance enterprise may petition a court to

revoke the act. A party petitioning for revocation in accordance with either of the preceding two paragraphs may also petition the court to order the beneficiary or any party to whom the benefit is transferred to restore the status quo ante, provided this does not apply where the party to whom the benefit is transferred was not aware at the time of transfer that there was cause for revocation. Any disposition of property between "a responsible person or employee of an insurance enterprise, or any person using another person's name to make investments through which he or she is able to directly or indirectly control the personnel, financial, or business operations of an insurance enterprise" as set forth in paragraph 1 and such a person's spouse, lineal relative, cohabiting relative, head of household, or family member shall be deemed a non-gratuitous act. Any disposition of property between "a responsible person or employee of an insurance enterprise, or any person using another person's name to make investments through which he or she is able to directly or indirectly control the personnel, financial, or business operations of an insurance enterprise" as set forth in paragraph 1 and any person other than those set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be presumed to be a non-gratuitous act. The right of revocation under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be extinguished one year after the time the insurance enterprise learns there is cause for voidance if the insurance enterprise fails to exercise, or 10 years after the time of the act.

第168-7 條第一百六十八條之二第一項之罪,為洗錢防制法第三條第一項所定之重大犯罪,適用洗錢防制法之相關規(guī)定。

第169 條保險業(yè)違反第七十二條規(guī)定超額承保者,除違反部分無效外,處新臺幣四十五萬元以上二百二十五萬元以下罰鍰。

第169-1 條(刪除)

第169-2 條保險業(yè)對于安定基金之提撥,如未依限或拒絕繳付者,主管機關得視情節(jié)之輕重,處新臺幣二十四萬元以上一百二十萬元以下罰鍰,或勒令撤換其負責人。

Article 168-7 The crimes set forth in Article 168-2, paragraph 1 are serious crimes as defined in Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Money Laundering Control Act.

Article 169 If an insurance enterprise violates the provisions of Article 72 of this Act by underwriting insurance in excess of the value of the subject matter insured, the portion in violation shall become void, and the offense shall also be punished by an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars four hundred fifty thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars two million two hundred fifty thousand.

Article 169-1 (Deleted)

Article 169-2 If an insurance enterprise fails to pay its stabilization fund contributions in time or refuses to pay them, the competent authority may, taking into consideration the seriousness of the violation, impose an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars two hundred forty thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars one million two hundred thousand, or order removal and replacement of the responsible person.

第170 條(刪除)

第170-1 條保險業(yè)辦理再保險業(yè)務違反第一百四十七條所定辦法中有關再保險之分出、分入、其它危險分散機制業(yè)務之方式或限額之規(guī)定者,處新臺幣九十萬元以上四百五十萬元以下罰鍰。專業(yè)再保險業(yè)違反第一百四十七條之一第二項所定辦法中有關業(yè)務范圍或財務管理之規(guī)定者,處新臺幣九十萬元以上四百五十萬元以下罰鍰。

第171 條保險業(yè)違反第一百四十四條、第一百四十五條規(guī)定者,處新臺幣六十萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰,并得撤換其核?;蚓闳藛T。

Article 170 (Deleted)

Article 170-1 Where an insurance enterprise violates the provisions relating to the manner in which insurance enterprises cede or assume reinsurance or operate other risk spreading mechanisms, or limits applying thereto, as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to Article 147, an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars nine hundred thousand but not more than four million five hundred thousand shall be imposed. If a professional reinsurance enterprise violates the provisions relating to business scope or financial management as set out in regulations prescribed by the competent authority pursuant to Article 147-1, paragraph 2, an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars nine hundred thousand but not more than four million five hundred thousand shall be imposed.

Article 171 An insurance enterprise that violates the provisions of Article 144 or 145 shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars six hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars three million, and in addition thereto may be ordered to remove and replace its underwriters or actuaries.

第171-1 條保險業(yè)違反第一百四十八條之一第一項或第二項規(guī)定者,處新臺幣六十萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰。保險業(yè)違反第一百四十八條之二第一項規(guī)定,未提供說明文件供查閱、或所提供之說明文件未依規(guī)定記載,或所提供之說明文件記載不實,處新臺幣六十萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰。保險業(yè)違反第一百四十八條之二第二項規(guī)定,未依限向主管機關報告或主動公開說明,或向主管機關報告或公開說明之內容不實,處新臺幣三十萬元以上一百五十萬元以下罰鍰。保險業(yè)違反第一百四十八條之三第一項規(guī)定,未建立或未執(zhí)行內部控制或稽核制度,處新臺幣六十萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰。保險業(yè)違反第一百四十八條之三第二項規(guī)定,未建立或未執(zhí)行內部處理制度或程序,處新臺幣六十萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰。

Article 171-1 An insurance enterprise that violates the provisions of Article 148-1, paragraph 1 or 2 shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars six hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars three million. An insurance enterprise that violates the provisions of Article 148-2, paragraph 1 by not making explanatory documents publicly available for inspection, or submitting explanatory documents that do not contain required information, or submitting explanatory documents containing misrepresentations, shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars six hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars three million. An insurance enterprise that violates the provisions of Article 148-2, paragraph 2 by failing to report to the competent authority or to provide a public explanation within the specified time period, or by making false representations in its reports to the competent authority or public explanations, shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars three hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars one million five hundred thousand. An insurance enterprise that violates the provisions of Article 148-3, paragraph 1 by failing to establish or enforce internal control or auditing systems shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars six hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars three million. An insurance enterprise that violates the provisions of Article 148-3, paragraph 2 by failing to establish or enforce internal handling systems or procedures shall be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars six hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars three million.

