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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2018/08/14 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3181  
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器質(zhì)性精神障礙 Organic mental disorders
阿爾茨海默病 (Alzheimer)Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease
阿爾茨海默病,老年前期型 Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease with early onset
阿爾茨海默病,老年型 Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease with alte onset
阿爾茨海默病,非典型或混合型 Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease, atypical ro mixed type
其他或待分類的阿爾茨海默病 Mental disorders due to other type of Alzheimer is disease, or unspecified
腦血管病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to vascular disease
急性腦血管病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to vascular disease of acute onset
皮層性血管病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to cortical vascular disease
皮層下血管病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to subcortical vascular disease
皮層和皮層下血管病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to mixedcortical subcortical vascular disease
其他或待分類血管病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to other vascular disease, or unspecified
其他腦部疾病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to other braindiseases
腦變性病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to brain degeneration
匹克病所致精神障礙 (Pick)Mental disorders due to Pick is diseasf
享廷頓病所致精神障礙 (Huntington)Mental disorders due to Huntington is disease
帕金森病所致精神障礙 (Parkinson)[Mental disorders due to Parkinson is disease
肝豆?fàn)詈俗冃运戮裾系K (Wilson’Disease)Mental disorders due to hepatolenticular degeneration(Wilson is disease)
顱內(nèi)感染所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to intracranial infection
急性病毒性腦炎所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to acute virus encephalitis
克—雅病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
腦炎后綜合征 Postencephalitic syndrome
急性播散性腦脊髓炎和急性出血性白質(zhì)腦炎所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to acute disseminateclencephalomyelitis and acute hemorrhagic leucoencephalitis
多發(fā)性硬化所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to multiple sclerosis
腦外傷所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to brain damage
腦震蕩后綜合征 Mental disorders due to brain concussion
腦挫裂傷后綜合征 Mental disorders due to brain contusion
腦瘤所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to brain tumor
癲癇所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to epilepsy
以上未分類的其他腦部疾病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to other specifide diseases classifide dlsewhere
軀體疾病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to physical diseases
軀體感染所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to physical infection
人類免疫缺陷病毒所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)
內(nèi)臟器官疾病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to visceral organdisease
內(nèi)分泌疾病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to endocrine disease
營(yíng)養(yǎng)代謝疾病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to nutritional and metabolic disease
結(jié)締組織疾病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to disease of connective tissue
系統(tǒng)性紅斑狼瘡所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)
染色體異常所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to chromosomal abnormality
物理因素所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to physical factors
以上未分類的其他軀體疾病所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to other diseases,or unspecifide
圍生期精神障礙 Puerperal mental disorder
