




發(fā)表時間:2015/06/23 00:00:00  來源:www.networknovel.com  作者:www.networknovel.com  瀏覽次數(shù):5059  
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愛護公共財物                                                 Protect (or: Take Care of) Public Property

辦公時間:上午8時——下午4            Office Hours: 8: 00 a.m. —4: 00 p.m.

保持干燥                                Keep Dry

報紙閱后請放回原處                      Replace the News Papers After Reading

本地區(qū)內放置有老鼠藥                    Rats Bane Has Been Placed in This Area

本店不收信用券()                      We Accept No Credit Card

本票有效期為三天                        This Ticket Is Valid for Three Days

本校教職工專用                          Reserved for Faculty

便后沖洗便池                            Flush the Toilet Bowl After Using It

不得觸摸,后果自負                      Handle at your Own Risk

不得人內                                Keep out

不得隨地吐痰                            Don’t Spit on (upon) the Floor

不許在門口通道處堆放任何障礙物          Keep This Doorway Free of Obstruction

不準采摘花果                            Don’t Pick flowers and Fruit

不準超車                                No Passing (Permitted), No Overtaking         

不準赤腳                                No Barefeet

不準抽煙                                No Smoking (Smoking Not Allowed)

不準調頭                                No U-Turn

不準砍伐樹木                            Don’t Fell Trees /Felling Trees Forbidden                           

不準亂扔煙頭                            No Cigarette Disposal

不準停車                                No Parking

不準違章行車                            No Driving Against Traffic Regulations

不準小販叫賣                            No Hawkers

不準攜帶食物和飲料人內                  No Food or Drinks to Be Brought in

不準攜犬入內                            No Dogs

不準在此打柴                            Firewood Collecting Not Permitted

不準在此停留                            No Standing

不準在此涂寫                            No Scribbling

不準在此吐痰,違者罰款5                          No Spitting (Spitting Forbidden),

Offenders to Be Fined 5 Dollars

不準在此招貼違者罰款                    Post No Bills, Stickers Will Be Fined

不準招貼                                No Bills (Circulars)

廁所由此去                              This Way to the Toilet

廁所暫停使用                            W. C. Closed

超車道                                  Overtake Line

(車、船等)開往武漢                      For Wuhan

車輛未經(jīng)批準不得人內                    No Entry for Unauthorized Vehicles

此處不能出去                            No Way Out

此地不準騎車                            No Bike Riding

此端向上                                This Side Up

此房出租                                House to Let

此路不通                                Blocks (Blocked)

此路通往長沙                            To Changsha

此門不通                                Closed

()行道                              One-Way (or: Two-Way) Traffic

當心觸電                                Ware Live Wire

電梯待修                                Elevator Out of Service

陡坡上爬                                Steep climb

陡坡下降                                Steep Descent

對號入座                                Seat by Number

非公莫入                                No Admittance Except on Business

本店()人員專用                        Only Employees (or: Staff)

非賣品                                  Not for Sale

縫紉機出租                              Sewing Machine for Rent

婦幼免費入場                            Children and Women Admitted Free

婦幼優(yōu)先(入場,上車等)                  Children and Women First

概不出借                                Not for Loan

購物請先按鈴                            Ring Bell for Service

顧客止步                         Customers Please Refrain from Entering This Area

紅燈亮時請停車                          Stop on Red (Signal)

歡迎(謝絕)參觀                          Inspections Welcome (Declined)

歡迎參觀,可不購物   Feel Free to Browse Around, You Are Under No Obligation to Buy

歡迎批評建議                            Criticisms and Suggestions Welcome

即修即取                                Instant Repairs

假日休息(重要會議),停止營業(yè)            Closed for Holiday (Important Meeting)

