


翻譯資訊 翻譯模板 詞典查詢 翻譯語(yǔ)種 行業(yè)翻譯 成功案例 翻譯語(yǔ)種-歐洲語(yǔ)言 翻譯語(yǔ)種-亞洲語(yǔ)言 譯境特色翻譯 翻譯語(yǔ)種-稀有語(yǔ)種 網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化日志 展會(huì)動(dòng)態(tài) 同傳交傳口譯風(fēng)采


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2020/05/04 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):1652  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】


現(xiàn)場(chǎng)祭掃活動(dòng) on-site commemorative activities


Nine provinces, including Central China’s Hubei province, have suspended on-site commemorative activities during the three-day holiday from Saturday to Monday, according to Fan.

She said that some provinces and cities require people to follow strict reservation rules for tomb sweeping.

比如有的地方規(guī)定,居家或者集中觀察期未滿的人員是不能預(yù)約現(xiàn)場(chǎng)祭掃的(those who are under home quarantine or concentrated observation are not allowed to make reservations for on-site commemorative activities),有關(guān)人員要自覺(jué)遵守。



The Ministry of Civil Affairs encourages people to mourn their ancestors and deceased family members in more civil and eco-friendly ways, such as organizing commemorative activities at home or online.

Some civil affairs departments have opened online platforms for commemoration.

Staff members at funeral parlors also offer charity services, for example, helping deliver flowers and send condolences, to reduce risks of infection due to mass gatherings.


The control measures may bring inconvenience to the public but we believe that cherishing the health of living people is the best consolation to the deceased.

全國(guó)哀悼日 national day of mourning

China will hold a national mourning Saturday for martyrs who died in the fight against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and compatriots died of the disease, according to the State Council.

During the commemoration, national flags will fly at half-mast across the country and in all Chinese embassies and consulates abroad, and public recreational activities will be suspended across the country.


“下半旗”除了可以用這里的flags fly at half-mast表達(dá)之外,用flags fly at half-staff也是可以的。為什么會(huì)用mast和staff這兩個(gè)詞呢?因?yàn)閙ast本意是“桅桿”,后來(lái)也用來(lái)指“旗桿”,而staff其實(shí)是flagstaff的縮寫,flagstaff相當(dāng)于flagpole,本身就是“旗桿”的意思。

At 10:00 am Saturday, Chinese people nationwide will observe three-minute silence to mourn for the deceased, while air raid sirens and horns of automobiles, trains and ships will wail in grief.


“默哀”比較常用的英文表達(dá)是observe (three-minute) silence (for someone)或者pay silent tribute (to someone)。Tribute可以表示“(對(duì)死者的)致敬,悼念,致哀”。例如:an obituary tribute(悼辭);此外,tribute還可以表示“頌詞”,例如:a birthday tribute(生日祝福)。


糧食安全 food security




在英語(yǔ)里,“糧食安全”用food security表示,而food safety則表示“食品安全”。這二者的區(qū)別是:food security強(qiáng)調(diào)的是確保人們都能得到維持健康生活所需要的糧食,主要跟糧食的供應(yīng)和人們獲取的渠道有關(guān);而food safety強(qiáng)調(diào)的是確保人們吃進(jìn)嘴里的食物在生產(chǎn)、存儲(chǔ)和銷售等環(huán)節(jié)都符合衛(wèi)生健康標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

China has ample food production and grain reserves despite the novel coronavirus impact, so there is no need to hoard groceries, officials have said.



The country has recorded a long streak of bumper years, with grain output reaching a record of 663.9 billion kg last year.


The per capita output of grain in China has been higher than the world average since 2010.



The repertory of rice and wheat in the country is enough for the whole population for one year.


China imported 14.68 million tons of grain last year, accounting for 2% of the total consumption in the country.


China has unveiled a series of "unconventional measures" to stabilize grain production, including setting region-specific grain plantation targets, offering subsidies for farmers and raising minimum prices for state procurement of rice, which secured a good start this year and would ensure stable grain production for the whole year.