其他或待分類器質(zhì)性精神 Organic mental disorders due to other diseases,or unspecified
器質(zhì)性智能損害(癡呆) Organic intellectual deficiency(dementia)
器質(zhì)性遺忘 Organic amnesic syndrime
器質(zhì)性人格改變、習(xí)慣與沖動(dòng)改變、性心理改變 Organic personality change, habit and impulse change, psychosexual change
器質(zhì)性意識(shí)障礙(如譫妄) Organic consciousness disorders (e.g, delirium)
器質(zhì)性精神病性癥狀 Organic psychotic symptoms
器質(zhì)性情感障礙 Organic mood disorders
器質(zhì)性癔癥樣綜合征 Organic hysteria-like syndrome
器質(zhì)性神經(jīng)癥樣綜合征 Organic neurosis-like syndrome
精神活性物質(zhì)所致精神障礙或非成癮物質(zhì)所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due psychoactive substances or non-addictive substances
精神活性物質(zhì)所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of psychoactive substances
酒精所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of alcohol
阿片類物質(zhì)所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of opioids
大麻類物質(zhì)所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of cannabinoids
鎮(zhèn)靜催眠藥或抗焦慮藥所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics
興奮劑所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of stimulants
致幻劑所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of hallucinogens
煙草所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of tobacco
揮發(fā)性溶劑所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to use of volative solvents
其他或待分類的精神活性物質(zhì)所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to other psychoactive substances,or unspecifide
急性中毒 Acute intoxication
有害使用 Harmful use
依賴綜合征(成癮綜合征) Dependencd (addictive) syndrome
戒斷綜合征 Withdrawal syndrome
精神病性障礙 Psychotc disorders
智能損害(癡呆) Intellectual deficiency (dementia)
遺忘綜合征 Amnesic syndrome
殘留性或遲發(fā)性精神障礙 Residual and late-onset mental disorder
意識(shí)障礙(如譫妄、昏迷) Predominant disturbance of vonsciousness (e.g. delirium, coma)
幻覺(jué)癥 Hallucinosis
妄想癥 Delusionosis
抑郁綜合征 Depressive syndrome
躁狂綜合征 Manic syndrome
病理性中毒 Pathological intoxication
病理性重現(xiàn)(閃回) Flashbacks
非成癮物質(zhì)所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to non-addictive substances
非成癮藥物所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to non-addictive drugs
一氧化碳所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to carbon monoxide
有機(jī)化合物所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to organic compound
重金屬所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to heavy metals
食物所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to foods
其他或待分類的非成癮物質(zhì)所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to other non-addictive substances, or unspecified
精神分裂癥 Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
精神分裂癥(分裂癥) Schizophrenia
偏執(zhí)型分裂癥 Paranoid schizophrenia
青春型(瓦解型)分裂癥 Hebephrenic schizophrenia
緊張型分裂癥 Catatonic schizophrenia
單純型分裂癥 Simple schizophrenia
未定型分裂癥 Undifferentiated schizophrenia
其他型或待分類的精神分裂癥 Other type or unspecified schizophrenia
精神分裂癥后抑郁 Post-schizophrenic depression
精神分裂癥緩解期 Remitted schizophrenia
精神分裂癥殘留期 Residual schizophrenia
慢性精神分裂癥 Chronic schizophrenia
精神分裂癥衰退期 Deteriorated schizophrenia
偏執(zhí)性精神障礙 Paranoid mental disorders
急性短暫性精神病 Acute and transient psychosis
分裂樣精神病 Schizophrenia-like psychosis
旅途性精神病 Travelling psychosis
妄想陣發(fā)(急性妄想發(fā)作) Delusional episodes
其他或待分類的急性短暫精神病 Other or unspecified acute and transient psychosis
感應(yīng)性精神病 Induced psychosis
分裂情感性精神病 Schizoaffective psychosis
分裂情感性精神病,躁狂型 Schiaoaffective psychosis , manic type
分裂情感性精神病,抑郁型 Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type
分裂情感性精神病,混合型 Schizoaffective psychosis, mixed type
其他或待分類的精神病性障礙 Other or unspecified psychotic disorders
周期性精神病 Periodic psychosis
心境障礙(情感性精神障礙) Mood disorders(Affective disorders)
