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發(fā)表時間:2018/05/22 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):4578  
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地形圖測繪        Surveying and mapping of topographic map
測繪資料        Surveying and mapping data
地形測繪        Topographic surveying and mapping
壩址區(qū)        Dam area
料場        Stock yard
水下測繪        Underwater surveying and mapping
庫區(qū)        Reservoir area
地質(zhì)勘察        Geological exploration
巖土調(diào)查        Geotechnical investigation
工程地質(zhì)填圖        Engineering geological mapping
聲波測試        Acoustic wave test
試坑        Test pit
表土取樣        Topsoil sampling
地球物理測量        Geophysical survey
區(qū)域地質(zhì)構(gòu)造        Regional tectonics
地震安全評價        Seismic safety evaluation
松散沉積層        Loose sediments
基巖        Bed rock
地下水滲流        Groundwater seepage
徑流        Runoff
回水        Return water
電力系統(tǒng)        Power system
需求預(yù)測        Demand forecast
水力        Hydraulic power
動能        Kinetic energy
特征水位        Characteristic water level
裝機容量        Installed capacity
壩軸線        Dam axis
引水發(fā)電建筑        Water diversion & power generation building
泄洪建筑物        Flood releasing structure
樞紐布置        Junction layout

天然水位流量關(guān)系線        Relation line of natural water level and flow

擋水壩        Water retaining dam
壩頂超高        Freeboard of embankment
溢流壩        Overflow dam
水力學(xué)        Hydraulics
底孔壩        Bottom dam
開關(guān)站        Switching station
主變        Main transformer
攔污柵        Trash rack
閘門        Gate
平面閘門        Plane gate
弧形閘門        Radial gate
單向門機        One-way gantry crane
雙向門機        Two-way gantry crane
液壓啟閉機        Hydraulic hoist
臺車式啟閉機        Platform hoist
橋式起重機        Bridge crane
水輪機        Water turbine
水輪發(fā)電機        Hydro generator
調(diào)速器        Speed controller
油壓裝置        Oil pressure unit
加壓泵        Pressure pump
檢修排水泵        Service drainage pump
滲漏排水泵        Seepage drainage pump
消防供水泵        Fire water supply pump
透平油        Turbine oil
絕緣油        Insulating oil
真空過濾機        Vacuum filter
儲氣罐        Air storage tank
出線        Outgoing line
發(fā)電機—變壓器組        Generator-transformer unit
雙卷無勵磁調(diào)壓升壓變壓器        Double-winding non-excitation voltage regulating and step-up transformer
單母線帶旁路接線        Single bus connection with bypass
一次副廠房        Primary auxiliary powerhouse
自然油循環(huán)風(fēng)冷卻        Air cooling by natural oil circulation
額定容量        Rated capacity
額定電壓比        Rated voltage ratio
高壓分接頭范圍        High-voltage tap range
全封閉組合電器        Gas insulated switchgear
額定開斷電流        Rated breaking current
短路關(guān)合電流        Short-circuit making current
額定短時耐受電流        Rated short-time withstand current
額定峰值耐受電流        Rated peak withstand current
額定絕緣水平        Rated insulation level
雷電沖擊耐受電壓        Lightning impulse withstand voltage
工頻耐受電壓        Power frequency withstand voltage
發(fā)電機斷路器        Generator circuit breaker
電壓互感器        voltage transformer
單相固定式開關(guān)柜        Single-phase fixed-type switchgear
離相封閉母線        Isolated-phase bus
單機容量        Unit capacity
額定持續(xù)電流        Rated uninterrupted current
地面式廠房        Ground powerhouse
安裝間        Erection bay
繼電保護         Relay protection
主變保護        Main transformer protection
勵磁變壓器        Exciting transformer
縱聯(lián)差動保護        Longitudinal differential protection 
復(fù)合電壓        Compound voltage
失磁保護        Excitation loss protection 
過電流保護        Over current protection
過電壓保護        Overvoltage protection
過負荷保護        Overload protection
一點接地保護        One-point ground protection 
廠用變        Auxiliary transformer
速斷保護        Quick break protection 
縱差保護        Longitudinal differential protection
瓦斯保護        Gas protection
雙重化配置        Double configuration
全線速動保護        Full-line high speed protection
斷路器失靈保護        Breaker failure protection
微機光纖分相電流差動保護        Microcomputer-based optical fiber split-phase current differential protection
重合閘        Re closure
二次接線        Secondary connection
計算機監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)        Computer monitoring system
現(xiàn)場調(diào)試        Field debugging
電氣量        Electric quantity
變送器        Transducer
標準信號        Standard signal
交流采樣        AC sampling
有功電度表        Active watt-hour meter
無功電度表        Reactive watt-hour meter
同期裝置        Synchronization device
自動準同期        Automatic quasi-synchronization
音響信號        Audible signal
無源接點        Electrical independent contact
高頻開關(guān)        High-frequency switch
滅磁開關(guān)        Excitation extinguishing switch
閥控式密封鉛酸蓄電池        Valve-regulated sealed lead-acid battery
單母線分段接線        Sectionalized single-bus configuration
非電量        Non electrical quantity
消防聯(lián)動控制        Fire-fighting joint control
視頻監(jiān)視系統(tǒng)        Video monitoring system
廠房        Factory building
尾水        Tail water
遠方監(jiān)控        Remote monitoring
彩色監(jiān)視器        Color monitor
光纖復(fù)合架空地線        Optical fiber composite overhead ground wire (OPGW)
光通信設(shè)備        Optical communication equipment
程控交換機        SPC exchange
程控調(diào)度交換機        Program-control dispatch exchanger
公用系統(tǒng)        Utility system
工業(yè)電視系統(tǒng)        Industry television system
遠動        Telecontrol
控制電纜        Control cable
電工實驗室        Electrical Laboratory
環(huán)評        Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
輸電系統(tǒng)        Power transmission system
網(wǎng)架規(guī)劃        Network planning
樞紐變電站        Hub substation
架空輸電線路        Overhead transmission line
鋁業(yè)        Aluminium industry
接入系統(tǒng)        Access system
同塔雙回架空線路        Double-circuit overhead line on the same tower

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