We have the confidence and determination to hold firm our rice bowl.


健康信息 health information


Chinese passengers who are going to fly from 26 countries, including the United States, Italy and Spain, to China are required to submit their health information prior to boarding the plane, the country's civil aviation regulator said on Tuesday.


Passengers who already booked air tickets to China must report their personal information, health status and recent travel history on a daily basis starting from Wednesday via a WeChat mini-program before boarding. Under special circumstances, the information can be submitted with the help of someone else.

Passengers who take the flights during the transition period between Wednesday and April 22 should report the related information every day ahead of their flights. Passenger who plan to fly after April 22 need to report the information daily for two weeks before boarding.


這里的“過(guò)渡期”用transition period表示,transition指的是從一種狀態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)變到另一種狀態(tài)的過(guò)程,即“過(guò)渡,轉(zhuǎn)變”,比如: difficult transition from childhood to adulthood(從童年到成年的艱難轉(zhuǎn)變)。另外一個(gè)與transition拼寫很接近的詞transitory表達(dá)的是“轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的、短暫的”意思,比如:transitory happiness(轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的幸福)。

People who do not fill out the information as required will not be allowed to board, and passengers who failed to report it truthfully cannot continue their trip and need to bear corresponding legal responsibilities.



5G消息業(yè)務(wù) 5G messaging service


Falling under the technical name of rich communication services, or RCS, the 5G messaging service is designed to replace current short messages with a system that is richer, provides phone book polling, and can transmit in-call multimedia.

據(jù)介紹,5G消息業(yè)務(wù)(5G messaging service)是終端原生基礎(chǔ)短消息服務(wù)的全新升級(jí)(an upgrade to the existing standard SMS messaging),依照交互方式大致可分為兩類:即個(gè)人用戶之間(P2P communication),以及企業(yè)與個(gè)人用戶之間的信息交互(B2C reach)。

對(duì)于個(gè)人用戶而言,5G消息將打破傳統(tǒng)短信對(duì)每條信息的長(zhǎng)度限制(no word limits),內(nèi)容方面也將突破文字局限,實(shí)現(xiàn)文字、圖片、音頻、視頻、位置等信息的有效融合(an integration of texts,images, audio, video and location information)。

對(duì)于企業(yè)而言,5G消息將為其提供與個(gè)人用戶之間的信息交互接口(interaction between businesses and individuals)。企業(yè)可通過(guò)文字、語(yǔ)音、選項(xiàng)卡等富媒體方式向用戶輸出個(gè)性化服務(wù)與咨詢。

With the new messaging service, for instance, consumers don't have to download a variety of mobile apps. They can directly buy train tickets and book flights by sending messages.

此外,5G消息還支持加密傳輸(encrypted transmission)、圖形密碼(graphic verification code)等信息交互方式,可提供信息安全保障,保護(hù)用戶隱私。

簡(jiǎn)單而言,5G消息是短信和彩信的升級(jí)版,可以發(fā)送圖文、音視頻等更加豐富的內(nèi)容信息;與現(xiàn)有即時(shí)通訊類APP的區(qū)別是,5G消息以手機(jī)號(hào)作為用戶ID,無(wú)需另外安裝APP,也無(wú)需添加好友或關(guān)注企業(yè)號(hào)碼,即可實(shí)現(xiàn)消息收發(fā)(send and receive messages without friending others or following business accounts)。

The global telecom industry association GSMA has reached a consensus that RCS will become the mandatory function of 5G smartphones.

The three telecom carriers disclosed in March that they would invest about 180 billion yuan on 5G this year. They will also build 550,000 5G base stations this year.

伴侶動(dòng)物 companion animal


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has excluded dogs from its draft list of edible terrestrial animals.

The draft has proposed as edible species the 18 traditional forms of livestock including pigs, cattle, chickens and ducks, alongside 13 special species including ostriches, silver foxes and minks.


Excluding dogs - an essential human companion animal - is a common global practice and is considered a sign of civilization.