躁狂發(fā)作 Manic episode
輕性躁狂癥(輕躁狂) Hypomania
無(wú)精神病性癥狀的躁狂癥 Mania without psychotic symptoms
有精神病性癥狀的躁狂癥 Mania with psychotic symptoms
復(fù)發(fā)性躁狂 Recurrent mania
復(fù)發(fā)性躁狂癥,目前為輕躁狂 Recurent mania, current episode hypomanic
復(fù)發(fā)性躁狂癥,目前為無(wú)精神病性癥狀的躁狂 Recurrent mania, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms
復(fù)發(fā)性躁狂癥,目前為有精神病性癥狀的躁狂 Recurrent mania, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms
其他或待分類的躁狂 Other or unspecifided manic episode
雙相障礙 Bipolar disorder
雙相障礙,目前為輕躁狂 Bipolar disorder, current episode hypomanic
雙相障礙,目前為無(wú)精神病性癥狀的躁狂 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms
雙相障礙,目前為有精神病性癥狀的躁狂 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms
雙相障礙,目前為輕抑郁 Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode mild depression
雙相障礙,目前為無(wú)精神病性癥狀的抑郁 Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode depression without psychotic symptoms
雙相障礙,目前為有精神病性癥狀的抑郁 Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode depression with psychotic symptoms
雙相障礙,目前為混合性發(fā)作 Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode mixed
其他或待分類的雙相障礙 Other or unspecified bipolar disorders
雙相障礙,目前為快速循環(huán)發(fā)作 Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode fast cycling
抑郁發(fā)作 Depressive episode
輕性抑郁癥(輕抑郁) Mild depression
無(wú)精神病性癥狀的抑郁癥 Depression without psychotic symptoms
有精神病性癥狀的抑郁癥 Depression with psychotic symptoms
復(fù)發(fā)性抑郁癥 Recurrent depression
復(fù)發(fā)性抑郁癥,目前為輕抑郁 Recurrent depression,current episode mild depressive
復(fù)發(fā)性抑郁癥,目前為無(wú)精神病性癥狀的抑郁 Recurrent disorder,current episode depressive without psychotic symptoms
有精神病性癥狀的抑郁 Recurrent depressive disorder,current episode depressive with psychotic symptoms
復(fù)發(fā)性抑郁癥,目前為其他或待分類的抑郁癥 Other or unspecifide depression
持續(xù)性心境障礙 Persistent mood disorder
環(huán)性心境障礙 Cyclothymia
惡劣心境 Dysthymia
其他或待分類的持續(xù)性心境障礙 Other or unspecifide persistent mood disorders
其他或待分類的心境障礙 Other or unspecified mood disorders
意識(shí)障礙(如譫妄) Disturbance of consciousness (e.g.delirium)
伴軀體癥狀 With somatic symptoms
慢性 Chronic
緩解期 In remission
癔癥、應(yīng)激相關(guān)障礙、神經(jīng)癥 Hysteria ,Stress-related disorders,Neurosis
癔癥 Hysteria
癔癥性精神障礙 Hysterical psychological disorders
癔癥性遺忘 Hysterical amnesia
癔癥性漫游 Hysterical fugue
癔癥性身份識(shí)別障礙 Hysterical identity disorder
癔癥性精神病 Hysterical psychosis
癔癥性附體障礙 Hysterical possession disorders
癔癥性木僵 Hysterical stupor
癔癥性軀體障礙 Hysterical somatic disorders
癔癥性運(yùn)動(dòng)障礙 Hysterical motor disorders
癔癥性抽搐發(fā)作 Hysterical convulsions
癔癥性感覺(jué)障礙 Hysterical sensory disorders
混合性癔癥軀體—精神障礙 Mixed hysterical somatic-psychological disorders
其他或待分類癔癥 Other or unspecified hysteria
綜合征 GanserGanser is syndrome
見(jiàn)于童年和青少年的短暫的癔癥性障礙 Transient hysterical disorders occurring in childhood and adolescence
應(yīng)激相關(guān)障礙 Stress-related disorders
急性應(yīng)激障礙 Acute stress disorders
急性應(yīng)激性精神?。毙苑磻?yīng)性精神?。?/span> Acute stress psychosis(acute reactive psychosis)
創(chuàng)傷后應(yīng)激障礙 Post-traumatic stress disorders
適應(yīng)障礙 Adjustment disorders
短期抑郁反應(yīng) Brief depressive reaction
中期抑郁反應(yīng) Subprolonged depressive reaction
長(zhǎng)期抑郁反應(yīng) Prolonged depressive reaction
其他惡劣情緒為主的適應(yīng)障礙 Adjustment disorders with disturbance of other emotions
混合性焦慮抑郁反應(yīng) Mixed anxiety and depressive reaction
品行障礙為主的適應(yīng)障礙 Adjustment disorders with predominant disturbance of conduct
心境和品行混合性障礙為主的適應(yīng)障礙 Adjustment disorders with mixed disturbance of emotionsand conduct
其他或待分類的應(yīng)激相關(guān)障礙 Other or unspecified stress-related disorders
與文化相關(guān)的精神障礙 Mental disorders related to culture
氣功所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to qigong
