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發(fā)表時間:2023/11/02 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):439  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】


a drop in the ocean 滄海一粟within a stone’s throw 一箭之遙kill two birds with one stone 一箭雙雕


at sixes and sevens 亂七八糟on second thoughts 再三考慮by ones and twos 兩兩地,零零落落地Two heads are better than one 三個臭皮匠勝過諸葛亮Can you come down a little?你能便宜一點賣嗎Sorry, it’s one price for all 對不起,不二價。


One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 人各有所好。I love you three score and ten. 我會一輩子愛你的。Ten to one he has forgotten it. 很可能他已經(jīng)忘了。His mark in math is second to none in the class. 他的數(shù)學分數(shù)在班上是名列前茅的。She is a second Lei Feng. 她是雷鋒式的人物。


英漢中都有使用概數(shù)來表示不確定的范圍或概念的語言現(xiàn)象。例如漢語中的幾個、十來個、若干、大約、大概、左右、不到、多于、少于等概念,在英語中都能找到與之對等的詞。 表示“大約”“不確定”的翻譯策略在英語中,一般常使用about, some, around, round,nearly,towards,somewhere about, estimated, approximately, in/of/on the border of, close to等詞修飾數(shù)字,表示“不確定”、“大約”、“上下”、“將近”、“幾乎”等。

It is nearly (or towards) 4 o’clock.

--現(xiàn)在已是將近4點了。The price of this new machine is in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars.

--這臺新機器的價格約1,000美元。According to the weatherman, the temperature will be up 5℃ or so.


表示“高于”“多于”的翻譯方法英語常用more than, odd, over, above, long, past, or more, upwards of , higher than, exceed, in excess of 等詞修飾數(shù)字,表示“超過”、“以上”、“有余”、“高于”、“多于”等。

The weight of this child is said to be over one hundred pounds.

--據(jù)說,這個孩子的體重有100多磅。It took me more than two hours to finish the homework.


表示“少于”“差一些”“不到”等的翻譯方法英語常用less, less than, below, no more than, under, short of, off, to, within, as few as 等詞修飾數(shù)字,表示“少于”、“不到”、“以下”等。

The price of that tricycle is less than one hundred and eighty-five francs.


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