一是堅(jiān)持科學(xué),列入目錄的畜禽須經(jīng)過(guò)長(zhǎng)期人工飼養(yǎng)馴化(long-term breeding and taming by human),有穩(wěn)定的人工選擇經(jīng)濟(jì)性狀;

二是突出安全,優(yōu)先保障食品安全(food safety)、公共衛(wèi)生安全(public health safety)、生態(tài)安全(environmental safety);

三是尊重民族習(xí)慣(respect ethnic customs),考慮多民族生產(chǎn)生活需要和傳統(tǒng)文化等因素;

四是與國(guó)際接軌,參照國(guó)際通行做法和國(guó)際慣例(follow global practice)等。



農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部表示,列入目錄的畜禽(livestock),適用《畜牧法》,由畜牧獸醫(yī)主管部門管理;目錄所列物種的野外種群(wild population of the listed species),以及目錄之外的陸生野生動(dòng)物(wild terrestrial animals),適用《野生動(dòng)物保護(hù)法》,由林業(yè)和草原部門管理。

就業(yè)歧視 job discrimination


China's top legislature has called on governments to offer more aid to laborers from regions hit hard by the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak when they return to work to help them overcome difficulties such as discrimination and ensure fair employment and the orderly resumption of production.


Labor is a basic constitutional right of citizens, and the Chinese Labor Law is clear on guaranteeing fair employment and prohibiting job discrimination.


一是就業(yè)促進(jìn)法規(guī)定,國(guó)家把擴(kuò)大就業(yè)放在經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)發(fā)展的突出位置(uphold the importance of expanding employment in the country's economic and social development),各級(jí)人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)創(chuàng)造公平就業(yè)環(huán)境(ensure employment equality),多渠道擴(kuò)大就業(yè)(expand job opportunities in various ways)。

二是根據(jù)勞動(dòng)法、就業(yè)促進(jìn)法,國(guó)家保障勞動(dòng)者公平就業(yè),反對(duì)任何形式的就業(yè)歧視。用人單位以勞動(dòng)者地域不同為由解除勞動(dòng)合同,也違反勞動(dòng)合同法相關(guān)規(guī)定,應(yīng)承擔(dān)相應(yīng)法律責(zé)任(employers who terminated contracts on the grounds of employees' place of origin were in breach of the Chinese Labor Contract Law and should bear legal liability)。

三是各級(jí)人力資源和社會(huì)保障部門依法對(duì)用人單位執(zhí)行勞動(dòng)法律、法規(guī)的情況進(jìn)行監(jiān)督檢查(monitor whether the applicable laws are being enforced),對(duì)違法行為予以制止,并責(zé)令改正(deter and correct employers' misconduct)。


People from Hubei, especially those from Wuhan, capital of the province, were tenacious and brave during the outbreak, with strict enforcement of the epidemic control rules and extremely great efforts in fighting the disease, so we need to provide more help for them when they return to work.

Regional discrimination in recruitment damages laborers' equal employment rights. It is neither legal nor beneficial in consolidating the results of epidemic control work and promoting social economic development.

滅活疫苗 inactivated vaccines


The two vaccines are China's first batch of COVID-19 inactivated vaccines that have obtained clinical trial approval. Using killed pathogenic microorganisms for enhancing the immunogenicity, the vaccines have advantages of mature production process, controllable quality standards and wide protection range.

They can be used for large-scale vaccination, and their safety and effectiveness can by judged by internationally accepted standards.

疫苗對(duì)疫情防控至關(guān)重要。疫情發(fā)生以來(lái),國(guó)務(wù)院聯(lián)防聯(lián)控機(jī)制科研攻關(guān)組專門設(shè)立疫苗研發(fā)專班,按照滅活疫苗(inactivated vaccines)、重組蛋白疫苗(recombinant protein vaccines)、腺病毒載體疫苗(adenovirus vector vaccines)、減毒流感病毒載體活疫苗(vaccines using attenuated influenza virus as vectors)、核酸疫苗(nucleic acid vaccines)5條技術(shù)路線共布局12項(xiàng)研發(fā)任務(wù),目前均在穩(wěn)步推進(jìn)。

China has laid a solid foundation for research in inactivated vaccines, which has been widely used to fight hepatitis A, influenza, hand-foot-and-mouth disease and poliomyelitis.


