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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2015/06/02 00:00:00  來(lái)源:www.networknovel.com  作者:www.networknovel.com  瀏覽次數(shù):6702  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】
序號(hào) 中文 英文 備注
1 內(nèi)科系統(tǒng) Medicine Systems
2 外科系統(tǒng) Surgery Systems
3 醫(yī)技科室 Medical Laboratory
4 血液病科 Hematology Department
5 普外 General Surgery
6 臨床檢驗(yàn) Clinical Laboratory
7 輸血科 Blood Bank
8 內(nèi)分泌科 Endocrinology Department
9 胸外科 Thoracic surgery
10 病理科 Pathology Deparment
11 腦電圖室 ECG Laboratory
12 消化內(nèi)科 Digestive System Department
13 心外科 Cardial Surgery
14 傳統(tǒng)放射科 Traditional Radiology Department
15 肺功能室 Lung Function Laboratory
16 心血管內(nèi)科 Vasculocardiology Deparment
17 泌尿外科 Urology Surgery
18 MR室 MR Laboratory
19 胃鏡室 Dndoscope Laboratory
20 神經(jīng)內(nèi)科 Neurology Department
21 腫瘤外科 Oncological Surgery
22 SCT室 SCT Laboratory
23 人工腎室 Hemodialyses Room
24 介入科 Invasive Technology Department
25 神經(jīng)外科 Neurological Surgery
26 超聲診斷科 UItrasonic Diagnosis Deparment
27 DSA室 DSA Room
28 呼吸科 Pneumology Department
29 骨科 Orthopedics Department
30 超聲多譜勒室 UItrasonic Doppler Laboratory
31 血液凈化室 Laminar Airflow (LAF) Room
32 腎內(nèi)科 Urology Department
33 小兒外科 Pediatric Surgery
34 核醫(yī)學(xué)科 Isotopic Laboratory
35 高壓氧倉(cāng)室 Hyperbaric Chamber
36 小兒科 Pediatrics Department
37 整形科 Plastic Surgery
38 ECT 室 ECT Laboratory
39 院內(nèi)感染監(jiān)控室 Nosocomial Infection Monitory
40 中醫(yī)科 Traditional Chinese Medicine Department
41 燒傷科 Department of Burn
42 供應(yīng)室 Supply House
43 血液成份分離室 Cytopheresis Laboratory
44 高干病房 Senior Officials inpatient Ward
45 婦產(chǎn)科 Obstetric and Gynecologic Department
46 營(yíng)養(yǎng)室 Nutrition House
47 體外反搏室 Counter Extropulsative Room
48 華僑病房 Overseas Chinese Ward
49 口腔科 Stomatological Department
50 康復(fù)科 Rehabilitation Department
51 保健科 Medical Care Department for personnel
52 眼科 Ophthalmologic Department
53 針灸科 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Deparment
54 耳鼻喉科 Otorhinolaryngologic Department
55 理療科 Physiotherapy Deparment
56 痔瘡科 Hemorrhoids Deparment
57 按摩科 Massage Department
58 皮膚科 Dermatology Department
59 麻醉科 Anesthesia Department
60 內(nèi)分泌疾病 Endocrinology
61 心內(nèi)科 Cardiology
62 兒科心理學(xué) Pediatric Psychology
63 燒傷科 Department of Burn
序號(hào) 項(xiàng)目 中文 英文 備注
1 檢驗(yàn)設(shè)備 洗板機(jī) plate washer
2 生化分析儀 bio-chemistry analyzer
3 血?dú)夥治鰞x blood gas analyzer
4 血細(xì)胞計(jì)數(shù)儀 hemotology analyzer
5 酶標(biāo)分析儀 ELISA analyzer
6 冰箱、冷柜 Refrigerator
7 顯微摬 Microscrope (Kinds)
8 手術(shù)室 監(jiān)護(hù)儀 patient monitor
9 除顫器 Defibrillator
10 呼吸機(jī) Ventilator
11 麻醉機(jī) Anesthesia machine
12 電刀 Electrotome
13 手術(shù)床 operation table
14 吊塔、無(wú)影燈 Pendant. Shadow-free lamp
15 監(jiān)護(hù)設(shè)備 心電圖機(jī) ECG
16 運(yùn)動(dòng)心電圖 movement EKG
17 24小時(shí)動(dòng)態(tài)心電分析儀(Holter) Holtor
18 腦電圖 EEG; electroencephalogram
19 肺功能分析儀 Respiration function analyzor
20 婦產(chǎn)設(shè)備 胎兒監(jiān)護(hù)儀 Featal monitor
21 產(chǎn)程監(jiān)護(hù)儀 Labor process monitor
22 嬰兒暖箱 Baby incubator
23 影像設(shè)備 超聲波診斷儀 B Ultrasound disgnosis system (Color, B/W)
24 螺旋CT Spiral CT
25 磁共振 MRI
26 床頭X光機(jī) bedside X-ray
27 激光照相機(jī) Laser camera
28 X光機(jī) X-ray machine
29 C臂X線機(jī) C-arm X-ray machine
30 胃腸X光機(jī) G-I X-ray machine
31 血管造影X光機(jī) Digital cardiovascular Radiology machine
32 消毒類 Disinfection system
33 口腔類 Dental instrument system
34 內(nèi)鏡類 Endoscope system
35 眼科設(shè)備 ophthalmography instrument
