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發(fā)表時間:2018/05/04 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2673  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

academic expenses 學術支出
academic year 學年
add/drop of subject 增修或減修科目
Adjusted Family Income 調整後家庭收入
Advanced Level Examination 高級程度會考
Advanced Supplementary Level Examination 高級補充程度會考
Amenities Centre 文娛中心
announcement 公布
appeal 申訴
application for graduation 畢業(yè)申請
Aquatic Meet 水運會
assessment methods 考核方式
asset test 資產(chǎn)審查
asset value 資產(chǎn)值
Athletic Meet 陸運會
Award Certificate 畢業(yè)證書
Board of Examiners 主考委員會
candidates 考生
Careers Information Centre 職業(yè)資料中心
cash-refundable credit 學生賬戶中可以現(xiàn)金方式退還的余款
caution money 保證金
Certificate of Award 畢業(yè)證明
change of class 轉班
change of subject group 更改科目組別
Chinese Mainland and Overseas Activities Fund for Students 中國內地及海外學生活動基金

class & first meeting information 編班資料
class register 上課記錄
class timetable 上課時間表
co-requisite subject 必須同時修讀的科目
Complementary Studies Programme 輔學課程
compulsory language subjects 必修語文科
compulsory subject 必修科目
computer iteration 電腦派位
concurrent enrolment 雙重注冊/雙重學籍
conditional offer 暫取
confirmed offer 確認取錄
continuation fee 延讀學費
coursework 指定功課
Credit Accumulation Mechanism 學分累積制
credit balance 學生賬戶結余
credit requirement 學分要求
credit transfer 學分轉移
credit-based programme 學分制課程
credit-based system 學分制
credits 學分
curriculum 課程內容
de-registration 勒令退學
debit note 繳費單
deferment of study 休學
deferred registration 延期注冊
departmental academic counsellor 學系修業(yè)顧問
Dinner Talks 晚餐講座
discontinuation of study 停學
discount factor 折算因子
dissertation 論文
donation stipulation 捐贈條款
Double degree programme 雙學位課程
Double discipline programme 雙學科課程
elective subject 選修科
Emergency Financial Assistance Scheme (PolyU) 緊急資助計劃
examination regulations and procedures 考試規(guī)則及程序
examination result notification 考試成績單
examiner 主考
exchange student 交換生
exclusion subject 不能同時修讀的科目
exemption 科目豁免
extended loan 擴展貸款
external examiner 校外主考
fee adjustment 學費調整
Financial Aids 財政援助
Financial Assistance Scheme (PolyU) 學生資助計劃
firm offer 正式取錄
first tier of the means test 第一層入息審查
Fitness Introductory Course 健體簡介課程
form of undertaking 承諾書
full-time programme 全日制課程
full-time student 全日制學生
如需轉載,請注明來自:翻譯中國 http;//www.FanE.cn
general education subjects 通識教育科目
graduate 畢業(yè)生
graduation fee 畢業(yè)費
grant/bursary 助學金
guarantee form 保證書
guarantor 保證人
guide for applicants 入學申請指南
handling fee 行政費
household member 住戶成員
income proof 入息證明文件
incomplete subject registration 未完成科目注冊
interest-bearing loan 附息貸款
interest-free loan 免息貸款
internal examiner 校內主考
Joint Committee on Student Finance (Government) 政府助學金聯(lián)合委員會
Joint Institution Job Information System 聯(lián)校就業(yè)資料庫
Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) 大學聯(lián)合招生辦法
language requirement 語言規(guī)定
late application 逾期申請
Leadership Development Programme 領導才能發(fā)展計劃
lecture 講課
loan 貸款
Local Student Finance Scheme (Government) 本地專上學生資助計劃
Major/minor combinations 兼?zhèn)渲餍藜案毙蘅颇恐n程
mature student 超齡生
maximum period of registration 注冊期限
means test/income test 入息審查
Non-Academic Achievements Self-recommendation Scheme 非學術表現(xiàn)自薦計劃
non-local applicants 非本地申請人
Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (Government) 免入息審查貸款計劃
normal duration of a programme 正常修業(yè)年期
Orientation 迎新活動
part-time day release programme 日間給假調訓課程
part-time programme 兼讀課程
Physical Education Foundation Programme 體育基本課程
Postgraduate Organization 研究生會
pre-requisite subject 先備科目
programme 課程
programme structure 課程結構
Programmes offered through the HKCyberU 香港網(wǎng)上學府課程
re-assessment 補考
re-assessment fee 補考費用
re-enrolment 舊生注冊
ready reckoner 計算便覽
Record of Achievement 科目成績證書
referee 諮詢人
registration fee 注冊費
reinstatement of registration 重新批準注冊
retake failed subject 重讀科目
retention of study place 保留學位
Scheme 組合課程
second tier of the means test 第二層入息審查
self-financed student 非政府資助學生
self-paced student 以自選進度修讀的學生
semester 學期
specified progression pattern 擬定進度模式
Sports Teams 運動代表隊
Student Financial Assistance Agency (Government) 學生資助辦事處
Student Identity Card 學生證
student record 學生記錄
Student Travel Subsidy Scheme (Government) 學生車船津貼計劃
Students’ Union 學生會
subject 科目
subject Assessment Review Panel 科目評核委員會
subject code 科目編號
subject confirmation sheet 科目確定單張
subject group 科目組別
subject registration 科目注冊
Summer Short Courses 暑期短期體育課程
testimonial 修業(yè)證明書
Training credits 培訓學分
transcript of studies 學業(yè)成績表
transfer of study 轉系
tuition fee 學費
vetting 審核
weighted income 加權收入
Wellness in Action 邁向康健人生
withdrawal of study 退學
witness 見證人
zero subject enrolment 零科注冊

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