據(jù)了解,上述獲得臨床試驗(yàn)許可的企業(yè)具備大規(guī)模滅活疫苗生產(chǎn)能力(the capacity for large-scale production),根據(jù)國(guó)家相關(guān)法律法規(guī),已為緊急使用做好準(zhǔn)備。

世衛(wèi)組織“斷供” suspend funding WHO


US President Donald Trump says he has instructed his administration to halt funding to the World Health Organization (WHO).He said the WHO had "failed in its basic duty" in its response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Mr Trump said funding would be on hold for 60 to 90 days pending a review of the WHO’s warnings about the coronavirus and China.


With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have deep concerns whether America’s generosity has been put to the best use possible. The reality is that the WHO failed to adequately obtain, vet and share information in a timely and transparent fashion.

If we cannot trust them, if this is what we will receive from the WHO, our country will be forced to find other ways to work with other nations to achieve public health goals.



António Guterres, the UN secretary general, declared now was “not the time to reduce the resources for the operations of the World Health Organization or any other humanitarian organization in the fight against the virus.

“As I have said before, now is the time for unity and for the international community to work together in solidarity to stop this virus and its shattering consequences,” he said in a statement.


WHO’s Programme Budget is financed through a mix of assessed and voluntary contributions. Assessed contributions are the dues countries pay in order to be a member of the Organization. The amount each Member State must pay is calculated relative to the country's wealth and population.

Assessed contributions have declined as an overall percentage of the Programme Budget and have, for several years, accounted for less than one quarter of the organization’s financing. The balance is mobilized through voluntary contributions.

However, assessed contributions remain a key source of financing for the organization, providing a level of predictability, helping to minimize dependence on a narrow donor base, and allowing resources to be aligned to the Programme Budget.

WHO assessed contributions are due and payable as of 1 January from all WHO Member States and Associate Members (currently 194 Member States and 2 Associate Members).

Where the total annual assessed contribution for a Member State is $200,000 or greater, that Member's contributions are assessed half in United States dollar and half in Swiss francs, otherwise, contributions are assessed in United States dollars only.

The US is the WHO's biggest funder, providing $400m last year - just under 15% of its total budget.

The organization launched an appeal in March for $675m to help fight the pandemic.



WHO started sounding the alarm on the outbreak of a new coronavirus in China, in mid-January, designating the now Covid-19 pandemic as a global health emergency on Jan 30 when there were just 8,200 cases in 18 countries across the world.

The WHO’s global emergency declaration on Jan 30 was nearly a month before Trump tweeted that “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA” and six weeks before he declared a national emergency on March 13.

Two days earlier, on March 11, WHO officials declared the outbreak a pandemic, when there were just 121,000 global cases.

包機(jī) charter flights


Sixteen Chinese charter planes flew to Iran, Italy, Britain, the United States and Spain from March 4 to April 13, bringing back home 2,744 Chinese, including 1,449 students studying abroad, Xiong Jie, spokesperson for the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), said at an online press conference.


Charter這個(gè)詞在表示“包租、租用”之意時(shí)既可以用作動(dòng)詞,也可以用作形容詞,比如:They chartered a boat for deep-sea fishing.或者The charter boat is used for deep-sea fishing.(他們包了一條船用來(lái)深海捕魚(yú)。)所以,我們這里說(shuō)到的“包機(jī)”用charter plane/flight或chartered plane/flight都是可以的。


按照國(guó)務(wù)院聯(lián)防聯(lián)控機(jī)制的具體部署,執(zhí)行的重大運(yùn)輸任務(wù)主要包括安排臨時(shí)航班(包機(jī))赴疫情嚴(yán)重國(guó)家接回中國(guó)公民任務(wù)( bring Chinese studying or living abroad back home)、援外醫(yī)療專家組(chartered flights to send medical experts to countries hit hard by COVID-19)和相關(guān)省份聯(lián)合工作組包機(jī)任務(wù)和援非物資運(yùn)輸任務(wù)(send medical materials to African countries)三方面。

The CAAC will provide convenience to overseas students in countries severely affected by the virus and who are in difficulties to "help them return home in a step-by-step and orderly fashion.