減速行駛                                Reduce Speed Now

檢查武器后方許人內                      Check All Weapons Before Entering

節(jié)約用電                                Save (on) Power

節(jié)約用水                                Economize on Water

今天不營業(yè)                              No Business Today

僅供參觀                                For Inspection Only

緊急停車道                              Emergency Parking Strip

謹防惡犬                                Be Aware of Furious Dogs

禁止并行騎車                            A Breast Cycling Prohibited

禁止人內                                Off Limits

禁止損壞花木                            Forbidden to Injure Flowers and Trees

禁止通行                                Closed to Traffic

禁止通行                                No Thoroughfare

禁止無照行車                            Driving Without License Is Forbidden

禁止在此小便(此處不準堆放垃圾)          Commit No Nuisance


來客請登記                              Please Sign the Guest Register

留給教師專用                            Reserved for Teachers

滿座(客滿)                              Full (or: All Full, Full House, Full Up)

門往外()                            Door Swings Out (In)

免票入場                                Admittance Free

滅火箱                                  Fire Hydrant Box

滅火專用                                For Use Only in Case of Fire

鳴笛                                    Sound Horn

莫觸高壓電纜                            Don’t Touch High-Tension Wire

內有空調,請關好門窗        Air Conditioned Areas, Please Keep the Doors and Windows


內有照片,請勿折壓                      Photographs, Please Don’t Bend

內有照片                                Photos Enclosed

()僅當日有效                        Ticket Good Only on the Day of Issue

票售出后,不退不換                  Tickets Cannot Be Exchanged, nor Money Refunded

憑柬入場                                Admission by Invitation Card Alone

憑票入場                                Admission by Ticket Only

憑票入場(上車)                          Ticket Holders Only

騎自行車出入請下車                      Cyclists Please Dismount at the Gate

前面連續(xù)轉彎                            Consecutive Curves Ahead

前面施工                                Workmen (Construction) Ahead

錢款請當面點清,出門后本店概不負責       Please Check and See if the Money Is Right,

We are not Responsible After You Leave the Store

切勿近火(受熱、受潮)                    Keep Away from Fire (Heat, Moisture)

輕拿輕放                                Handle Gently

請保留招貼                              Please Save (Leave) the Bill

請備零錢購票                            Please Pay Exact Fare

請出示證件                              Please Show Your Papers (or: Credentials)

請等候安排入座                          Please Wait to Be Seated

請付現(xiàn)金(人民幣)                        Please Pay in Cash (in RMB)

請靠左走                                Keep (to the ) Left

請莫觸摸展品                            Please Do Not Touch the Exhibits

請排隊購票                              Line (Queue) Up for Tickets

請隨手關門                              Please Shut the Door After You

請脫鞋                                (Take) Off (Your) Shoes, No Shoes, Off Shoes

請往后站                                Stand Back

請勿把物品堆放在此通道處(交叉路口)      Keep This Passageway (Intersection) Clear

請勿把紙丟人馬桶                    Please Don’t Throw Paper Towel into Toilet

請勿打擾(喂食給)動物                    Don’t Tease (Feed) the Animal

請勿倒立                                Keep Top Side Up

請勿動手                                Please Keep Hands Off

請勿靠近                                Keep Away

請勿用手摸展品                          Hands Off the Exhibits

請勿越過欄桿                            Do Not Proceed Beyond Rail

請先擦去鞋上的泥塵后進來                Wipe Your Shoes and Boots Before Entering

請先敲門                                Knock

請向后拉                                Pull

請向前推                                Push

請用皮帶牽住狗                          Dogs Must Be Kept On the Leash (Lead)

請在此處付款                            Please Pay Here

請注意以上影片上映時間        Watch Out for the Showing Times of These Pictures

全部書籍均作參考用,不得拿出室外  All Books for Reference Not to be Taken Out of the Room

人行通道不準騎自行車                   Footpath Only, No Cycling Allowed

人走關燈                               Turn Off the Light Before (or: As) You Leave

如遇火警,請按電鈴                     In Case of Fire Ring the Alarm Bell

商品按價打九折                        Ten Per Cent Discount off the Prices of Goods

商品退換須有完整包裝和出售發(fā)票         No Refunds or Exchanges Without Complete Factory Packing and Sales Slip

上面施工注意安全                       Danger, Men Working Overhead

上下樓梯時請小心                       Watch Your Step on Stairs

身高一米以下的兒童免費入場             Children Under One Meter Admitted Free

收費站                                 Toll Bar (or: Gate)