巫術(shù)所致精神障礙 Mental disorders due to qitchcraft
恐縮癥 Koro
其他或待分類的與文化相關(guān)的精神障礙 Other or unspecified mental disorders related to culture
神經(jīng)癥 Neurosis
恐懼癥(恐怖癥) Phobia
場(chǎng)所恐懼癥 Agoraphobia
社交恐懼癥(社交焦慮癥) Social phobia
特定的恐懼癥 Specific phobias
焦慮癥 Anxiety disorder
驚恐障礙 Panic disorder
廣泛性焦慮 Generalized anxiety disorder
強(qiáng)迫癥 Obsession
軀體形式障礙 Somatoform disorders
軀體化障礙 Somatization disorder
未分化軀體形式障礙 Undifferentiated somatoform disorders
疑病癥 Hypochondriasis
軀體形式植物神經(jīng)紊亂 Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
心血管系統(tǒng)功能紊亂 Heart and cardiovascular system dysfunction
高位胃腸道功能紊亂 Upper gastrointestinal tract dysfunction
低位胃腸道功能紊亂 Lower gastrointestinal tract dysfunction
呼吸系統(tǒng)功能紊亂 Respiratory sstem dysfunction
泌尿生殖系統(tǒng)功能紊亂 Genitourinary system dysfunction
持續(xù)性軀體形式疼痛障礙 Persistent somatoform pain disorder
其他或待分類軀體形式障礙 Other or unspecified somatoform disorders
神經(jīng)衰弱 Neurasthenia [F48.0]
其他或待分類的神經(jīng)癥 Other or unspecified neruosis
心理因素相關(guān)生理障礙 Physiological disorders related to psychological factords
進(jìn)食障礙 Eating disorders
神經(jīng)性厭食 Anorexia nervosa
神經(jīng)性貪食 Bulimia nervosa
神經(jīng)性嘔吐 Psychogenia nervosa
其他或待分類非器質(zhì)性進(jìn)食障礙 Other or unspecified nonorganic eating disorder
非器質(zhì)性睡眠障礙 Nonorganic sleep disorders
失眠癥 Insomnia
嗜睡癥 Hypersomnia
睡眠—覺(jué)醒節(jié)律障礙 Disorder of the sleep-wake schedule
睡行癥 Sleepwalking/somnambulism
夜驚 Night terrors
夢(mèng)魘 Nightmares
其他或待分類非器質(zhì)性睡眠障礙 Other or unspecified nonorganic sleep disorders
非器質(zhì)性性功能障礙 Nonorganic sexual dysfunction
性欲減退 Lack or loss of sexual desire
陽(yáng)痿 Impotence
冷陰 Failure of femalegenital response
性樂(lè)高潮障礙 Orgasmic dysfunction
早泄 Premature ejaculation
陰道痙攣 Vaginismus
性交疼痛 Dyspareunia
其他或待分類性功能障礙 Other or unspecified sexual dysfunction
人格障礙、習(xí)慣和沖動(dòng)控制障礙、性心理障礙 Personality disorders, Habit and impulse disorders, Psychosexual disorders
人格障礙 Personality disorders
偏執(zhí)性人格障礙 Paranoid personality disorder
分裂樣人格障礙 Cchizoid personality disorder
反社會(huì)性人格障礙 Dissocial personality disorder
沖動(dòng)性人格障礙(攻擊性人格障礙) Impulsive personality disorder
表演性(癔癥性)人格障礙 Histrionic (hysterical )personality disorder
強(qiáng)迫性人格障礙 Anankastic personality disorder
焦慮性人格障礙 Anxious personality disorder
依賴性人格障礙 Dependent personality disorder
其他或待分類的人格障礙 Other or unspecified personality disorder
習(xí)慣與沖動(dòng)控制障礙 Habit and impulse disorders
病理性賭博 Pathological gambling
病理性縱火 Pathological fire-setting
病理性偷竊 Pathological stealing
拔毛癥(病理性拔毛發(fā)) Trichotillomania
其他或未特定的習(xí)慣和沖動(dòng)障礙 Other or unspecified habit snd impulse disorders
性心理障礙(性變態(tài)) Psychosexual disorders
性身份障礙 Gerder identity disorders
易性癥 Transsexualism
其他或待分類的性身份障礙 Other or unspecified gender identity disorders
性偏好障礙 Disorders of sexual preference
戀物癥 Fetishism
異裝癥 Fetishistic transvestism
露陰癥 Exhibitionism
窺陰癥 Voyeurism
磨擦癥 Frotteurism
性施虐與性受虐癥 Sadomasochism
混合型性偏好障礙 Mixed disorders of sexual perference
其他或待分類的性偏好障礙 Other or unspecified disorders of sexual preference
性指向障礙 Sexual orientation disorders
同性戀 Homosexuality
雙性戀 Bisexuality
其他或待分類的性指向障礙 Other or unspecified sexual indirection disorders
精神發(fā)育遲滯 Mental retardation
輕度精神發(fā)育遲滯 Mild mental retardation
中度精神發(fā)育遲滯 Moderate mental retardation
重度精神發(fā)育遲滯 Severe mental retardation
極重度精神發(fā)育遲滯 Profound mental retardation
其他或待分類的精神發(fā)育遲滯 Other or unspecified mental retardation
無(wú)或輕微的行為障礙 No or minimal impairment of behaviour
顯著的行為障礙,需要加以關(guān)注或治療 Significant impairment of behaviour requiring attention or treatment
其他或待分類的行為障礙 Other or unspecifide behavioural impaiment
言語(yǔ)和語(yǔ)言發(fā)育障礙 Developmental disorders of speech and language