Data showed that as of Tuesday, China had sent a total of 575 charter flights carrying 134 medical professionals and working staff and 9,544 tons of anti-epidemic supplies to 64 countries including the United States, Italy and Japan to help them combat the virus.

On April 5, the administration arranged for a chartered flight to transport 37.6 tons of medical supplies to 18 countries in central and western Africa.

消費(fèi)券 coupons


The municipal government of Wuhan will hand out the vouchers weekly via the online platforms of Alibaba, Meituan Dianping and Tencent. The above three e-commerce giants will also offer their own coupons worth a total of 1.8 billion yuan, which may be used together with the government-issued vouchers. The first stage of distribution will be from April 19 to May 31, and the second stage from June 1 to July 31.


這里說(shuō)到“消費(fèi)券”時(shí)用了voucher和coupon兩個(gè)詞,根據(jù)《劍橋英語(yǔ)詞典》的解釋,voucher指的是a piece of paper that can be used to pay for particular goods or services or that allows you to pay less than the usual price for them(可以直接用來(lái)購(gòu)買或者以低于定價(jià)的金額購(gòu)買特定商品或服務(wù)的紙質(zhì)憑證),coupon是:a piece of paper that can be used to get something without paying for it, or at a reduced price(可以免費(fèi)或者以折扣價(jià)格獲得某物的紙質(zhì)憑證)。從這個(gè)解釋來(lái)看,二者意思很接近,基本可以互相替換使用。


首期“武漢消費(fèi)券”根據(jù)不同消費(fèi)種類設(shè)置不同面額(face value)。


Consumers will be able to use the vouchers for offline payments in restaurants, shopping malls, supermarkets, convenience stores and cultural and tourist sites.


So far, more than 20 provinces and cities in China have launched voucher campaigns, worth over 5.6 billion yuan.

A survey conducted by Alipay shows that over 10 million businesses have benefited from the nationwide voucher campaigns, with over 90 percent of them being micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

“未見(jiàn)異常”健康狀態(tài) health status of "no sign of abnormality"

Beijing will allow commuters from the neighboring regions of Hebei province and Tianjin to apply for the health status of "no sign of abnormality" in its health mini-program to facilitate their commute, said Li Sufang, deputy head of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform.

“北京健康寶”是一個(gè)方便個(gè)人查詢自身防疫相關(guān)健康狀態(tài)(health status)的小工具,所有在京及進(jìn)(返)京人員均可使用。查詢結(jié)果包含“集中觀察(concentrated observation)”、“居家觀察(home-based observation)”以及“未見(jiàn)異常(no sign of abnormality)”三種狀態(tài),分別用紅色、黃色以及綠色進(jìn)行標(biāo)識(shí)。


Those who will be granted the status of "no sign of abnormality" should have stayed in low-risk areas in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region for the last 14 days, are not confirmed cases, suspected cases, close contacts or silent carriers recorded by national or local health aothorities, and not under home-based or concentrated observation.


在便利商務(wù)出行方面,天津、河北以外省市低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)地區(qū)來(lái)京出差人員,按照北京市酒店入住管理的相關(guān)措施,持有7日內(nèi)核酸檢測(cè)陰性證明(negative result of nucleic acid test within 7 days),或在酒店進(jìn)行核酸檢測(cè)呈陰性并接受酒店健康管理,入住酒店后,依據(jù)酒店入住登記信息,可通過(guò)“健康寶”申請(qǐng)健康狀態(tài)。

穩(wěn)就業(yè) ensure employment


To offset COVID-19's impact on the job market, China has taken measures to ensure employment and promote work resumption, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS).