私室                                   Private

死胡同                                 Dead End (Lane)

速度限制:30公里/小時                  Speed Limit: 30km/h

損壞公物要賠                           Pay for Public Property You Damage

特大車輛從右邊出                       Oversize Vehicles Exit Right

提早收市                               Early Closing Day

吐痰入盂                               Spit Into the Spittoon

外出                                   Out

外國人無特殊許可證請止           Out of Bounds for Foreigners Without Special Permits

外人止步                               Staff Members Only

危險,有電纜通過                       Danger, Cable Cross

未經(jīng)護士許可不得入內                   Check(ing) With Nurse Before Entering

未經(jīng)準許,不準拍照                     No Unauthorized Photography

無出人證不許人內                       No Admittance Without a pass

無人占用                               Vacant

勿踩草地                               Don’t Trample on Grass

勿亂扔臟物                             Take Your Litter With You

勿讓兒童靠近此地                       Keep Out of Reach of Children

勿踏草地                               Keep off the Grass (Lawn)

勿用掛鉤                               Use No Hooks

物件破損須賠償                         Any Damages or Breakages Must be Paid for

物件自理,如有遺失,概不負責     We Accept No Responsibility for the Loss of Anything

物品損壞照價賠償                       Pay Full Price for Anything Damaged

下班時間                               Time’s Over

閑人免人,違者法辦                     Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted

向右轉                                 Turn Right

小心玻璃                               Glass, Attention

小心火車                               Stop, Look and Listen

小心輕放                               Handle With Care

小心有毒                               Poison, With Care

小心著火                               See to (or: Guard Against, Beware of) Fire

謝絕參觀                               Not Open to Visitors

謝絕參觀                               Visitors Declined (Not Admitted)

行車道                                 Drive Line

修理店面,暫停營業(yè)                     Closed During (or: for) Repairs

修理東西,隨修隨取                     Repairs Done While You Wait

學校附近禁止鳴笛                       School About, No Honking (or: No Horn)

嚴禁(不準)在此打槍(洗澡、游泳、打獵、捕魚、釣魚、打柴) Shooting (Bathing, Swimming,

Hunting, Fishing, Angling,

Firewood Collecting) Forbidden

(Prohibited, Not Allowed)

嚴禁拍照                                Cameras Forbidden

嚴禁吸煙,違者罰款5美元  Smoking Prohibited Under a Penalty of 5 Yuan for Any offence

演出(放映)時請勿談話                    No Talking During the Show

演出進行時不得入場          Late Comers Will Not Be Ushered in Until the Interval

演出延期舉行,入場券繼續(xù)有效            Show Postponed, Tickets Remain Valid

夜間有事,請按此鈴                      Night Bell

一慢、二看、三通過                      Slow Down, Look Around, Cross

醫(yī)院附近,保持安靜                      Silence, Hospital About

已經(jīng)預訂()                            Reserved

易燃物品請勿近火                        Inflammables—Keep Away From Fire

用畢放回架上                            Please Return to Rack After Use

油漆未干                                Wet (or: Fresh) Paint (or: Varnish)

有人占用                                Engaged (or Taken)

月底盤存,暫不營業(yè)                              Stow Away from Boiler

暫停營業(yè)                                        Business Temporarily Suspended

展品                                            For Display (Show)

展品暫缺                                        Exhibits Temporarily Off (Empty)

招貼即撕                                        Posters Will Be Torn Down

照常營業(yè)                                        Business as Usual

只準從左邊超車                                  Pass (on the ) Left Only

中速行駛,安全禮讓    Drive at Moderate Speed, Yield Right of Way for Safety’s Sake

晝夜營業(yè)                                        Round-the-Clock Business

注意不要丟失東西                              Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind

注意車輛轉彎                                    Caution, Buses Turning

注意兒童,車輛緩行                              Watch Children About

注意公共衛(wèi)生                                    Pay Attention to Public Hygiene

注意前面急轉彎                                  Attention, Sharp Turn Ahead

抓住扶手                                        Hold on Handrail

專賣啤酒、烈酒                                  Licensed to Sell Beers and Spirits

自行車不得帶人                                  No Cycling Double

自行車出租                                      Bike for Hire


公共場所名稱(Names of Public Places)

