
發(fā)起人:translation521  回復數(shù):2  瀏覽數(shù):8002  最后更新:2023/4/11 15:14:19 by pate5

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2015/6/12 9:16:47

角  色:超級版主
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):119
面容比 surface to volume ratio

行程缸徑比 stroke-bore ratio

混合比 mixture ratio

壓縮壓力 compression pressure

制動平均有效壓力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep)

空燃比 air fuel ratio

燃空比 fuel air ratio

燃料當量比 fuel equivalence ratio

扭矩 torque

單缸功率 power per cylinder

升功率 power per liter

升扭矩 torque per liter

升質(zhì)量 mass per liter

減額功率 derating power

輸出馬力 shaft horsepower


總馬力 gross horse power

總功率 gross power

凈功率 net power

燃油消耗量 fuel consumption

比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption

空氣消耗率 air consumption

機油消耗量 oil consumption

有效馬力 net horse power

額定馬力 rated horse power

馬力重量系數(shù) horsepower-weight factor

制動功率 brake horse power

制動熱效率 brake thermal efficiency

總效率 overall efficiency

排煙極限功率 smoke limiting horsepower

功率曲線 power curve

機械損失 mechanical loss

機械效率 mechanical efficiency

有效熱效率 effective thermal efficiency

充氣系數(shù) volumetric efficiency

過量空氣系數(shù) coefficient of excess air

適應性系數(shù) adaptive coefficient

扭矩適應性系數(shù) coefficient of torque adaptibility

轉速適應性系數(shù) speed adaptive coefficient

強化系數(shù) coefficient of intensification

校正系數(shù) correction factor

換算系數(shù) conversion factor

活塞平均速度 mean piston speed

發(fā)動機轉速 engine speed (rotational frequency)

怠速轉速 idling speed

經(jīng)濟轉速 economic speed

起動轉速 starting speed

最低穩(wěn)定工作轉速 lowest continuous speed with load

最大扭矩轉速 speed at maximum torque

最高空轉轉速 maximum no load governed speed

調(diào)速 speed governing

超速 overspeed

怠速 idling

轉速波動率 speed fluctuation rate

工況working condition(operating mode)

額定工況 declared working condition

變工況 variable working condition

穩(wěn)定工況 steady working condition

空載 no-load

全負荷 full load

超負荷 overload

部分負荷 part load


旋轉方向 direction of rotation

順時針 clockwise

逆時針 counter-clockwise 
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