In the first quarter of 2020, the ministry has helped over 10,000 central and local key enterprises recruit nearly 500,000 people to ensure the orderly production of medical supplies and daily necessities.

Meanwhile, the country offered "point-to-point" non-stop transportation for nearly 5.9 million migrant workers to help them return to work.


The ministry exempted employers from 232 billion yuan social security fees by the end of March to reduce labor costs, and handed back another 38.8 billion yuan for the employers' portion of jobless benefits to 3.02 million businesses that didn't lay off workers. Nearly 10 billion yuan were given out in a separate move to encourage employers to hire unemployed people.


The ministry will further expand employment channels and enhance online hiring services for college graduates, whose number is expected to hit a record 8.74 million this year.


The ministry launched a special online hiring activity, which will last until the end of July, on March 20, offering over 10 million positions for job seekers.


The ministry opened its national unemployment registration service on March 31.The registration service is for unemployed people of working age who have the ability to work and want to find a job, including graduates and people who have left jobs, the ministry said.

Those registered will be able to enjoy free services such as guidance on employment policies and laws, and employment matching. Those eligible for government support, such as unemployment insurance, can apply during the registration process.

The registered urban unemployment rate nationwide, based on the number of people who registered for benefits, was 3.66 percent by the end of March, whereas the urban jobless rate based on surveys was 5.9 percent.

偷井蓋 theft of manhole covers


The guideline comprises 12 articles, including punishments of ordinary criminal crimes such as theft and destruction of manhole covers as well as crimes of dereliction of duty related to manhole covers.


People who steal or damage manhole covers and cause serious consequences, such as people falling in or vehicles overturning, will be deemed as having committed the crime of sabotaging a means of transport, transportation facilities in accordance with the Chinese Criminal Law.

If someone steals or damages manhole covers in crowded places, such as stations, ports, parks, squares, schools or business zones, and the action leads to serious injuries or deaths, he or she may be charged with endangering public safety by dangerous means, the guideline said.

In addition, anyone who deliberately removes or destroys manhole covers despite knowing that the action may cause serious harm to others may be charged with intentional homicide or intentional injury if someone is killed or hurt, the guideline said.


Those working in state organs who fail to do their job or abuse their power when engaged in manhole cover procurement, construction, acceptance checks, use and inspection, causing heavy losses to public money or property or the interests of the state and the people, will be punished in accordance with the standards for the crimes of dereliction of duty and abuse of power, said the guideline.

天問(wèn)一號(hào) Tianwen-1

4月24日,國(guó)家航天局在2020年中國(guó)航天日線上啟動(dòng)儀式上公布:中國(guó)行星探測(cè)任務(wù)(planetary exploration missions)被命名為“天問(wèn)(Tianwen)系列”,首次火星探測(cè)任務(wù)(first Mars exploration mission)被命名為“天問(wèn)一號(hào)”,后續(xù)行星任務(wù)依次編號(hào)。


The name comes from the long poem "Tianwen," meaning Heavenly Questions or Questions to Heaven, written by Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC), one of the greatest poets of ancient China.

In "Tianwen," Qu Yuan raised a series of questions in verse involving the sky, stars, natural phenomena, myths and the real world, showing his doubts about some traditional concepts and the spirit of seeking the truth.

“天問(wèn)”這個(gè)名字表達(dá)了中華民族對(duì)于真理追求的堅(jiān)韌與執(zhí)著(the Chinese nation's perseverance in pursuing truth),體現(xiàn)了對(duì)自然和宇宙空間探索的文化傳承(culture of exploring nature and the universe)。


CNSA also unveiled the logo of China's planetary exploration missions, featuring the letter C, signifying China, international cooperation and capacity of entering space.

China plans to launch the Mars probe in 2020, aiming to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission.

移動(dòng)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)接入流量 mobile data traffic


In the first quarter of 2020, China's mobile data traffic consumption soared 39.3 percent from the same period of last year, Li told the press conference. In March alone, the average household usage of mobile traffic reached 9.5 GB, the highest level in almost a year, reflecting the rapid growth of information consumption, Li added.