特定言語(yǔ)構(gòu)音障礙 Specific speech articulation disorder
表達(dá)性語(yǔ)言障礙 Expressive language disorder
感受性語(yǔ)言障礙 Receptive language disorder
伴發(fā)癲癇的獲得性失語(yǔ)(Landau-Kleffner綜合征) Acquired aphasia with epilepsy(Landau-Kleffner syndrome)
其他或待分類的言語(yǔ)和語(yǔ)言發(fā)育障礙 Other or unspecified developmental disorders of speech and language
特定學(xué)校技能發(fā)育障礙 Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills
特定閱讀障礙 Specific reading disorder
特定拼寫(xiě)障礙 Specific spelling disorder
特定計(jì)算技能障礙 Specific disorder of arithmetical skills
混合性學(xué)習(xí)技能障礙 Mixed disorder of scholastic skills
其他或待分類的特定學(xué)習(xí)技能發(fā)育障礙 Other or unspecified developmental disorders of scholastic skills
特定運(yùn)動(dòng)技能發(fā)育障礙 Specific developmental disorder of motor skills
混合性特定發(fā)育障礙 Mixed specified developmental disorders
廣泛性發(fā)育障礙 Pervasive developmental disorders
兒童孤獨(dú)癥 Childhood autism
不典型孤獨(dú)癥 Atypical autism
綜合征 RettRett is syndrome
童年瓦解性精神障礙(Heller綜合征) Childhood disintegrative disorder(Heller is syndrome )
綜合征 AspergerAsperger is syndrome
其他或待分類的廣泛性發(fā)育障礙 Ogher or unspecified pervasive developmental disorders
童年和少年期的多動(dòng)障礙、品行障礙和情緒障礙 Hyperkinetic, Conduct, and Emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood a
多動(dòng)障礙 Hyperkinetic disorders
注意缺陷與多動(dòng)障礙(兒童多動(dòng)癥) Attention dificit and hyperactivity disorder
多動(dòng)癥合并品行障礙 Hyperkinetic conduct disorder
其他或待分類的多動(dòng)障礙 Other or unspecified hyperkinetic disorders
品行障礙 Conduct disorders [F91]
反社會(huì)性品行障礙 dissocial conduct disorder
對(duì)立違抗性障礙 Oppositional defiant disorder
其他或待分類的品行障礙 Other or unspecified conduct disorders
品行與情緒混合障礙 Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions
特發(fā)于童年的情緒障礙 Emotional disorders with onset specifie to childhood
兒童分離性焦慮癥 Separation anxiety disorder of childhood
兒童恐懼癥(兒童恐怖癥) Phobic anxiety disorder of childhood
兒童社交恐懼癥 Social anxiety disorder of childhood
其他或侍分類的童年情緒障礙 Other or unspecified childhood emotional disorders
兒童廣泛焦慮癥 General anxiety with onset specific to childhood
兒童社會(huì)功能障礙 Disorders of social functioing wigh onset specific to childhood and adolescence
選擇性緘默癥 Elective autism
兒童反應(yīng)性依戀障礙 Reactive attachment disorde of childhood
其他或待分類的兒童社會(huì)功能障礙 Other or unspecified cildhood disorders of social functioning
抽動(dòng)障礙 Tic disorders
短暫性抽動(dòng)障礙(抽動(dòng)癥) Transient tic disorder
慢性運(yùn)動(dòng)或發(fā)聲抽動(dòng)障礙 Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
發(fā)聲與多種運(yùn)動(dòng)聯(lián)合抽動(dòng)障礙,Tourette綜合征 Toruette s syndrome
其他或待分類的抽動(dòng)障礙 Other or unspecified tic disorders
其他童年和少年期行為障礙 Other behavioral disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
非器質(zhì)性遺尿癥 Nonorganic enuresis
非器質(zhì)性遺糞癥 Nonorganic encopresis
嬰幼兒和童年喂食障礙 Feeding disorder of infancy and childhood
嬰幼兒和童年異食障礙 Pica of infancy and childhood
刻板性運(yùn)動(dòng)障礙 Stereotyped movement disorders
口吃 Stuttering
其他或待分類的童年和少年期精神障礙 Other or unspecifide mental disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
其他精神障礙和心理衛(wèi)生情況 Other mental disorders and psychological health conditions
待分類的精神病性障礙 Unspecifide nonpsychotic disorder
待分類的非精神病性精神障礙 Unspecifide nonpsychotic disorder
其他心理衛(wèi)生情況 Other psychological nonpsychotic disorder
無(wú)精神病 Without psychosis
詐病 Malingering
自殺 Suicie
自殺死亡 Complete suicide
自殺未遂 Incomplete suicide
準(zhǔn)自殺 Parasuicide
自傷 Deliberate sdle-harm
病理性激情 Pathological emotional outbursts
病理性半醒狀態(tài) Pathological semi-awakening state
其他或待分類的心理衛(wèi)生情況 Other or unspecified mental health conditions
待分類的其他精神障礙 Other mental disorders, unspecified

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