36 腫瘤放療設(shè)備 Cancer radiotherapy instruments
37 核醫(yī)學(xué)科設(shè)備 nuclear medicine instruments
38 病理科設(shè)備 Pathology instruments
序號(hào) 疾病 英文 備注
1 艾滋病 AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
2 瘧疾 malaria
3 肺結(jié)核 pulmonary tuberculosis
4 霍亂 cholera
5 禽流感 bird flu
6 發(fā)燒 fever
7 感冒 catch acold/ head cold
8 頭痛 headache
9 心絞痛 angina pectoris
10 胃病 sickness at the stomach
11 急性上呼吸道感染 actue upper respiratory infections
12 腸蟲(chóng)病 helminthiasis
13 痢疾 dysentery
14 急性下呼吸道感染 actue lower respiratory infections
15 皮膚病 skin disease
16 貧血 anemia
17 中耳炎 otitis
18 風(fēng)濕性關(guān)節(jié)痛 theumatic arthralgia
19 骨折 fracture
20 破傷風(fēng) tetanus
21 脊髓灰質(zhì)炎 polio
22 腦膜炎 meningitis
23 癌癥 cancer
24 tumor
25 冠心病 coronary heart disease
26 心肌炎 myocarditis
27 癲癇 epilepsy
序號(hào) 中文 英文 備注
1 基礎(chǔ)外科手術(shù)器械 basic surgical operation instruments
2 顯微外科手術(shù)器械 microsurgical operation instruments
3 神經(jīng)外科手術(shù)器械 neurosurgical operation instruments
4 眼科手術(shù)器械 ophthalmic surgical operation instruments
5 耳鼻喉科手術(shù)器械 ENT surgical instruments
6 口腔科手術(shù)器械 stomatological surgical operation instruments
7 胸腔心血管外科手術(shù)器械 thoracic cavity cardiovascular surgical operation instruments
8 腹部外科手術(shù)器械 abdominal surgical operation instruments
9 泌尿肛腸外科手術(shù)器械 urology anorectal surgical operation instruments
10 矯形外科(骨科)手術(shù)器械 orthopedic surgical operation instruments
11 婦產(chǎn)科用手術(shù)器械 obstetric and gynecologic surgical operation instruments
12 計(jì)劃生育手術(shù)器械 family plan operation instruments
13 注射穿刺器械 injection and puncture instruments
14 燒傷(整形)科手術(shù)器械 burn & plastic surgical operation instruments
15 普通診察器械 general examination \diagnosis instruments
16 醫(yī)用電子儀器設(shè)備 electronic medical devices and instruments
17 醫(yī)用光學(xué)器具、儀器及內(nèi)窺鏡設(shè)備 medical optical devices\instruments and endoscopic devices
18 醫(yī)用超聲儀器及有關(guān)設(shè)備 medical ultrasound devices and attached devices
19 醫(yī)用激光儀器設(shè)備 medical laser devices and instuments
20 醫(yī)用高頻儀器設(shè)備 medical high frequency devices and instruments
21 物理治療及康復(fù)設(shè)備 physical therapy and rehabilitation devices
22 中醫(yī)器械 Chinese traditional devcies and instruments
23 醫(yī)用磁共振設(shè)備 medical magnetic resonance devices
24 醫(yī)用X射線設(shè)備 medical X-ray devices
25 醫(yī)用X射線附屬設(shè)備及部件 medical X-ray ancillary devices and accessory
26 醫(yī)用高能射線設(shè)備 medical HER (high energy ray) device s
27 醫(yī)用核素設(shè)備 medical nuclide devices
28 醫(yī)用射線防護(hù)用品、裝置 medical radiation protective appliance and materials
29 臨床檢驗(yàn)分析儀器 clinical laboratory & analyzing instruments and devices
30 醫(yī)用化驗(yàn)和基礎(chǔ)設(shè)備器具 medical laboratory and basic devices and instruments
31 體外循環(huán)及血液處理設(shè)備 cardiopulmonary bypass and blood processing devices
32 植入材料和人工器官 implant materials and artifical organs
33 手術(shù)室、急救室、診療室設(shè)備及器具 operation room\ emergency room\ consulting room instruments and devices
34 口腔科設(shè)備及器具 devices and instruments for stomatology 
35 病房護(hù)理設(shè)備及器具 hospital wards care device and instruments
36 消毒和滅菌設(shè)備及器具 disinfection and sterilization equipment and instruments
37 醫(yī)用冷療、低溫、冷藏設(shè)備及器具 medical cold therapy\ low temperature \refrigeration  device and instruments
38 口腔科材料 stomatology materials
39 醫(yī)用衛(wèi)生材料及敷料 medial heath materials and dressing
40 醫(yī)用縫合材料及粘合劑 medical suture materials and adhesive
41 醫(yī)用高分子材料及制品 medical polymeric materials and angents
42 軟件 software

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