Traffic這個(gè)詞可做名詞或動(dòng)詞使用,用法很多,不過(guò)大多數(shù)都跟人員、物品、信息、交通工具等的運(yùn)送、流動(dòng)有關(guān),比如:上班路上遭遇“堵車”可以直接說(shuō)I am stuck in traffic,飯店的客流量可以說(shuō)restaurant traffic,法律打擊的“毒品交易”則是drug traffic。在信息技術(shù)領(lǐng)域,traffic指的是:the information or signals transmitted over a communications system(通過(guò)一個(gè)通信系統(tǒng)傳輸?shù)男畔⒒蛐盘?hào)),我們一般稱為“流量”。

During the epidemic period, consumer demand for online medical and education services, as well as food delivery and new retail services, posted explosive growth.

The internet traffic in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province, during the epidemic period has seen an increase of around 60 to 70 percent compared with that at the end of last year, said statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

During the epidemic period, the broadband network plays key supporting roles in social economic operations, and people's production and life. Meanwhile, the internet also faces great challenges from users' growing operating frequency and demands.


China has seen its fixed broadband users exceed 450 million, and the household penetration of fixed internet exceed 91 percent, said the MIIT statistics.

The user population of 3G, 4G and 5G mobile broadband has exceeded 1.3 billion, with a household penetration of more than 95 percent.

Across China, the broadband services have extended to more than 98 percent of administrative villages.

五一假期 May Day holiday


Tourists are asked to pay close attention to the situation of epidemic risks released by local authorities and the latest epidemic prevention and control measures of their destination, according to a statement on the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Tourists are urged to carry out self-protection measures including wearing masks and washing their hands frequently, as well as keeping their distance from others while taking transportation and visiting parks. The use of serving chopsticks and spoons during meals is also recommended, the statement said.


The statement also asked tourists to learn in advance about ticket reservations and other measures of scenic spots and devise their itineraries to avoid peak times.

文旅部提醒游客,自覺(jué)遵守旅游目的地和景區(qū)疫情防控制度,接受測(cè)量體溫(take temperature)、查驗(yàn)健康碼(check health QR code)、分時(shí)限流、保持間距(social distancing)等要求,對(duì)于由此產(chǎn)生的排隊(duì)等待給予充分理解。



Tourist attractions are allowed to receive 30 percent of their maximum visitor capacity. Paid scenic spots are required to evaluate the results before launching preferential policies for tickets and entertainment programs.

Tourist attractions should strengthen management over population flow to prevent mass gatherings. Travelers are required to make reservations and encouraged to visit scenic spots in different time periods.

零號(hào)病人 patient zero

Chinese scientists said on Monday that it is very unlikely the novel coronavirus was man-made, and finding patient zero is a formidable task that requires global collaboration to succeed.


“零號(hào)病人(patient zero)”往往用來(lái)指稱第一個(gè)受感染的流行病患者(the first person infected with the virus in an epidemic)。確認(rèn)“零號(hào)病人”,對(duì)于病毒溯源和疫情防控有著重要價(jià)值。


Finding the first infected case is an "extremely difficult scientific problem that requires a great amount of interdisciplinary research". Scientists have yet to find patient zero for the 1918 influenza pandemic, HIV or the H1N1 influenza in 2009.


The increased number of people with COVID-19 antibodies, as well as the existence of asymptomatic patients, are two main obstacles in finding patient zero.

If patient zero is asymptomatic or has very mild symptoms, he or she may not have seen a doctor and left a medical record.

China and many other countries are also looking for patient zero. He said he hopes countries can work together to tackle this challenging task.

收費(fèi)公路 toll roads


China's Ministry of Transport announced to restore all tolls across the country from May 6. The move is valid for all toll roads nationwide, including bridges and tunnels, the ministry said in a notice, adding that given vehicles approved by law will continue to be exempted from tolls.