餐廳                                            Dinner Hall

廁所                                            W. C. (or: Lavatory)

車庫                                            Garage

出口                                            Exit (or: Way Out)

出口由此去                                                                   To Exit

傳達室                                                                          Gate House

倒垃圾處                                                                      Dump

動物園                                                                          Zoo

服務臺                                                                          Room Service

工人體育場                                                                   Workers’ Stadium

候車(機、船)                                                             Waiting Room

接待室()                                                                    Reception Office

禁止停車                                                                      Parking Forbidden

酒吧                                                                             Bar

寬銀幕影院                                                                   Wide-Screen Cinema

旅客(顧客)留言                                                      Visitors’ (or: Customers’) Book

馬戲場(雜戲場)                                                             Circus

(廁所)                                                                       (For) Gentlemen

(廁所)                                                                       (For) Ladies

人口                                                                             Entrance (Or: Entry, Way In)

失物招領處                                                                   Lost and Found Department

收發(fā)室                                                                          Dispatchers’ Office

售票處                                                                          Ticket (or: Booking) Office

太平門                                                                          Emergency Door

體育館                                                                          Gymnasium (Gym)

停車場                                                                          Parking Place

文化宮                                                                          Cultural Palace

問訊處                                                                          Inquiries (or: Inquiry Office)

問訊臺                                                                          Information Desk

舞廳                                                                             Dancing Hall

吸煙區(qū)                                                                          Smoking Area

小賣部                                                                          Shop

行李存放處                                                                   Luggage Declaration

行李領取處                                                                   Luggage Claim

行李申報處                                                                   Luggage Declaration

休息處()                                                                    Lounge

夜間服務窗                                                                   Night-Service Window

衣帽(存放)                                                                Cloak (or: Check) Room

意見箱                                                                          Complaint Box

游藝廳()                                                                    Recreation Room (House)

游泳池                                                                          Swimming Pool

展覽館                                                                          Exhibition Hall

植物園                                                                          Botanical Garden

自行車存放處                                                               Bike Park


報刊板報用語 (Expressions Used for Blackboard news)

編輯                                                                             Editor

編者按語                                                                      editor’s note

標題                                                                             headline

表揚欄                                                                          columns of praise

大眾科學                                                                      popular science

黨團活動                                                                      Party and League activities

該文全文如下:                             The full text of the article is as follows

該文摘要如下                                The article reads in part as follows:

格言諺語                                     maxims and proverbs

更正(啟事)                                                                    corrections

廣告                                                                             advertisement

好人好事欄                                                                   good people and good deeds

歡迎投稿                                                                      contributions welcome

環(huán)球新聞,國際新聞                                                     around the world

記者                                                                             correspondent

簡訊                                                                             news in brief

建議欄                                                                          columns of suggestions

()                                                                       masthead

刊頭畫                                                                          front picture

來稿來信寄本報編輯部      Contributions and letters should be sent to the editorial staff.

謎語                                                                             riddles

批評欄                                                                          columns of criticism

評論                                                                             commentary

評論員                                                                          commentator

社論                                                                             editorial

失物招領欄                                                                   lost and found

書評                                                                             book review

提問箱                                                                          question box

體育消息                                                                      sports news

通欄標題                                                                      banner headline

通訊員                                                                          reporter

文藝欄                                                                          literary columns

文娛活動                                                                      recreational activities

問答欄                                                                          questions and answers

下面發(fā)表一篇論學習的文章                            We publish below an article on study (The following is an article on study)

下面轉載他的文章。                                       We reprint his article in the following.

小小故事                                                                      mini-story

信箱                                                                             letter box

學生天地                                                                      students’ world

學習園地                                                                      study corner

影視縱橫                                                                      films & TV

影訊                                                                             film news

幽默笑話                                                                      humor and jokes

征稿啟事                                                                      contributions wanted

中華大地,神州各地                                                     across the land


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