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發(fā)表時間:2019/12/05 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2649  
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       技術(shù)顧問協(xié)議 Agreement of Technology Consultation 甲乙雙方基于相互的了解及信任,為尋求合作發(fā)展,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商,就甲方購買乙方涂H/C保護膜的硅膠水(鉑金催化型的)技術(shù)配方并聘請乙方作為


  Agreement of Technology Consultation


  For the purpose of cooperation and development, on the basis of mutual understanding and trust, and through consultation, Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the technique formula of silica gel water (Platinum Silicone) for coating H/C protective film and to employ Party B to be his adviser to provide technical information, and Party B agrees to sell the said formula to Party A and to be Party A’s adviser to provide technical information in compliance with the following terms and conditions:

  一、 甲方自2012年1月1日開始正式聘請乙方作為甲方的技術(shù)顧問,期限為一年。協(xié)議到期前一個月雙方再討論決定下一年度的合作方式。

  1. Party A shall employ Party B to be its technical advisor as of January 1, 2012 with a term of one year. Both parties hereto shall discuss and determine the cooperation manner of the next year by one month prior to the expiry date hereof.

  二、 甲方購買乙方涂H/C保護膜的硅膠水(鉑金催化型的)配方(包括膠水原材料的檢驗方法和檢驗標(biāo)準(zhǔn)),定價為人民幣叁拾萬元整(¥300000.00元),付款方式為合作協(xié)議簽定后甲方支付乙方項目總費用的40%;當(dāng)項目試生產(chǎn)成功后支付項目總費用的30%,待項目正式投產(chǎn)后支付項目總費用的30%,具體支付方式是甲方以美金的形式直接從香港支付給乙方的韓國帳戶。除此之外,甲方承諾:若是此款硅膠保護膜能夠成功開發(fā),在正式量產(chǎn)6個月后,確認(rèn)無質(zhì)量問題,甲方將會一次支付給乙方人民幣壹拾伍萬元(¥150000.00元)。

  2. Party A shall purchase from Party B the formula of silica gel water(Platinum Silicone) for coating H/C protective film (including the inspection method and inspection standard of the raw materials used to manufacture silica gel water) at the price of three hundred thousand RMB (300,000 Rmb). Party A shall, upon the execution of this Agreement, pay 40% of the said amount to Party B; upon the successful trial production of the project, pay 30% of the said amount to Party B; and upon the official start up, pay the rest 30% of the said amount to Party B. All the payments shall be effected by Party A in Hong Kong in American dollars to Party B’s bank account in South Korea. In addition, Party A represents and warrants that in case the silica gel protective film product is developed successfully, Party A will, six months after the product is in official batch production and the quality is determined as satisfying, pay one hundred and fifty thousand RMB to Party B in a lump sum (150,000Rmb)。

  三、 乙方將PU泡棉的配方直接告知甲方,并配合指導(dǎo)甲方解決PU泡棉生產(chǎn)過程中的厚度控制和產(chǎn)品及原材料的檢驗方法和檢驗標(biāo)準(zhǔn)兩個問題。甲方承諾:此項目能夠成功的話,在正式生產(chǎn)出合格產(chǎn)品并量產(chǎn)后將一次支付給乙方人民幣叁拾萬元整(¥300000.00元)。

  3. Party B shall provide the formula of PU-Foam directly to Party A, and assist Party A to control the thickness of PU-foam product in the process of manufacturing and provide inspection methods and inspection standard of raw materials to Party A. Party A represents and warrants that in case this project is successful, Party A will, after a qualified PU-foam product is come into being and the product is in batch-production, pay three hundred thousand RMB (300,000Rmb) to Party B in a lump sum.

  四、 乙方作為甲方的技術(shù)顧問需要幫助甲方完成的工作如下:

  4. Party B shall assist Party A as a technical adviser to complete the following tasks:


  shall solve any technical problems arising from or in connection to the implementation of this project;


  shall direct and assist Party A to optimize and improve its management, manufacturing equipment, inspection methods, inspection equipment and other matters in its manufacturing process, and assist Party A to build a complete laboratory with necessary test equipment;


  Party B shall direct Party A to finish coating Party A’s H/C products, including the H/C products, protective film with H/C, protective film without H/C, and newly-developed products in relation to H/C series products or H/C.

  五、 乙方每個月需要到甲方工作3-5天(包括星期六和星期天),平時以郵件或電話的方式指導(dǎo)項目進展。

  5. Party B shall work 3-5 days each month (including Saturday and Sunday) at Party A’s place and, in the rest time, direct the progress of the project via mail or telephone.

  六、 乙方作為甲方顧問期間的月工資為人民幣貳萬元整(¥20000.00元),乙方每次到甲方現(xiàn)場指導(dǎo)的往返機票和食宿費用均由甲方支付。

  6. The monthly salary for Party B as an adviser of Party A shall be twenty thousand RMB(20000.00Rmb), and Party A shall bear the fees and expenditures incurred by Party B for its travel to and off Party A’s place by plane and for the accommodation in relation to this project.

  七、 乙方承諾其提供給甲方的所有配方的合法性、實用性及先進性,并承諾不得同除甲方和乙方在上海的現(xiàn)有合資公司以外的任何中國境內(nèi)的其他公司合作;不得將轉(zhuǎn)讓給甲方的配方再轉(zhuǎn)讓給除甲方以外的任何中國境內(nèi)的其他公司,并對甲乙雙方的合作事宜保密。

  7. Party B shall guarantee the legality, applicability and advancement of all the formulas provided by it to Party A, and shall guarantee it will not cooperate with any company in China other than the existing joint venture established by Party A and Party B in Shanghai. Party B shall guarantee not to assign the said formula to any other company in China other than Party A, and shall maintain the cooperation matters between Party A and Party B in confidentiality.


  8. Party A shall guarantee that it will not assign the said formula that it purchases from Party B to any person or company and shall maintain the cooperation matters between Party A and Party B in confidentiality.

  九、 如因本合同履行發(fā)生爭議,雙方應(yīng)當(dāng)協(xié)商解決,協(xié)商不成時,任何一方均可向深圳市寶安區(qū)人民法院起訴。

  9. In case of any dispute in connection to or arising from the execution of this Agreement, both parties hereto shall settle the case through consultation. In case no settlement can be reached, either party may appeal to Shenzhen Baoan People’s Court.

  十、 本合同如有未盡事宜,可由雙方另行協(xié)商解決。

  10. Any matters not covered herein shall be settled by the two parties through consultation.


  11. This Agreement is effective since being signed/ sealed by both parties.


  12. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this Agreement is made out in two originals, each party holding one. Both copies are equally valid.

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