第172 條保險業(yè)經撤銷登記延不清算者,得處負責人各新臺幣六十萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰。

第172-1 條保險業(yè)于主管機關監(jiān)管、接管或勒令停業(yè)清理時,其董(理)事、監(jiān)察人(監(jiān)事)、經理人或其它職員有下列情形之一者,處一年以上七年以下有期徒刑,得并科新臺幣二千萬元以下罰金:



Article 172 If an insurance enterprise that has had its registration voided delays in carrying out liquidation procedures, each responsible person may be assessed an administrative fine of not less than New Taiwan Dollars six hundred thousand but not more than New Taiwan Dollars three million.

Article 172-1 When an insurance enterprise has been ordered by the competent authority into conservatorship, receivership, or suspension of business and rehabilitation, the directors, supervisors, managers, or other staff of the insurance enterprise shall, under any of the following circumstances, be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than one year but not more than seven years, and may in addition be assessed a criminal fine of not more than New Taiwan Dollars

twenty million:

1. It refuses to transfer to the conservator, receiver, or rehabilitator account books and documents, seals, and a list of assets related to the insurance enterprise's business and financial matters, or fails to transfer them completely.

2. It conceals or destroys account books or documents related to business matters, conceals or destroys assets of the insurance enterprise, or otherwise disposes thereof to the detriment of creditors' rights.



第172-2 條保險業(yè)經依本節(jié)規(guī)定處罰后,于規(guī)定限期內仍不予改正者,得對其同一事實或行為,再予加一倍至五倍處罰。

第173 條(刪除)

3. It counterfeits a debt or acknowledges false debts.

4. It refuses to respond to the inquiries of the conservator, receiver or rehabilitator without cause, or responds with untrue answers, thereby affecting the rights and interests of insured persons or


Article 172-2 If an insurance enterprise, after having been punished in accordance with the provisions of this Section, fails to make corrections within the time period provided that the punishment for the same fact or action may be increased by 100 percent to 500 percent.

Article 173 (Deleted)

第六章附則Chapter VI. Supplementary Provisions

第174 條社會保險另以法律定之。

第174-1 條法院為審理違反本法之犯罪案件,得設立專業(yè)法庭或指定專人辦理。

第175 條本法施行細則,由主管機關定之。

第175-1 條為促進我國與其它國家保險市場主管機關之國際合作,政府或其授權之機構依互惠原則,得與外國政府、機構或國際組織,就信息交換、技術合作、協助調查等事項,簽訂合作條約或協定。除有妨害國家利益或投保大眾權益者外,主管機關依前項簽訂之條約或協議,得洽請相關機關、機構依法提供必要資訊,并基于互惠及保密原則,提供予與我國簽訂條約或協議之外國政府、機構或國際組織。

第176 條保險業(yè)之設立、登記、轉讓、合并及解散清理,除依公司法規(guī)定外,應將詳細程序明訂于管理辦法內。

第177 條代理人、經紀人、公證人及保險業(yè)務員之資格取得、登錄、撤銷登錄、教育訓練、懲處及其它應遵行事項之管理規(guī)則,由主管機關定之。

第178 條

Article 174 Social insurance is to be separately prescribed by an act of law.

Article 174-1 A court may establish a specialized division or designate a specific person(s) to try criminal cases involving violation of this Act.

Article 175 Enforcement Rules to this Act shall be prescribed by the competent authority.

Article 175-1 In order to further international cooperation between the competent insurance authorities of the ROC government and foreign countries, the ROC government and agencies (or institutions) authorized by it may, based on the principle of reciprocity, enter into a cooperative treaty or agreement with a foreign government or agency (institution), or with an international organization, to facilitate matters such as information exchange, technical cooperation, and investigative assistance. Unless such action otherwise conflicts with the interests of the state or the rights of the insurance-buying public, the competent authority may, in accordance with the treaty or agreement made pursuant to the preceding paragraph, request the provision of necessary information from related authorities and agencies (institutions) in accordance with the law, and based on the principles of reciprocity and confidentiality, provide such information to the foreign government, agency (institution), or international organization which has executed the given treaty or agreement with the ROC government.

Article 176 The establishment, registration, transfer, merger, and dissolution and rehabilitation of insurance enterprises shall, in addition to being carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Company Act, be further subject to detailed procedures set forth in the Regulations Governing the Administration of Insurance Enterprises.

Article 177 Regulations governing compliance matters related to agents, brokers, surveyors, and insurance solicitors (including the obtaining of qualifications, registration, voidance of registration, education, training, and disciplinary matters) shall be prescribed by the competent authority.

Article 178


With the exception of the provisions amended and promulgated on 30 May 2006, which will enter into force from 1 July 2007, this Act shall enter into force from the date of promulgation.

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