Toll這個(gè)詞可以直接表示“(道路、橋梁)通行費(fèi)”,所以,沒(méi)有必要說(shuō)toll fee,“收費(fèi)站”就可以用toll gate、toll booth表示,咱們國(guó)家一些法定節(jié)假日期間小型車輛高速公路免費(fèi)通行則可以說(shuō)Most expressways in the country are going toll free for passenger cars with fewer than seven seats during the holiday period. 此外,在有關(guān)災(zāi)難事故的新聞報(bào)道中見(jiàn)到的toll則表示“(傷亡)人數(shù)”,比如death toll(死亡人數(shù))、the toll of dead and injured mounted(傷亡人數(shù)增加)。

符合《收費(fèi)公路管理?xiàng)l例》及相關(guān)規(guī)定的軍隊(duì)車輛(含武警部隊(duì)車輛)(military vehicles),公安機(jī)關(guān)在轄區(qū)內(nèi)收費(fèi)公路上處理交通事故、執(zhí)行正常巡邏任務(wù)和處置突發(fā)事件的統(tǒng)一標(biāo)志的制式警車(police vehicles),懸掛應(yīng)急救援專用號(hào)牌的國(guó)家綜合性消防救援車輛(fire and rescue vehicles),經(jīng)國(guó)務(wù)院交通主管部門或者省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府批準(zhǔn)執(zhí)行搶險(xiǎn)救災(zāi)任務(wù)的車輛,鮮活農(nóng)產(chǎn)品運(yùn)輸車輛(vehicles transporting fresh agricultural products),進(jìn)行跨區(qū)作業(yè)的聯(lián)合收割機(jī)和運(yùn)輸聯(lián)合收割機(jī)(包括插秧機(jī))的車輛,繼續(xù)享受免收車輛通行費(fèi)政策。


Special needs and fast passes will be set up at expressway toll booths, and guidance of on-site traffic order will be strengthened.

突發(fā)公共衛(wèi)生事件應(yīng)急響應(yīng) response to public health emergencies

4月30日零時(shí)起,北京將突發(fā)公共衛(wèi)生事件一級(jí)響應(yīng)調(diào)整為二級(jí)響應(yīng)(lower the emergency response to the novel coronavirus epidemic from the top level to the second level),并相應(yīng)調(diào)整防控策略。


By the end of Tuesday, 15 of the 16 districts in Beijing had reported zero new local cases for more than 36 days. Chaoyang district, which was listed as the high-risk area for COVID-19 control, has no new local cases for 14 days by Wednesday and will be listed as low-risk area.

Beijing has been taking strict measures on both domestic and overseas travelers coming to the capital, as well as community control to prevent infection risks, which has proved to be effective. In Beijing, the risk of outbreak has been generally mitigated.



People from low-risk regions of China will not need to be quarantined for 14 days at home upon arriving in Beijing. Those who are undergoing concentrated or at-home observation need not continue.

But the strict management of inbound personnel and those from high- and medium-risk areas and Hubei, the province once hardest hit by the virus, will continue.


Couriers, deliverymen, housekeepers and real estate agents with green health codes will be allowed to enter residential communities, which will remain under closed-off management.

Relative visitors will also be allowed if their health codes are green.


Hotels in Beijing will not require nucleic acid test results from guests, with only a green health code needed to check-in.


The maximum allowable passenger capacity will be raised from 50 percent of full capacity to 75 percent on buses and to 65 percent on subway trains.


Bus services between Beijing and some areas in the neighboring Hebei province will resume operations in an orderly manner, and inter-provincial long-distance and chartered bus services will gradually be resumed.


Libraries, museums and galleries will reopen in an orderly manner with restricted numbers of visitors, and cinemas, karaoke houses and underground gymnasiums and natatoria will remain closed.


Ordinary people can take off their masks in outdoor public venues if they are not at populated sites like school campuses and stations of public transport. Pregnant women, children and the elderly with poor immunity are still advised to wear their masks on if they need to go to public places.

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